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Interstate Best Moving LLC

Interstate Best Moving LLC reviews from real customers

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Company average rating Interstate Best Moving LLC – 1 (calculated based on 2 reviews).

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Interstate Best Moving LLC

   2 reviews

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  • Company: Interstate Best Moving LLC
  • Location: 4640 Gravois Ave, Saint Louis MO, 63116
  • Website:
  • Email: jalisic579@sbcglobal.net
  • Phones: (314) 250-5621

2 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Horribleness j.

    This company is horrible. I made the stupid mistake of using a relocation broker for my recent move, and this is the company I ended up with as my movers. A full day before they were scheduled to arrive, they called and said they would be there in a couple of hours. So I had to quickly try to finish my packing and run to get a money order for them. The loading went okay. There were 3 guys and they did good work. However, they broke several FMCSA regulations, such as not providing me the FMCSA handbook - which lists customer and company rights and responsibilities, they did not give me an estimated delivery date, and they didn't tell me where they would store my things in the interim. These, by the way, are part of your federal rights as a paying customer.

    I heard absolutely nothing from them or the broker for weeks, so I started calling to try find out where my stuff was. Like everyone else, the phone number on their paperwork doesn't work, so I kept digging in the internet until I finally found an alternate number - it was a guy's personal cell number!

    Having finally established contact, I got the runaround for 2 months, never getting a confirmed delivery date. When I finally did my own research and found that they had violated at least 3 federal regulations, I reported them to the FMCSA. Only then did they finally begin to reveal information to me as to where my stuff was and when they might get it to me. I came to find out that my stuff had been sitting in my hometown for those past three months! My friends or family could've gone and got some of the important things I needed out of there and sent it to me. They also lied and told me that it was climate controlled storage; however, I called that storage facility and the owner confirmed that they have no climate controlled spaces.

    When the FMCSA finally got on their case, they finally, after 3 months, decided to deliver my stuff. When the truck showed up, there was only one guy there to unload my stuff, and he tried to pressure me into a scam where I would pay him $1000 under the table and he would talk to the owner to lower my price if I complained and refused to pay the full fee - so yes, my friends and I had to help him. Yet I still had to pay full price?!

    This "company" is an incompetent joke that should have their business license revoked. They lie, break federal regulations, and provide shoddy service. I have reported them - and the stupid brokers who contracted them - with the FMCSA. I doubt anything will come of it because we all know that corporations are more important than private citizens in America these days. But maybe if nobody uses them, they'll go out of business and it would be one small step toward making the country a bit better.

  2. Move Debacle.

    What a mistake this company is! We didn't hire them directly, but went through a broker. We were moving from Florida to Minnesota and asked for a pick up day of Wed - Fri. The broker then contacted this company, and on Wed we received a call from the company saying they would be in on Thur, but the cost was double the original estimate and to pay the driver in cash. At that point we had no choice but to give in. They were told card only, and then only to the broker.  Thur we got a call saying they couldn't make it until Sat. We reluctantly agreed because it was Senior Housing and they don't normally allow weekend moves. We hadn't heard from them by 10:00 am Sat, and when we called them they said they would get there between 3-5 pm. They finally showed up at 6:30 pm! They provided the weight ticket for the truck empty, and I confirmed it was. Our stuff was loaded and they finally left at 10:30 pm. We were just about stopped at 8:00 pm by management, but they graciously allowed us to finish. The driver told us they would deliver is less than 2 weeks - 28 days later they showed up at the delivery site at 6:00 pm unannounced and without an appointment. During that time we repeatedly emailed and contacted the broker. When the load did show up the driver said the cost was now $5000.00 instead of the $3400 estimate because we were overweight by 1300 lbs. I asked to see the weight ticket, and he showed me a ticket that was done at a different scale 175 miles from the original scale, and 125 miles from the pick-up point. Not only did I dispute that variance from normal practice (I worked in distribution for 20 years), I also know enough to realize we did not have the weight they claimed. How can a half-garage be 6300 lbs when the only furniture you have is a bedroom set, a small and light computer desk, a small and light TV stand, and a wine table, and maybe 50 boxes tops? Additionally, it took less than an hour to unload, so the volume wasn't that large. We did have a motorized scooter for my disabled mother-in-law, but that was on the original estimate. They refused to unload until they had the money in cash, and we refused because we did not hire them. We made the down payment and got the original estimate from the broker, and we told the driver that is who we were going to pay in card. The driver said that cash was the policy because they had people claiming fraud on their card. Really, with they way you guys operate? It took a couple of trips to the bank and a lot of time and effort to get the cash because the bank is still in Florida and they wouldn't give enough cash advance to cover the cost. With the intervention of the broker and the anomalies in the weights, the movers finally agreed to a lesser amount.  The moving company does not trust the customer, but wants the customer to trust them with their goods. The movers complained about being late to their next pick-up, but I told them it was their bosses policy about not taking cards that cause the delay. I know this is long, but everyone needs to know about this company, and know they will lie, deceive, mislead. Flush your money and your time down the toilet before giving it to this company.

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