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England Van Lines

England Van Lines reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company England Van Lines from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating England Van Lines – 2.7 (calculated based on 7 reviews).

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England Van Lines

   7 reviews

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  • Company: England Van Lines
  • Location: 10866 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA, 94602
  • Website: www.englandvanlines.com
  • Email: info@englandvanlines.com
  • Phones: (888) 485-2201

7 Reviews: Add Review

  1. England Van Lines.

    I had an interstate move with England Van Lines. I was told that the amount quoted would not change. Once my possessions were on the truck the amount went up. I was told I would have my possessions within a week of arriving. They were finally delivered after a month. Two boxes were not delivered. When I told the delivery men that two were missing, one driver helped me look while the other looked for the missing numbers. The driver not helping me immediately found one of the missing numbers on a box. When I went to look at that box, the other driver immediately found the other number on another box. It wasn't until I unpacked that I discovered the boxes had two numbers on them. As well as the missing boxes a lot of my hand made pottery and pottery from other artists was broken. This pottery was packed in Sterlite boxes in layers of bubble wrap and was shattered as though dropped from a height. One of the boxes had a large shoe print across the top. Another box was so broken that it was falling apart. It still breaks my heart to know how careless these movers were.

  2. Update..still. do Not Use This Company.

    Please read previous review for initial story. After trying to negotiate with them and even pay some extra money they said they would not move us at all and that our deposit would be refunded immediately. I called them a month later to see where my deposite was and they said that since I cancelled the move they would keep the deposite. I advised them that they cancelled the move, since they changed the terms of the contract and tried to extort more money out of me. He said sorry but we will keep your deposite. Again..DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY.

  3. Surprised to see low ratings.

    I was appalled at seeing the low reviews here as my experience seems to be directly opposite to what others have experienced apparently.
    The moving guys showed up right on schedule, packed up everything with minimum hassle and delivered at the destination - again on time. I would recommend this service to anyone who wants a great moving experience!

  4. Do Note Use England Vans.

    This was the worst moving experience of my life. I have moved by myself into a 4 story walk-up in the middle of DC summer, fell down a slight of stairs and got a mild concussion.

    England Van lines are dishonest, thieves and extortionists who straight up lie to get a job, avoid any communication and then break all your stuff anyway.

    Here is the story of our move with England Van Lines:
    - 5/2016: rep comes to our home, sees all of our stuff, gives us what he says is "a price, not an estimate because we are a 5-star company and that's what we do". Guarantees our pick up date and drop off date within a 5 day window.
    - 6/20/16: get call saying they will actually be arriving 3 days before the agreed upon pick up date because that's the only time they can come.
    - 6/26/16: movers arrive. Suddenly decide that it will cost TWICE AS MUCH to move our stuff. Apparently were not informed we'd asked for packing as part of the move. Takes them SIX HOURS to load the van because the did not have enough people for the job.
    - 7/15/16: the day we were "guaranteed" our stuff would arrive. Have not heard from them at all. Call multiple times, send emails. No response.
    -7/17/16: after calling every 5 minutes for an hour someone answers the phone!! They have no idea when our stuff will be shipped. It is still in the warehouse. They inform us that they have 21 BUSINESS days despite the verbal contract we were given (of 5 day window) or the actual contract we signed which says nothing about business days
    -7/20/16: still have not heard anything. Call 10 times. Leave voicemails. Speak to someone in sales who promises, promises someone from dispatch will call us back. No call back.
    - 7/23/16: have still not heard anything from dispatch despite several calls and voicemails
    - 7/29/16: after 5 calls that day get ahold of someone in dispatch. No trucks will be heading north in the next week apparently. I ask what can we do to get out stuff here in the next week. "Oh you could expedite the shipping for $4,000 more dollars". This is clear extortion but we have no choice. You can only sleep on an air mattress of so long.
    -8/2/16: Truck arrives!! They give us about 4 hours warning, no the promised 24 but at least they come. Unfortunately it is full of broken things. Our mirror bent into two and shattered, TV stand scratched, dresser drawers off their hinges, etc. BTW the drivers mentioned they had made several other stops on the way north so clearly there was a truck that was heading our way but they waited until we would pay extra.

    Moral of the story: we ended up paying nearly 3 times as much as the initial estimator promised and it took 5 times as long to come as we were promised. And our stuff was damaged and few things missing at the end of it..


  5. Horrible.

    The experience of dealing with this company was not good. Lot's of hidden fees after we contracted them. The amount went up 40%. Totally mis-lead..

  6. The Best!

    England van lines is my first choice for any kind of moves. I have been using them as one of their regular customers and I never felt that I should go for another company because they never failed to deliver me the best possible move. Service and price wise they are the best. I am sure that this is one of the finest companies available to use. I am very lucky to know them and that is why I actually can take the risk to relocate because every time I hire them, I know that my things are in the safest hands. They are very affordable too. So, I would suggest everyone to try for at least once. I am sure if you try them once, you will become one of their regular customers like me.

  7. Best move I've ever experienced.

    I was pleasantly surprised at how to easy it was to move this time around and I can safely say it is almost entirely thanks to the wonderful job of the staff at England Van Lines. Everything was explained to me crystal clear from the beginning to the end of the move and all of my stuff was in the same condition when I arrived as it was when I left.
    Good to know there are still honest companies out there. .

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