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California Moving Systems

California Moving Systems reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company California Moving Systems from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating California Moving Systems – 1 (calculated based on 4 reviews).

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California Moving Systems

   4 reviews

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  • Company: California Moving Systems
  • Location: 3801 Happy Lane, Sacramento CA, 95827
  • Website: californiamoving.com
  • Email: CaliforniaMovingSystems@gmail.com
  • Phones: (916) 362-1515||(800) 821-8788

4 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Avoid California Moving Systems

    I seriously suspect the ratings I see for California Moving Systems on various sites as my extremely poor customer service experience was not an anomaly. We used CMS to complete a move from California to Florida and we couldn't have received worst service. Packers on the origin side were inflexible and not properly coordinated, delivery was delayed a week once enroute, coordination between CMS, Altas and CMS's furniture crating company was non-existent, damage to the furniture and the new home was considerable, and just extremely BAD customer service from Michelle have made me take the time to warn others to avoid CMS at all cost.

    The biggest issue we had with CMS (Michelle) was that they didn't respond to resolve issues, and they outright lied. Our furniture was delivered in Florida two days before Christmas and coordination between the Atlas driver, CMS and CMS's crating company was needed to successfully complete the move. The driver unfortunately was eager to head home for the holidays, so the crated furniture was left in the garage. The crating company that CMS used , when they finally showed up, would not move the furniture into the house once it was uncrated because "that's the movers' job", and Michelle was totally incapable of resolving the issue. After all of CMS's contract workers left late at night the day before Christmas Eve, Michelle offered to contact two of the furniture lifters if we would pay $400 up front with the agreement that CMS would reimburse us after the holidays. BIG LIE! We were bounced back and forth between CMS and Atlas with both pointing the finger at the other. I filed a dispute with my credit card company, but because we didn't pay the additional $400 with the credit card, the dispute was denied.

    My advice to others is to look at the low rated reviews on Yelp and Google. If you're OK with the experience you see from the customers that rated CMS low, then by all means, use CMS as you'll likely experience something similar.

  2. Lost and broke many items, claim process horrible and unfair..Part 1.

    We were picked up on April 11, 2019. Today is January 16, 2020. This has been going on for a very long time. Be aware that they limit themselves to only a very small liability even if they break or lose your items. Less than $1 per estimated pound. I understood that going in that there was limited liability - but I also felt like when a company is just purely negligent and does a bad job that they'd rather compensate customers fairly than expose themselves to reviews like mine. I guess I was wrong - take my experience and learn from it, please, so you don't end up with a huge unreimbursed loss.

    I am only talking about purely LOST items here..they also damaged our $3000 2 month old leather sofa and love seat. The tractor trailer truck that delivered us had my little girl's mattress covered in black plastic and attached to the OUTSIDE of the trailer. It made the trip OUTSIDE because they ran out of room, a problem that should not have caused my child's mattress to travel outside over 1800 miles of roadway. There are not enough characters to tell about all the reasons we'd never select this company again, but the main focus of this review is to warn people not to expect them to stand by your goods if they are lost or damaged.

    Our delivery showed up without half a sectional sofa, the legs to our expensive electric bed, and several other items. I videoed all the things we moved and had exact information to share with the claims department about what was missing. I have been attempting to settle this since the delivery (mid June, 2019) and finally after all the poor communication, lack of timely response, rude/short responses from the claims person, etc., we were sent a claim release form with an offer of $256 or $265? (Less than $300!) for our losses. While that doesn't begin to cover the items they lost and broke, we just filled it out and got it notarized and attempted to return the form to the address they said to send it to. They refused the package I sent priority mail at the front desk and so now we start over trying to get them to respond..very disappointing. I just emailed again.

    Just as I am posting this review I got an immediate response to my email (first time ever) that I should EMAIL the release form, which I will immediately do. Part 2, another review later, will detail the timeliness they process it once received..

  3. California Moving Systems Breaking Rocks in half [Part 1, the move].

    [Note, this is a moving review and what happened. The second review will chronicle the claims process and that is a worthwhile read]

    Move transpired July 5th, 2018

    Moving is a tough job and this is why we may hire a company to help. The movers [I am guessing] are under management pressure to maximize profits which could mean, move fast and with minimal staff. The movers that came to my home are contracted and are NOT CMS employees. Also, the lead mover had a broken hand to accomplish the near impossible.

    The question. How do you handle a disaster that leaves you powerless, emotionally devastated and financially crippled knowing that you are complaining about a crew that left likely exhausted and perhaps a little injured? Where do you find within all of that fair and reasonable balance so you come across sane when you feel like you lost your mind!

    I am a CMS casualty and I spent over $32k for a move.

    Moving is personal - intimate. You are letting strangers into your life, your home and trusting them with your memories..with items you have worked a lifetime to afford and acquire. You are letting them touch things that your spouse and family have given over a lifetime. In my case, my mother died last year and many items left to me CMS destroyed. This hurts - broke my heart and I get to relive loss.

    CMS broke over 120 items. At that point, I just stopped counting and instead, tossed the memories and money into the trash. Some of the damage senseless such as a rock. Takes two to three guys to lift. They broke it. This shows the level of carelessness. Example, they broke one of the chairs that connects to a $17,000 couch. They broke the mechanicals within the chair. One could suggest great force and seemingly little regard.

    The moving company retained my financial information from a prior authorized charge and without my consent, charged $17k+ to my AMEX card at a later date. I received a text message with an apology and that the owner had retained my credit card information on file. I did not consent. But it is alleged that I had. There is no document that I signed and no verbal recording authorized. Why randomly charge my card without calling knowing it's AMEX and bill is due EOM.

    Destruction and Financial Hardship. Ouch!

    I am not saying "don't ever hire CMS" because this may be the very nature of moving companies..so you may be just stuck with the risks. But you can learn from my mistakes and do better than I.

    I learned from AMEX that you can put a block on a vendor that forbids them passing charges without your authorization. In my case, You can manually permit a one-time charge. Control the payment process because the costs are high! Don't assume and do not blindly trust. Maintain control over your finances - protect yourself from a company just holding on to your credit card information without your knowledge or they didn't make it clear, we will use your card info again. Ask questions, get clarity. GET IT IN WRITING and make sure they sign in ink.

    You may feel rushed as I did..OPEN EVERY SINGLE BOX before it enters your HOME. Prepare yourself for the frowns..but they also get a break too. Inspect for damage. If damaged, refuse the item. SEND IT BACK!

    CMS uses bar code labels. They told me, it does not damage wood. But it did. Every single piece of wood furniture was left with a glue residue stain. Some of it came off and some items are forever stained [see photo]

    I can't stress enough. Document and if possible, set up a security camera to document how rough the movers are handling your items. I know, annoying but if you are a victim, you will wish you had. NestCams are cheap. Just do it. Capture as much evidence as possible.

    Back to the bar codes. All the items are label with a bar code. Document the item and bar code. In my case, and this is my fault, I trusted the lead that I didn't need to go through the inventory list and verify. Don't do this. Take the time and painstakingly verify each and every item that it is there and not broken. Yes, this will take a lot of time. But you will be miserable after if you do not. They will leave and you are left pretty much helpless. In my case, missing items. Yep..gone with the wind.

    Oh.. and I also learned when filing a claim..you had better have a receipt for every item you claim. OH BOY DO NOT ASSUME YOU ARE COVERED! They are going to ask for evidence of purchase. So that painting or whatever gift your mom gave you. No receipt..bye bye - see ya! Such as my lamps. Missing shade. No receipt.. Sorry! You are screwed.

    And finally..READ READ READ the terms and conditions - front and back. The guys are selling you a service and you may find yourself feeling..oh, I can trust XYZ. Don't do this. Read the fine print. Because the honeymoon phase ends swiftly into a divorce. Don't assume trust.

    Trust is earned.

    [Note, this is a moving review and what happened. The second review will chronicle the claims process and that is a worthwhile read].

  4. A horific experience.

    My experience with California Moving Systems, 3801 Happy Lane, Sacramento, CA 95827 has been a nightmare. This companies actions, practices, and personnel could best be described as negligent, reckless, with the possibility of retaliatory behavior!! I will only highlight a few of the issues with this company.   After contacting Angies List and interviewing several movers I elected to employ California Moving Systems. I met with their sales representative Greg Raiper on 2/7/14, I explained to him my concerns regarding moving since I would have to put my belongings in storage for an extended period of time. I also raised concerns of my property being handled with care as I have Items that were expensive and fragile. I spent two hours with Greg who made a lot of promises and assured that my property was in good hands. I explained that communication was key for me and that I don’t do surprises well. He assured me he would be available by phone.

    On February 18th 2014, the truck and crew arrived which to load my household. Little did I know that this was going to be the start of a very costly nightmare. From the start I noticed that this crew had no clue on what the word “Fragile” meant. In the beginning of the inventory, the lead man or driver, who went by “T” had removed the table cloth from my formal dining table. He proceeded to inventory my property using this table as a work area; placing large heavy boxes on the table (made of soft wood) and sliding them across the surface.   A couple of hours into the move there was one mover who stood out from the rest…best described by the phrase “bull in a china closet” his name was Jason. I own a large Mitsubishi wide screen TV that was in pristine condition (that had been through two moves with no scratches or chips). I had expressed to Greg (moving consultant), and the crew the need to be careful not to chip the veneer off the TV. Needless to say my request went on deaf ears. I witnessed Jason and another mover manhandling it through the door resting the edge of the TV on the concrete while pushing it through the door, putting a large chip in the TV.   I called Greg to express my concerns on the way my property was being handled but no returned call. In fact Jason went on to damage several other items. When I expressed my concern about his actions, he raised his voice to me and started to argue with me. I asked him to leave the job site and he said he wasn’t going to go. I walked out to the truck and advised “T” the driver that I wanted Jason off my property and for him not to touch anymore of my property, or they would be putting the furniture back in the house and lose the contract. I went back into the house to supervise a large executive desk that had to be moved. An hour or so latter I walked outside to the front yard and to my dismay I found Jason in my garage handling my property after I had informed the supervisor that he was to leave my property….now I had a an issue of trespassing. I couldn’t believe how defiant this crew was. I was the customer and the homeowner and they had continued to ignore my wishes. I once again told the supervisor I did not want this person on my property….all together it took about three or more hours before the company picked him up. I called Greg four times to discuss these issues…..no one returned my call. I asked “T” why no one would return my call and I kept getting the stall tactic….Oh, he is supposed to stop by!!

    About 9 hours into the loading no one returned my call, and the movers were all standing around. I asked what was going on. I was informed that they couldn’t get all my stuff on the truck. I believe I was told it was a 55 foot trailer and they couldn’t get everything on it. The driver said he had to call his supervisor and get a second truck to come out.   After some time the supervisor drove up to see what was going on. His name was Robert. He walked right pass me and was at my home about an hour or so. Never once did he acknowledge me as the customer….in fact he spent most of the time belittling his crew and indirectly me with no acknowledgement. Oh, did I mention that California Moving Systems won a Superior Service Award on Angies List!!   Well, the second truck was loaded up and had left. I pulled my car in the garage and couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw my large seven foot aluminum scaffold sitting in my garage which was not loaded. I made my fifth call to Greg and this time he answered….I explained the situation and Robert came out again to pick it up and promised it would get to me. I decided to do another walk through of the house…sure enough I found the hardware to my bed laying scattered around on the floor!!   I drove to southern California the next morning February 19th 2014. While driving I called Greg to remind him to make sure that when truck arrived at its destination that all the supplies that were quoted and promised to me in the contract would be on the truck as not to create anymore distress with this move.

    On the evening of February 20th, 2014, I received a call from Greg the moving consultant who indicated to me that his weight calculation was off by nearly 4 tons and if I was willing to pay $2,200 extra. I said no!!  The contract was a guaranteed not to exceed the price quote given. I also confirmed with him that he received my call and that the additional packing materials were on the truck. Greg stated that they had a meeting about the events that occurred and that the supplies would be on the truck.   The following morning February 21st, I was surprised to see only one truck arriving at my parents’ house to unload a portion of my property. I asked what happened to the 2nd truck. I was told that California Moving System had unloaded the trucks in their yard and repacked the truck and in addition there was another load added which was going to a customer in Huntington Beach. So initially what took two trucks to load was now consolidated to approximately ¾ of a truck. Common sense would indicate that property being moved on and off trucks is not a good thing, plus I was lead to believe that this would not occur.

    The delivered Items at my parents’ house went fairly smooth, an inventory was done and most of the things designated to be dropped off at their residence had occurred. The rest of the items were to be delivered to a storage facility which would soon become another chapter in an ongoing nightmare.   The crew arrived at the Public Storage facility where I had secured two 10 x 30 units. I explained to the driver “T” that one unit was going to be for furniture only and the other for boxes and miscellaneous items.  The contract had indicated that I would inspect my property and that the furniture would be wrapped in paper pads, and the mattress box seams were to be sealed with tape (this did not happen). I asked the crew if they would like me to order pizza for them. They said that would be great. I explained that I had to put mothballs and rat poison down in the units and that I would go to the front office wash my hands and order the pizza.   When I returned to the unit the crew had ignored my requests of furniture only and had already ¼ the unit filled with my property. I did not get to inspect the items and no inventory was done. I asked why they were not wrapping my furniture with paper pads as stated in the contract. The driver stated that he did not have any supplies and did not have the contract with the instructions. I immediately called Greg to let him know what was happening. I was informed by Greg that he told them to put the supplies on the truck, however the driver denied it. To make things even worse the crew that was acquired from the Atlas facility in El Monte refused to wrap the furniture and threatened to leave. So now I had a small mutiny on my hands where the workers were going to leave. The driver decided to use blankets to cover my furniture and talked the crew into staying. One of the crew didn’t want to stay because he wanted to go to his son ball game.   My furniture was damaged; I witnessed the crew taking fragile items and stacking heavy items on top of them, flipping boxes labeled fragile end over end with no regard for my property. One of the mover took two 20 gallon pots that still had some dirt in it and turned it upside down spilling soil on the finish of a very nice executive desk. I was perplexed when my aquarium came off the truck with water in it after I had emptied and dried it out weeks before my move. Because of the chaos, close to 300 items had not been inventoried and I had no clue to where most my stuff was. On two occasions one of the crew (Nick) climb up and across my furniture to look for items that I needed access to. Later I discovered that he had broken one of the legs off an end table while doing this.   Several days latter I spoke with one of the owners Dave Higdon who acknowledge the nightmare and wanted to send a crew down to unpack the unit’s, inventory, and finish off the work. Mr. Higdon sent CJ down on March 11th 2014 with two additional helpers. CJ had with him several of my items that had gone to the Huntington Beach job and I ended up with a picture from another customer. Needless to say we were able to consolidate the furniture in one unit and do a complete inventory of my property. As suspected there was more damage to my personal belonging that I had originally noted.

    I appreciate that California Moving systems made an effort to try and fix things but as I review all that has happened the negative experience and stress that I have endured far exceeds the positive.   I am currently in the middle of trying to document the damages which at a glance may exceed the cost of moving. I am fearful that after all the issues that occurred with California Moving Systems, and this review, that the movers and insurance company will not compensate me appropriately for my time (weeks) and the damages to my property!! I will keep you posted!!    .

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