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Family Moving & Storage

Family Moving & Storage reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Family Moving & Storage from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Family Moving & Storage – 2.4 (calculated based on 8 reviews).

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Family Moving & Storage

   8 reviews

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  • Company: Family Moving & Storage
  • Location: 2875 West Chandler Boulevard, Chandler AZ, 85224
  • Website: familymovingandstorage.com
  • Email:
  • Phones: (480) 753-3399

8 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Professional RiP Off Moving Company.

    If a NEGATIVE STAR rating was available they would have received NEGATIVE-5 stars!! The most unprofessional arrogrant and definitely DOES NOT KEEP SCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS AT ALL. This so called Professional Company was everything but professional. First off they were 3 hours last, never contacted me to tell me they had"so called truck issues"..BS. Then proceeded to tell me what they would and works not be able to move(Not to mention because of their TARDINESS , I wrapped furniture, I took apart furniture, I moved furniture to one room..what a waste of time. Then the so called"10 yr Employee" (Chris) was so arrogant and unprofessional he was at a loss if words and called his boss to defend him. Jeff was as rude as his employee..no wonder there are so many negative reviews. Never again will this Unprofessional company be referred. Just remember a companies best and worse form of advertisement is Word Of Mouth. HORRIBLE COMPANY.

  2. Very Disappointing.

    This was my second time using Family Moving and Storage. The first time I had no complaints. This time I moved on a Friday. The movers were snarky and rude. I had several loads of boxes come in completely upside down. Boxes labeled "Fragile" just dropped right in front of me and when I asked them to be careful I got "You should have seen the way you had them stacked, what I am doing is not anything worse than that." They had music playing on their phone in their pocket using horribly offensive language. A number of my large furniture items are completely roughed up. When I called to make a complete on the following Friday ( the agreement says within 10 days) The first thing Steve said to me was "We don't have people working here that would do anything like that". Then proceeded to say "I have a hard time understanding if you had an issue with your move why it took you a week to call me." When I tried to express to him about the music his "outstanding movers" had playing that I found offensive, he talked over me raising his voice telling me not to use that profanity with him. As I continued to try to share my frustration with him he continued to talk over me, yelling, and said that he "was not going to keep listening to me say the same thing over again and he was hanging up now."

    This is not the way to treat a customer. All he had to say was "wow that is not something I usually hear about our moving teams. Let me check into this and I will give you a call on Monday". But instead he came out the gate completely defensive and with an attitude towards me.

  3. I am only posting since I read the others.

    I recently moved with Family Moving roughly 3 weeks ago.  I am not one to typically write any review, but I was amazed at how different my experience was versus the other negative review.  Maybe I am a bit sensative since I was a mover in my highschool and early college years, but I wanted to set the record straigtht.  I was told up front the pricing, they charge an hourly rate, plus travel time.  Makes sense to me, I get that employees like to be paid for time worked so customers should too.  As for extra charges, I was told they charge extra for packing or odd shaped items.  Luckily for me I didn't have any safe to move today.  As for packing, I already did most of it myself.  My signature move is contractor bagging every peice of clothing I have.  The movers were kicking my but working, and getting things done. I was impressed with how well they did. 
    I think its funny how people will pay a single plumber 100 an hour no questions asked, but get 2 men and a truck plus all the other things going with it for less and they are mad?  My only advice to anyone hiring a company, if you think you are going to find a company moving for 49 an hour and be happy let me just tell you how it works as a former mover.  Each employee is at least 10 an hour, probobly more.  So that is roughly 20 to 30 an hour just for that.  The truck rental rate isn't 15 an hour.  So mathmatically it ain't going to happen.  Also I think I am simpethetic because I remember people thinking they can move a jam packed apartment from a 3rd floor in 2 hours because they only have $200 bucks to their name?  Good luck, a Uhaul and buddies costs more ( done that route too).
    Sorry to rant a bit, but my god I can't standing reading dumb people's reviews.  One says he was given $25 because a guy left a soda can in his garage?  And someone actually called and complained about a soda can in a garage next to other trash lol?  Did his 5 star review hinge on that sodagate being fixed?  Now I remember why I left that business 15 years ago.. .

  4. I am using them again!!

    As a single mom I so valued how professional, thorough and kind they were.  It was such a peace of mind to experience such great movers.  I have never had such an experience.  I am using them again and feel like a weight lifted off my shoulders.  Really odd to say about movers but..really appreciate their care and honesty!! From the wrapping job of my white dinner seats to the assembly of my cal king bed..wow perfectly and efficiently done.  Thank you so very much!! See ya soon.

  5. Moving Services.

    Not a lot to say but I was pleased with the service I got. My only complant is that the guys left there trash in my garage (bottles etc) I called and let the Steve know and he sent me a $25 gift certificate. Works for me since I did have a tone of trash to through out after the move. If you are more concerned about the move and the guys taking care of your household items than this is the company for you. The price was a little more than I thought. .

  6. Horrible service.

    BEWARE of this company! They are cheaters! They are so nice at first. Once they have loaded your stuff, they tell you we are not unloading until you make your payment now. And the payment they want, is twice what was agreed upon. They have a bunch of hidden charges. The biggest cheaters! they literally rob you in your own home.

  7. Deceptive, Lying and Disrespectful.

    I hired this companry to help me move to a different condo within the same complex; the distance between the two being less than 500 feet. When I spoke to the manager, Jeff, he quoted me 68 dollars/hr of moving and an additional 68 for the moving truck; I asked him if there were any other fees and he assured me that there were none. He even went on to bad-mouth other companies and their over-inflated charges and hidden fees, which he, again, assured me that there were none.
    Come moving day and our already stressful move quickly turned into a nightmare. Two movers came, who from the beginning were very rude, abrasive and intimidating. We are a household of women and they took complete advangage of the situation and bullied us quite heaveily. Instead of loading the heavy, difficult things first (like the sofas or a dinning room table, I.e. what they were hired for and what was specificially asked for), they took their liberty and sweet time loading the more managable boxes and nicknacks we had packed away. After three hours of getting nowhere and being direly concerened that we would go over-budget, we finally asked them to move the heavier objects, in order to save time. The 2 movers became irrated and out of spite began to move even slower. 4 hours passed and all that was moved were a couple of boxes, 2 sofas, a table and a small bedroom set.
    In between shuffleing their feet the 5 feet from their truck to our garage, they took breaks, personal calls and texted constantly; they also shared jokes and lude comments between themselves at our expense.
    When we contacted the manager, Jeff, about the situation, he was even ruder than his two employees. Things just got worse after this point. We called the police because they began to threaten us and made us feel very unsafe. They threatened our mother behind our back that if she didn't pay them that they would take our property on their truck. My mom was so scared that she signed the papers and gave them the money just so they would leave. They unloaded our stuff and charged us an extra 148 dollars for ""unpacking" and another 55 for "fuel surcharge", which were never agreed upon or brought up. They over charged us over 200 dollars beyond the agreed upon moving quote. It was only after we paid did we realize this oversight, but we were so scared and just wanted them to leave.
    Once we paid they took a picture of our house, which completely freaked us out. We've been on edge for the past 2 days.

  8. Cheaters.

    We had to move out of our house very quickly and thought that we were very lucky to find a mover that would be able to come the next day and put all of our things into storage.  Jeff came right out to see what all we had and to give us a quote.  Our house was already packed up in boxes so all they had to do was move the boxes and furniture.  We were told that it would be $125 an hour for four movers along with an additional $125 charge.  We agreed to that and they came the next morning to move us.  The guys that came to move us were very nice and very efficient.  It took them about 10 hours, which was actually 2 hours less then our quote was for.  We had to pay the driver once they were finished and that was when the problems started.  Suddenly there were a ton of extra charges that we were not informed about until they were almost done.  They added 2 hours to the time that it took them for traveling expenses and then charged us for mileage.  Suddenly the price was over $600 above what they told us it would be.  They were not forward with their fees and put both us and the driver in a very bad position when they added all their hidden charges.  We wouldn't have had a problem if they would have been upfront with what they were going to charge, but by hiding them and changing their quote at the end was horrible.  Don't trust these movers at all.  They are not honest and are cheats.

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