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Atlas Van Lines

Atlas Van Lines reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Atlas Van Lines from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Atlas Van Lines – 1.8 (calculated based on 45 reviews).

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Atlas Van Lines

   45 reviews

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  • Company: Atlas Van Lines
  • Location: 1212 St. George Road, Evansville IN, 47711
  • Website: www.atlasvanlines.com
  • Email: marketing@atlasworldgroup.com
  • Phones: (812) 424-2222||(800) 638-9797

45 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Do not use Atlas van lines

    Company is extremely unorganized. They took over a month to get back to us on a date of when our stuff could be moved out of their storage in BC to Ontario. We ended up moving into our new home and being without furniture and our belongings for 3 weeks. When the mover finally did arrive , he had no crew assigned to help so some random people were contacted that did not even work for atlas and moved our furniture. Our huge sectional couch got completely smashed and the wood frame in it busted, patio table completely smashed that didnt even make it here, broken bookshelf, solid wood legs smashed off a coffee table. Alot of things badly scratched and dented. Dont use this company they are an absolute joke. While they may come across as ptofessional they are the complete opposite. You would have better luck with a small local owned company.

  2. Don't use Atlas!

    The crew and drivers who handled the packing, loading, and unloading were great. While friendly, the contact at Atlas was incompetent. Throughout the process she provided inaccurate, incomplete, or incorrect information--this included a low weight estimate (resulting in a higher than expected cost), surprise need for crating on day of move (resulting in a higher than expected cost), incorrect updates on delivery day, short noticed cancellation for delivery, etc. When I tried to discuss this with Atlas management, the contact was unable to hear my concerns and was rude (cursed at me), dismissive, and uninterested in truly resolving the situation. This was my third time using Atlas, and unfortunately, it will be my last--the first two jobs were great, but clearly they've experienced a decline in quality of service. I would strongly recommend finding a moving company other than Atlas.

  3. First Move was Great. Second one Sucked.

    We moved from VA to AL about 4 years ago. Both crews were great and we had minimal damage and missing items.


    This time around sucked. The crew that packed us up was good, though we found a LOT of items didn't have stickers and properly inventoried. The crew and driver that delivered was the worst. I don't think it's entirely their fault. I think our coordinator dropped the ball.


    We put in a request with our coordinator for a shuttle and have the big truck parked elsewhere due to the small (we live in old town area) road we live on where people park on the street. We were told they'd show up between 9-11am.


    The morning of we run out early to run some essential errands and get back to the house around 8am. The crew was already there and the HUGE truck is in the middle of the street. Ok. So they showed up early? Talking to the driver he didn't get ANY of the notes about a shuttle and his schedule had it arriving at 8am.


    Instead of going and getting a shuttle he asked us to move our cars so he could pull closer to our house (still on the street)... um, to where? In our neighborhood the space in front of your house is YOUR parking space and it's deemed VERY rude to park there. It's akin to pulling into your subdivision driveway and then going into your own house.


    So he insisted on keeping his truck there which I was furious about. The Fed Ex and UPS trucks would drive down our street and then have to back the ENTIRE way back down the street once they realized the road was totally blocked. My neighbors had to drive through their grass to get to their driveways because the truck was so long it was blocking my neighbors driveway access.


    Then the driver wasn't familiar with his team. Clearly they hadn't worked together before and he was a bit rude to them. I also didn't appreciate that. This driver Franklin, or "Frank" didn't respond with a professional attitude.


    As the team got into the groove of unloading our stuff he suddenly started being really nice, offering us water, complimenting our furniture, making small talk. As if he suddenly remembered we could complain about him or something???


    We noticed (and this may not be the fault of this particular crew because I'm sure our boxes went through many hands as it was stored in VERY EXPENSIVE ($1500+)/month long term storage... but some of the boxes looked beat to hell. We had a lot of our storage items (holiday decor, etc) in rubbermaid bins and several has huge dents in the boxed (so they damaged our property -the boxes- and likely whatever is inside of them.


    The two crew members that were hired for this job (and unfamiliar with the driver) we not fluent English speakers. Normally I don’t mind as long as it doesn’t interfere with the job at hand. My husband was in charge of checking off inventory and one of the young men couldn’t read the numbers off on the boxes, “059, 456, etc.). So I basically had to do that part of his job for him. And then the other young man would take boxes way into the house and then try to yell the numbers back to my husband who was outside. He didn’t care if someone else was standing there reading off numbers to him. He didn’t check to make sure my husband heard him. At one point it was just a free-for-all of people walking by saying random numbers all at the same time. It was the most unorganized spectacle I’ve seen from movers. Normally these teams and guys have a system and it WORKS. This team clearly didn’t have that and the result is that it made our move-in day every stressful. They also put boxes wherever they wanted after I’d already given direction. Stuff that was supposed to go in the living room ended up in our back yard. I kid you not. They also decided to put alllll of the basement boxes in the ONE corner where our cat’s letterbox was located and we (nor the cats) can’t get to it now.


    We will most definitely be complaining to our coordinator about not relaying the information to the driver about the shuttle and also for giving us the wrong arrival time. We like to be on time or early for our appointments and it was VERY stressful to be caught off guard like that. We had pets to get situated, we still had to move a few things in the house to make room for them, etc. It was just an awful day


    We’ve had such good experiences with Atlas in the past we were stunned at how poorly this most recent move-in went.


    I wish I could do ZERO stars. Picked up items on JUne 8 in Arizona - did not deliver until July 5 in florida. Originally wanted to deliver on a Saturday June 12 - reiterated to them that Condo did not allow deliveries on weekends. The driver then asked if 14th or 15th would work. I said yes. Then found out from their arrogant and unhelpful office staff that because they were "busy" could not deliver until July 5th and I would have to pay for storage. They also refused to pay for hotel and accommodations due to their holding my goods hostage. Then when finally get bill they tried to invoice me for extra weight and non existent piano. Finally deducted piano but when they lowered weight charges went up. Also despite being scheduled for weeks on 5th - drivers were late because no one told them until that morning they had a delivery. Also damaged bed so that footboard cannot be attached, damaged desk and nightstand. Move was complete sh_tshow

  5. HORRIBLE company - don't use them!

    I wish I could do ZERO stars. This company is horrible. We moved from Austin to DC. We got everything on the truck on June 11. We were told that the latest date that we would get our things would be June 23. Well, I'm writing this on June 28 - and our things are STILL in a warehouse in Texas with NO plans of shipping it out.

    They've been uncommunicative, rude, and unaccommodating. In short, they lied to us, then stole from us, and then complained to us about the fact that there are no drivers IN THE ENTIRE STATE OF TEXAS. We regret using this garbage company SO MUCH. Don't do it - trust us.


  6. BEST!!

    After a different moving company completely fell through on the move, I called Trina Lokey at Atlas (Las Vegas location) literally a week prior to me needing to move (sold my house)And she was able to come through last minute! On a Saturday!! She got a dispatcher notified immediately and a quote ready to go. I got a quote from her initially when I was shopping for a moving company, and trying to "save" I went with one that was cheap. BAD MOVE. That cheaper conpany showed up totally unprepared, unprofessional, and wanted $7000 more to do the job!!!!! Luckily Trina saved my quote from months earlier, and jumped on it like we were loyal customers. LIFE SAVOR. And Atlas showed up right on time, were all so nice, and so professional. They wrapped up all of my furniture beautifully. They even wrapped my kayaks in moving blankets and tape!! They put our mattresses in boxes!! They took apart furniture and organized all pieces into a "parts box" that also held randoms we forgot. They took care of everything. It was such a relief I bought everyone lunch and had to give a tip!! Then Trina is kind enough to contact me later to see if the move went well. I WILL NEVER STRAY AGAIN. Thank you to all of the Atlas team for making such a stressful thing so easy and worry free. Your the best!

  7. Please do Not Use This Company! Predatory!

    PLEASE DO NOT USE ATLAS!! PLEASE!! Atlas is very nice and polite during the "sales" process. DO NOT BE FOOLED!! My rep, Daniel, kindly set up my appointment and encouraged me to video chat in order to get an "accurate" number for my total cubic feet. Even after I addressed concerns over him possibly under estimating, he said, "thats why we do this on video, I very good at what I do". What a bold face deception! Once the movers started packing, it was very clear that the "accurate" number is way off! We had to reserve another moving truck to finish packing our household goods. They also repeat many times during your initial meetings that they will beat or match any reputable moving company's estimate, THAT IS A FLAT LIE! They will never do that, and the reason they wont do that is because they charged 2x what another moving company would charge, with hope that their cubic foot estimate goes over so they can charge you more. Not only did I get this feeling on moving day, I also spoke to the movers who all agreed that Atlas practices this on every move. They said its Atlas way of making more money from the customer.

  8. Federal Employee Long Distance Move.

    We have recently moved from Ohio to New Mexico. Atlas was our moving company, and our move has turned out to be a total disaster.

    Federal employees are required to use whatever company holds the national contract—in our case that company was Atlas. As we have continued to unpack, we continue to discover box after box after box of broken items. We have furniture damaged or broken. We found power tools packed on top of rafts (we have children and love boating with them)… as you can imagine, saws and drills packed in a box that is using rafts and other floating devices as the “wrapping” for those power tools means that all the rafts are now ruined. We have pictures of boxes containing items from our children’s rooms documenting that expensive music boxes and collectibles were literally dumped into the boxes containing Lincoln Logs and other toys. Things were not individually wrapped—they were dumped into a box. A fair portion of the art our children created over the years—pottery and other special, irreplaceable keepsakes—busted and broken.

    The crating service damaged literally every item they crated. Speaking of crating, I requested that a beautiful Stanley Furniture Company mirrored-console-table be crated. I showed the Atlas representative during our move consultation why this piece needed to be crated. The day of packing, the movers decided the item did not need to be crated. It’s an expensive piece of furniture. Of course, Atlas broke it. To reconcile: Atlas wants to send a woodworker here to glue the piece back together. We have an entertainment center that the movers not only damaged in moving or storage (who knows at what stage they started breaking everything), but that their local representative on the unpacking end--screwed back together incorrectly. So, Atlas’s offer for this piece: they will paint or paint-marker over all the scratches and then they will seal the holes that should not be there with wood putty.

    We have a missing weed eater. We have a missing drill. We have missing outdoor furniture. We have a missing food processor and other kitchen items. What else is missing? I could write ten pages worth of things broken, damaged, or missing.

    Additionally, Atlas requires that you tell them within something like 24 hours if their movers damage the physical property of your residence. A large family move with children and pets is chaotic. It took us a week or so to notice the flooring damage and the chunk knocked out of our quartz countertop by the movers.

    Early on in our moving process, the Atlas representative who came to our home went through and told us everything that Atlas would not guarantee on the move. Basically, we were told to sell everything purchased from IKEA in garage sales. Later, her coordinator who worked out of a different office in a different state, told us they would have insured those items and that we, in fact, did not have to sell any of them. Too late. Already sold for a fraction of what we paid for them (bear in mind: we didn’t want to sell them to begin with!)!

    Then the contact person who was supposed to be our go-to contact person for this move, lost our phone number and email. We tried to reach her for a couple weeks and finally called our agency contact (who had to reach out to this Atlas contact on our behalf). It turns out the Atlas contact had lost our information. A government move happens on a strictly organized schedule. If this was a personal move with a moving company of my choice, I would have dropped Atlas at this point. However, in our capitalist society, our government works like a communist organization. I HAD NO CHOICE of movers. There wasn’t a selection of movers for us to choose from—we were assigned to Atlas. I had to keep moving forward with them because there was no other choice! Which begs the question: should this company keep their government contract?

    At this point in the moving process, I have entered the stage with Atlas where they basically do not want to pay for what they broke or damaged. They want to send a wood worker to faux paint and wood glue furniture, mirrors and art back together. Maybe that will work for a very few pieces, but that’s what Atlas is trying to do for all big-ticket items that they damaged. All totaled, our reasonable estimates to replace (or in some cases just repair) broken items are around $18,000-$25,000 (we have continued to find broken items in almost every single box since the original $18,000 submission). Atlas’s offer to compensate us is just under $4,000.

  9. Many Problems, During and After

    I used Atlas last year on a move from Massachusetts to Minnesota. They were nice people, and were one of the only companies to send an in-person estimator.

    So many problems:

    - poor estimate. Their truck was too big to drive through my town, let alone park on my street. They needed to get a smaller truck, load that, then shift my belongings into the semi. The same thing happened at the destination. Items were lost and/or damaged, and they want to charge me for the smaller truck and extra labor. None of this was included in the estimate, or mentioned to me at all.

    - didn’t move all my items, including boxes I pointed out to them.

    - damaged my apartment, causing me to lose my security deposit

    - overcharged me 40% (the amount in the review was the original estimate, they want 40% more)

    - would not discuss issues with me

    - would not reply to my emails

    - sent my account to Collections without informing me

    - Still would not communicate. I learned more about my case from the collection agent than from Atlas.

    - A year later, they continue to take action without my knowledge. I just learned they filed a damage claim on my behalf, without my knowledge or consent. While I told them there were damages, I did not give them a list or values.

    I have been trying to resolve things with Atlas directly. They do not answer my emails. I’d be happy to remove this review if they would negotiate with me in good faith.

  10. Lost and damaged items.

    I would have moved ourselves if I knew how horrible this company is. So many damaged items and lost items. Several thousand dollars of missed items unaccounted for.
    It is an absolute joke that this is what they do. We have moved ourselves several times without damaging our stuff. Stay clear of this company !

  11. Destroyed almost everything and misplaced valuables.

    Dinning table: Now wobbles.
    Chairs: 2 of 4 broken.
    Vacuum: cracked.
    Fridge: Not working.
    Mattress: rolled up coils, so now it doesn't work.
    Sectional couch: Lost 1 of 6 pieces, the remaining 5 pieces ALL have broken legs
    Boxes: Most are broken some are missing
    Dresser: Missing!\
    Valuable wall paintings from many countries: Missing.
    The worst part, I knew the weight of my goods; as a broker they hired another moving company who REFUSED to weigh my goods in front of me and inflated the weight to double. I was extorted to pay more. When they delivered, the truck was only 1/4 way full. I called local police who said that Atlas was an out of state company, so nothing could be done. Quote went from about $3,000 to $9,000 for a two bedroom 900 sq ft apartment!
    Atlas will happily sign on your contract and pretend that they care; once they have your money, they don't care. Quote from their customer service manager: "You signed a bill of lading with the shipper and now you have to deal with it" The problem is, I never hired the shipper, Atlas did!
    Buyer beware.

  12. Threw away our $4,000 mattress and broke our $400 vacuum.

    If I could give Atlas a ZERO I would. I never write negative reviews but this was a HORRIBLE experience. The movers we used through Atlas threw away our $4,000 mattress and broke our $400 vacuum. I filed a claim weeks ago and have not heard anything back. We are now likely going to have to go to court to resolve this. DO NOT USE ATLAS.

  13. Stolen Items.

    We had a Honda 3000 generator in our garage on the day of the packing. Upon deliver, or a few days after once we started unpacking we noticed our generator was not in the garage. Have filed claims and they are denying the claim because my son signed the paperwork for delivery. Atlas Van Lines and Prager Movers are responsible for the theft of our generator with a value of $3000.

  14. Atlas Van Lines - The worst mover I ever did business.

    Please hold off using this mover. I and family with 2 little kids are having extreme inconvenience due to significant delay for a move from US to Canada. Besides, they are not giving any updates on delays., drivers changing schedules. Not getting the required support from customer care .Since the beginning dates were changed multiple times and we are having extreme discomfort and financial loss due to this.

    We were initially told the delivery will be soon ad truck driver needs a place to deliver, so we signed a lease in Canada starting June 1st so that we have an apartment when the driver reaches Canada.
    But we are waiting for the past 17 days. We are paying rent for an apartment with no furniture, cookware and other stuff needed for daily life.
    We are paying 2500 dollars a month as a rental. We have lost half of it as we passed 17 days as the apartment is not livable.

  15. Bad moving experience.

    In October/November 2017 our experience with Atlas Van Lines was very disappointing. A year-plus of mail, email, and telephone interactions was frustrating and yielded negligible results. Atlas had a strong attitude of “we got your money, now we don’t care”.

    Atlas Van Lines:

    Failed to provide specified number of workers for packing and loading. The representative who quoted moving our household detailed the work and number of workers needed. However, fewer than the number of workers anticipated was on the job. Result was pack and load went well into the evenings on two days and we missed our going-away events. We even had to pay for food to be delivered so the workers to eat and the time job did not take even longer!

    Failed to provide properly functioning equipment resulting in personal property damage. The moving van provided was defective..interior lighting in the van did not work. Final loading occurred late in the evening. The last items were loaded haphazardly and not secured since there was no lighting. Lack of proper packing and loading resulted in destroyed and damaged items.

    Failed to provide specified number of workers for unloading. Atlas quoted there would be four workers to help the driver unload. However, only two workers were there. The result was unloading took two very long days..well into the evenings. Again, we paid for food delivery so workers would not take time off to find food.

    Failed to deliver in the contract time frame. Delivery was not completed until the day after the contracted delivery date. This resulted in our needing to reschedule several appointments.

    Failed to provide trained workers resulting in damaged goods and property. Of the two workers provided for unloading, for one it was their first day on the job and he had no knowledge or training of how to lift and move things. The other worker and the driver tried to coach this person but they had their jobs to do. Lack of training and supervision resulted in many incidences of dropped items and items being dragged across our hardwood flooring. The driver of the delivery van ran off the extra-wide concrete driveway several times resulting in rutting and damage to the lawn.

    Failed to compensate us for damage caused by improper packing and inadequate training. Atlas said their obligation was only for the standard allowance per pound for damage to personal property being moved. Our position is standard allowance assumes items are packed and loaded with usual, customary, and reasonable care and damage caused by improper packing and loading is negligence and not limited to standard allowances. This fell on deaf ears.

    Atlas Van Lines said they had no responsibility:
    1) for damage to property by their people, nor
    2) for expenses in providing food for workers, nor
    3) for inconvenience due to not meeting pack, load, and delivery timings.

    Atlas Van Lines’ Uncaring and Arrogant Response
    • For destruction and damage of goods due to improper packaging, improper loading, and negligence, Atlas’ compensation to us was less than one-quarter of the costs for replacements and repairs.
    • For damage to our new house, Atlas provided no compensation nor any apology or remorse.
    • For our out of pocket expenses of feeding workers, Atlas provided no compensation for our expenses.
    • For personal inconvenience and impact of Atlas taking much longer to do the work than quoted and for failing to deliver our household goods in the contracted time period, Atlas provided no compensation nor any apology or remorse.

    We have moved several times in the past but have used other carriers. This was our first experience with Atlas Van Lines. We decided to go with Atlas because of what we learned on social media…professionalism, timeliness, good workers, etc. Our experience does not match. For others looking to hire a moving company, we highly recommend investigating and going with a company other than Atlas Van Lines.

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