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Move Builder

Move Builder reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Move Builder from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Move Builder – 2 (calculated based on 11 reviews).

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Move Builder

   11 reviews

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  • Company: Move Builder
  • Location: 3801 Old Greenwood Road, Fort Smith AR, 72903
  • Website: www.movebuilder.com
  • Email: estimates@movebuilder.com
  • Phones: (800) 940-9155

11 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Fine but not without issues.

    Used Movebuilder because it's the company my new job uses.  Nothing went terribly wrong, but I found them a bit challenging to get information from them.  There was supposed to be a "single point of contact", but for me that "single" point changed twice, and it was never clear exactly how I was supposed to get ahold of them unless they called me directly. I did have a moderate issue on arrival, in that the building I was moving into didn't allow overnight parking for the truck.  The Movebuilder staff (particularly Angie) did a good job of addressing this by finding a "shuttle" service that would pick up our stuff in a smaller truck that didn't have to stay overnight, and it only delayed dropoff by one day.  It did cost more, but it was within my company's allowance, so it wasn't a serious problem.  But I would have appreciated more guidance by Movebuilder on how to address this, as they kept asking *me* to scout things out in a city I hadn't even moved to yet, instead of finding out from the local moving company.

  2. Worst moving company ever!!

    I purchased a flight across the country and took time off work to come and supervise the move. The move was then changed at the last minute and I was unable to be there, wasting my flight expense and my time off work.  The movers were very rude and refused to load things, and claimed that the truck was full. They stated that they would leave the rest of my things outside and I wouldn’t miss them! My neighbor had to contact me and informed them that they would not be leaving my things outside, and they would have to find a way to accommodate the rest of my belongings. A second truck was sent and my things were load. I was then told I would have to pay an excessive amount of money, because the movers did not do their job correctly. If I was there I would have fired the company immediately and found someone that could do the job properly. When my things finally arrived the truck was opened, to see that not only was the truck less than 2/3 full, they had thrown my things in the truck! It looked like they literally stood in the street and just chucked my things into the back of the truck. Everything was piled on top and not neatly stacked. Due to this many of my things were broken including glass in the truck. The bottom of the truck was wet so everything that touched the bottom of the truck was wet, ruining several things. There is also a huge stain on my bed, from who knows what? Several worthless items such as my broom and rake were wrapped with an excessive amounts of paper, while important things such as my very expensive desk had no wrapping around them. A lot of my furniture is scratched. This is just want I noticed while putting things in storage. I’m sure when I unpack my things the damage will be much more. Also, many of the boxes that were clearly marked fragile were thrown into the truck. This included items that I have collected from around the world, that I am unable to replace. The manager came out and took several pictures, as well as the movers, and myself. I gave several images to the manager. They are now asking me to pay twice what I was quoted! It doesn’t seem like I should have to pay for people to destroy my things.  You should go to a preschool and have them load your things before going to move builder. I have moved numerous times and this is the worse situation ever! I would not recommend this company to my worse enemy!      .

  3. Move not without issue, but a great experience.

    While I had several issues with my experience, I wanted to write a favorable review based on how MoveBuilder handled it. My sales person spent significant time on the phone with me to try to develop the best solution for my needs. Based on neighborhood / township restrictions, I was able to have anything sit over night. But they were able to come up with the best and cheapest solution. The packing team was a mixed bag. They hire locally so it's not there people. One guy was fantastic but he had hired what appeared to be two day laborers who ended up being pretty terrible. The pickup was timely and ABF stored our stuff for 5 months while we house hunted. When asked to be delivered, they were prompt and efficient. Upon delivery, it was found that the truck had leaked and a few boxes where wet, nearly ruining some items inside. The packing had also been poorly done for a few items by the day laborers and there was significant damage there. One thing that may have helped is that I paid the movers to pack and unload, which meant everything was insured during the move, no matter how long it was stored. I had 9 months to claim damages and I didn't submit it until 8.5 months went by. The replacement cost for all damaged items was estimated by me to be $2900. I asked for $875, mainly because not everything was ruined completely, nor was everything brand new when it was damaged. MoveBuilder accepted with claim without question, gave no resistance to my claim, and had a check  in the mail in under a week. Reading other reviews, I think there were issues with the movers themselves and unfortunately I think that happens when companies outsource the labor (which most do). My main concern was whether the company stands by their work and at least in my case, they did. I'd have no reservations using them again. They were hands down the cheapest option available (by far) and they compensated me fairly for their mistakes.

  4. Great experience with MoveBuilders.

    Everything was done smoothly and professionally. Moving is stressful, and MoveBuilders helped make it much less so. They were responsive and flexible, always available by phone. We are very happy with our out-of-state move in the middle of winter! It snowed on the day we moved in, and the temperature was below 20 degrees, but the movers did a fabulous job. A great bunch of people -- in Berkeley, at the main office by phone, and in Santa Fe. We highly recommend MoveBuilders.

  5. Horrible experience.

    I was quoted 5200 and was charged 7300 which they took out of my account without going over it first. We moved a 3 bedroom home with 2.5 bathrooms and they only had to pack furniture in one bedroom because one room was empty and sold the other bedroom set to the buyers. My wife packed all the bathrooms except towels and the living room. They said they had to use double the materials quoted. They new owners called me and said the trailer was still sitting there 7 days after the loading when the trailer arrived we had just had 2 inches of snow the day before because its Missouri in the middle of winter. The unloaders did not want to unload because of the snow so I spent an hour arguing with his rude [EDIT] and the moving company on the phone sot they didn't get started until after 2pm because they were 2 hours late to begin with. Obviously they didn't finish that day so they said they would see me in the morning. they showed up at 2pm  the next day to finish. My office desk looked like they tossed it out of the truck, my lazy boy had a rip in it, and we had to argue with them to take a couch to the second floor. Then when I call to tell them, they said they would send a claim form out for me to fill out and they would INVESTIGATE it. Well, they sent it in an email, today I got my computer unpacked and hooked up and found it along with a final receipt that showed they charged my card for another 155.00 without saying a word to me and that account they charged was my old bank account in Oklahoma which had very little money in it, so now I have to pay a overdraft fee. Unpacking is no fun, I now know why they used so much material. They literally packed one lamp shade in a medium box with enough wrapping paper to wrap a chair in. They packed 2 pairs of plastic 3d glasses from the theatre in wrapping paper, that's just an example. this has been a night mare. DO NOT USE THEM. They are a rip off.

  6. Packing/damage.

    I thought that I would save money using movebuilder, and it sounded like it based on the quote. However, it did not turn out that way at all.  I ordered one trailer. My stuff could fit. I paid movebuilder to provide loaders and unloaders. The loaders did a terrible, unprofessional job and were very slow. They did not pack tightly, leaving a big empty space in the top half of the trailer in the mddle of the truck. They did not load the only thing that I could not handle, a two piece china cabinet. Because of the poor loading job, everything did not fit. I had to order another trailer, which delayed the move and added substantially to the cost. The second trailer only filled 8 or 9 feet and was loosely packed; the china cabinet, lamps, a bicycle, and a few more items. Because of the loose packing job in both trailers, things shifted in transit, causing damage to a number of items, including the very expensive china cabinet. On arrival, I was shocked at the jumble in the truck. The unloading crew, in contrast to the loading crew, was very professional and skilled. They said it was one of the worst packing jobs they had encountered and that everything should have fit into one trailer had it been packed properly. They took pictures as they unloaded to show the mess. I complained about the poor packing job and the extra cost and delay to no avail. When I put in my damage claim, they refused to cover the china cabinet damage because of prior damage, even though the damage done (and claimed) in this move had nothing to do with any prior scratches that may have been there. The movebuilder representative claims that if something is damaged, it is not covered for the move. Essentially, if it had a minor scratch prior to the move, they could drop it off the back of the truck and let it bounce down the highway, deliver the pieces to me and refuse my damage claim. Not really a consumer-friendly policy. So in the end, the aspect that irritates me the most is that it cost me an extra couple of thousand dollars for a second trailer for a few things because the loading crew was of poor quality.

  7. Problems all around.

    It was a disaster from the day they showed up to pack. I hired them to pack the big stuff and haul everything from CA to NY. I was told they would drop off a trailer and the following day the packers would show up and pack everything over two days. This sounded perfect because my husband was out of town and I was packing myself with the help of some friends. They showed up and did a good job on day one. Then informed me that they were only coming the one day. I was shocked because they showed up a day early and I wasn't nearly done packing up the boxes.  I phoned and had an arguement with my coordinator who finally scheduled the second day and said there would be one man replaced. They really put me through the ringer and I was exhausted and stressed out by the end of the phone call. Then I had to stay up all night and finish packing the boxes. The next day when the crew showed up, the man who wasn't there had been the best man on the crew. The new man had no clue on how to properly pack the trailer. He didn't go to the ceiling with boxes on top of furniture. He put my 7,000 dollar temperpedic mattress in there without boxing it and he put it in bent in half! Luckly I saw it and made them straighten it, but they wouldn't box it or lay it on top flat, the boxing was in my contract.  Their was plenty of room on top because they hadn't utilized all of the space. They finished, were about to leave without even saying goodby when I went out to check on them again. I was told the truck was full, but I could clearly see the top layer completely empty. They had left so many items unpacked, my dining room table, a cabinet, about 30 packed boxes, and numerous other pieces of furniture. Enough that I had to rent a u-haul and put it all in, get my jeep repaired (which we weren't planning to bring).
    On the other end, the guys who unpacked the truck, failed to unpack any of the wrapping and put nothing in its proper place, everything was left in one room still wrapped up.  I had paid 1,600 extra so they would unwrap and place item in their proper place!
    Calling the coordinator did absolutely nothing, they charged my credit card 14,000 something instead of the original amount, then they charged an additional 200 something because of the second day for the packing movers!  I was told there would be NO charge. I called and called and was told they would refund, but it never happened. I wanted my 1,600 back since the unpackers failed to do what I paid for, and a refund of the extra 200 charge. the movebuilder coordinator agreed then, never did it. Nothing I did got me a resolution. ON top of all that stress, every package I unwrapped had been dinged, broken, legs were broken off my antique desk and both of my candle stands had broken legs. Cabinets were broken, glass shelves were broken. you name it, nothing went unscathed, boxes were bashed it was a mess.
    Their response to broken items was to fill out a claim form, but the claim form say you can NOT fix it, just in case someone wants to come out to see it in person. I can't have a house for 6 months filled with broken items, who could?
    I will NEVER use them again, and I will NEVER recommend them, and IF anyone I hear of is using them, I will advise them to RUN while they still can! 

  8. Do Not Use Movebuilder.

    Do not ever use MoveBuilder.  Movers were late, lazy and did not pack truck well.  I was not okay with the number of feet used by the loaders (which was 2 feet over the high estimate given when I booked with ABF).  When I tried to discuss this issue with my move manager, I was told she wasn't able to deal with that issue and that I needed to file a claim report and then I could discuss all of my issues with the move.   When items reached destination the truck was in a complete disarray.  Items looked as though they had been thrown behind a wall of mattresses.  Items were broken, furniture was damaged, boxes were wet, items were stolen/missing, and most boxes were badly damaged.  I immediately called my move manager again, again same response.  I must file a claim form and then deal with issues.   So, I filed my claim form for missing, broken and damaged items.  However, the claims manager informed me that they could not help me with my issues of feet used and services that the unloaders did not provide.  - unloaders are supposed to unload and place furniture, remove all paper and debris and assemble furniture items.  My unloaders did unload the truck.  That is all.  When I asked them about the paper debirs they informed me they did not know that was expected and did not come prepared to deal with the paper. I again called my move manager.  Who informed me that they would get the unloaders to come back within the day and remove the debris.  No response.  No one came to take care of the debris.   My claims manager also transferred my information to another department in the company.  This department was supposed to contact me regarding my disputes regarding feet used and services that were never received. They never did, so I contacted them.  They are claiming there is nothing that they can do regarding these issues.  Why am I paying for services that I did not receive from the unloaders?  And why am I paying for extra feet used, because of the poor quality in which the truck was packed?   Overall, this has been a horrible experience. I will never use MoveBuilder or ABF (because of their affiliation with MoveBuilder) again.  I hope that no one else will either. This complany does not deserve to be in business.  .

  9. Use at Own Risk!

    I hired Movebuilder to move some furniture from my NYC Apartment to my brothers home outside of Atlanta. Since their trucks are not allowed in Manhattan, move builder hires third party movers to carry the items to a shuttle truck who then take the items outside of the city to the larger truck that is transporting the furniture. The movers wrapped the furniture and took off-I flew to Atlanta and was there when the truck arrived. The movers that movebuilder hired placed the furniture into the truck wrong so they moved around causing the paper and plastic wrapping to wear off. The truck was SO EXTREMELY filthy that all of the furniture was completely destroyed! I filed a claim for the damaged items and weeks later finally received a response that I would be receiving 156 dollars for my thousands of dollars in damage because I did not purchase extra insurance! They also stated they would attempt to have the items cleaned but completely ignored me once I told them I already had a professional cleaner look at them and was told there is no way it could be cleaned due to the material and how deep the stains were. (Furniture is white) I was treated HORRIBLY by Lisa Granberry who is the claims manager so I contacted a lawyer and later was contacted by a corporate attorney(Barney Long) at Arkansas Best Corporation(Company that owns Movebuilder) who told me all questions or emails needed to go through him, not Lisa. So, I began asking him questions and he has completely ignored me! My biggest question is: Should your company alert callers that the trucks are not cleaned on a regular basis and that buying the extra insurance may be worth your while? I was never told that I had an option for extra insurance and was not alerted that the movers they hire are awful and that the trucks they use are completely filthy! This company could care less that I am out 2500 dollars for a move that ended up being a complete waste of time or that I am out thousands of dollars in furniture-They could honestly care less and it is very sad that I have been treated the way I have-It is not fair. I HIGHLY recommend that you DO NOT use this company and if you have any questions or would like to see any of the correspondence between myself and Mr. Long or Ms. Granberry, please do not hestitate to reach out to me.

  10. Horrible Company RUN AWAY!!

    I have never dealt with a worse customer service in my life.  The amount of added cost and complete indifference from this horrible company have made my move a living hell.  Under no circumstance should you use or trust this company.  They are con artists of the highest degree.  Just hire the moving company and storage facility yourself and get around the ridiculous hidden fees and dirty con artists that are this company.

  11. Don't use Move Builder.

    Bad business practices!  Poor communication.  They will charge your card without letting you know when, why or how much.  They just charge it.  No invoicing.  Communication is at a minimum.  You have to contact them, always!  They are a third party used by ABF.  The driver did a good job.  The packers did a good job.  The unloaders did a good job.  The problem is with the Move Builder office in in 3801 Old Greenwood Road Ft. Smith, AR 72917.  I recomend cutting out the middle man, have the ABF trailer/container dilivered, find your own loading and unloading company and not deal with Move Builder all together.

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