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Move It USA

Move It USA reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Move It USA from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Move It USA – 1.9 (calculated based on 19 reviews).

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Move It USA

   19 reviews

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  • Company: Move It USA
  • Location: 3700 NW 124th Ave. #121, Pompano Beach FL, 33065
  • Website:
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  • Phones: (954) 944-3300

19 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Not trustworthy.

    Truck was a week late showing up for the pickup, which cost me a weeks lost of work. Several items were damaged (scratches, gouges) Failed to move all my items. I was on hand during the loading until near the end, at which time I had to head back to Virginia, which was a 8 hour drive. My daughter called that night when she went to check on the house. She told me the moving guys must have stopped working as soon as I left, as they left a garage full of stuff they never loaded. The movers went in an took showers and went through the frig and proceeded to cook them self a meal. The leftover food and dirty pans were left on top of the stove.
    I would advise anyone not to use this company. They talk good on the front end but nothing but lies after they hook you in.

  2. Terrible company, had to call the police.

    This is a horrifying company AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS. I hired them to move my elderly disabled mother's storage unit to her new apartment, and paid  for it on Groupon. After they didn't show up the first day they were scheduled they advised my mother that they would return the next morning at 7 AM to start packing up her things for the agreed to price ( 300 for the total cost of moving 175 for the Groupon./ 125 for the truck. ) After showing up at nearly noon the next day ( 5 hours late ) they proceeded to load things onto the truck from the storage unit. Once they arrived at my mothers apartment the refused to unload anything and demanded an unitemized additional 200 dollars and refused to unload anything if my mother didn't pay. They had the credit card information from the original group on purchase, but refused to use it to process the extra payment on it ( at this point we were just trying to be done with this lousy experience and agreed to the extra extorted 200 dollars they wanted ) and then demanded that the payment be in cash. I tried calling their boss all day who much like everyone else has already mentioned here in these reviews, refused to take my calls ( deliberately hanging up on me- when I was trying to pay him the extra money his guys were extorting from my disabled mother.. really? ) After insulting my sister and I and calling us dumb little boys and girls ( we are each in our late 20's early 30's ) he refused to talk to us any more. That was when everything got SIGNIFICANTLY worse. The movers refused to wait for my mother ( who is disabled and can't walk ) to walk to the grocery store to pull out cash. They claimed they needed to be at another appointment to move a single couch and took off with a moving truck full of my mothers things. They said they would return in an hour. Despite the serious issue that they left with her thing, the owner still refused to pick up the telephone calls from 4 separate numbers regarding the seriousness of the fact that his crew drove off with a truck load of someones stuff. The crew did not come back for nearly 4 hours and only returned at 830 that night when we threatened to call the police and report the items stolen. At that point a family member had to travel from nearly an hour and a half away with money they  pulled out money from an ATM for the crew. Upon arriving the moving crew became belligerent and complained that they did not want to finish the job at 830 at night  and attempted to drive away again ( with a truck full loaded of my mothers things ) and were only stopped when someone got behind their truck and prevented them from leaving. At that point they started to physically threaten both family members calling them "hoes" and threatening to come back in the future and harm them. At that point the police were called and once they arrived the movers were forced to unload the truck and accept the payment ( of the extra money that they had demanded in the first place! ).While unloading the truck they literally tossed all the boxes in the street and shattered all.the glassware that was in there, leaving my disabled mother forced to try to physically move dozens of boxes from the street into her apartment. After the police left and left a report number, we called groupon the next day and explained what had happened. Apparently Moveit USA was subcontracted to do the move and that the original company was just as horrified at the events as my mother, her neighbors and other family members were. After providing them a copy of the police report, hearing the story from nearly a half dozen of her neighbors and reviewing the company's extensive and horrific track record from the BBB and online resources the orignal  not only refunded our original groupon entirely they advised us that they won't ever subcontract to MOVEIT again. Terrible company. If you still have any additional doubts check out these reviews from other people in additional to all the terrible things on these sites:Yelp Better Business Bureau: http://www.bbb.org/south-east-florida/business-reviews/movers/move-it-in-fort-lauderdale-fl-90058567/complaintshttp://www.mymovingreviews.com/movers/move-it-usa-3376.

  3. Please Don't use them.. Cheat.

    I booked moving-in service from Move-It-USA for moving my household items (from LA to Superior CO) around May end and got the pickup dates bracket of 6/2 to 6/4; they took the advance deposit of $700.
    After assurance from your moving representative,  I booked all my flights, hotel and moving dates from my current accommodation.
    On 3rd June I got the call from Robin Grover; she informed me that due of unavailability of trucks, they will not be able to pick my items before 6/6. At that time I already had all the formaties done for moving to Colorado(Flights, hotels and other things) and my moving date from my current accomodation was fixed and can't be change, as my lease was over on 31st of May and because of them only I extended by stay at that place and payed ~$400 for extending it.
    I asked Robin Grover to pick my items by any mean before 6/6 but got the response that "if you want to cancel your order; you can and we will refund the money, but we can't pick your items on or before 6/6". At the last movement, it was really frustrating and troublesome for me and my family to go for a new mover. On 4th June, I canceled the order and asked for refund and later got the assurance from Michael Harrison that "refund is on the way". 
    On the last minute I booked another mover who charged me $3005 which is $500 more compare to charges I supposed to pay. New mover delivered the items after 2 weeks, because of which me and my family had to stay at hotel for longer duration and suffered a lot mentally and phycally. 
    It's going to be 3 months and I have not received my refund back, even after multiple mails, phone-calls and chases. Even I am not getting any response back of my mails and of my Voice messages.
    I am really frustrated with the way I am treated by move-it-USA.
    I am sending all my mails to :
    1. Michael Harrison 
    2. Robin Grover (sales203@moveitusa.com): I had a discussion with her only on 3rd June and she asked me to cancel the order.
    3. Robert (robert@moveitusa.com): send last mail to him with my address on 8th of July.

  4. Scam.

    We booked a move with this company, paid our deposit, and then waited for them to call us 24 hours before they were to show up to move us, as per their company policy. They never showed and still have not refunded our deposit, despite our repeated attempts to reach them! If you too have been scammed out of money from this company, fill out a claim for scams and rip offs with the Federal Trade Commission at https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/#crnt&panel1-1. The more there are, the more attention we can get! Let's stop Robert Boni, Michael Harrison, Stephen Cantalupo, and Robin Gruber from opening another fraudulent moving service. .

  5. The Dirt on move it And Fake good reviews.

    I can go on and on with all this companies dirt lets start with the easy stuff. Their home office 925b Peachtree st in Atlanta is a ups store. They have that because Progressive insurance cancelled their insurance because their DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION safety rating is a 99. A 99 is the worst a company can be at. So they got insurance with a second rate insurance company But they needed a out of state address to get it,thats why they are using a ups stores address. They are revoked with The BBB and their rating is a F! Now to their ways are scamming the comsumer. 1st undersrand how cubic feet works, you can take a tape measure and measure the length then measure side to side then top to bottom,use the calculator or your phone and times it,thats how you get cubic feet. It doesn't matter how many items you have as long as you stay in the cubic feet they have you in. They will try and list every little piece on inventory to make it look like your have a lot of items! (Your bill should only go up by 10% & they need to tell you before they start any work ) They will try and tell you how big their truck is so if the show up in a box truck Remember measure it. It will rougjly be 1400 cubic foot truck they have. Watch the movers pack your truck and make sure they pack it tight That is their job. If you don't watch they will tale advantage and loosely pack your truck! If you have any issues as a consumer you have rights and if needed you can contact the Deprtmemt of Transportation and The Fmcsa . The prices you should be paying for cubic feet determines where your moving. East coast is 3.25 per cubic foot the midwest to as far as Arizona is 4.00 California is 4.75. Also ask to see the drivers log book and medical card as that is manditory for the driver to have to cross state lines and 100 air miles. Please Do not get taken advantaged of by this company and God Bless you if use them. Please feel free to message me with any questions and I will help answer them for you. Move its respond to this will be its a disgruntled employee that was fired and that is 100% wrong and they hire felons!

  6. A great moving experience.

    I hired Moveitusa to move me and my family from Miami to Sarasota. I was a bit nervous since I had never moved this far as I was switching jobs so my nerves were pretty much shot but when Moveitusa arrived I knew this was all about to change. The movers were so polite and told me to sit back relax and we will take care of everything and that's exactly what they did. These movers were spot on with everything they wrapped all of my furniture and nothing was lost or broken.When we arrived in Sarasota they put all of my belongings where I asked them and put together all my beds and my wall unit as well. I was so surprisingly pleased with Moveitusa that they are now moving my in laws in two weeks Kyrie and James are truly amazing movers and Moveitusa gets an A all around eberything was great. Thanks again for the great move you guys rock.

  7. They never showed up but have my deposit.

    This company took my deposit and scheduled to move my items to a neighboring state on July 2. They then called to say that they had a 3 day window and my items wouldn't be moved until the 4th of July. On July 3, the asked me to wait until 6th and that I would receive a discount (mind you, I was driving back and forth between states to meet these people). On July 6th, when I called to get a time, I was told that the truck was in WEST VIRGINIA and it would be another 2-3 days. They have an office in the state I moved to, but in all this time, they couldn't get a truck 2.5 hours to 1 house and drive right back to where they are located..and they only have 1 truck? Please avoid these liars find you a real moving company.

  8. Horrible experience!!

    I can not write everything I want to. My end price was double the original quote. I was working with a Marc but some how Robert Boni answered Marc's emails. Marc was going to give me a discount because I was going to buy a Groupon. Orignal quote was close to Uhauling it myself. Robert told driver to change my fuel pricing. He only cares about money. Customer service is non existent. I think the below reviews are fake. Just be careful. Packers where nice.

  9. Avoid this company..like the plague!

    Poor and inconsistent communications after I paid deposit. Picked up two days later than end of estimated weekday window. Changed form of accepted payment upon Saturday pickup when I couldn't obtain money from the bank (needed more than one day's ATM withdrawal limit). They threatened to put my belongings in storage if I didn't pay extra for delaying drivers Sunday night until I could get to the bank. First thing Monday morning. Did not return calls or respond to emails concerning all of the preceding, to include photo documented. Claim of damage at property from which I was moving.

  10. Cubic feet scamers Alert.

    BEWARE MOVE IT USA IS CHARGING 2,400 cubic feet for a box truck that is 1,000 to 1,2000 cubic feet. A tractor trailer holds 2,400  so when the movers arrive in a box truck understand that you should only be charged 1,000 to 1200 depending on the truck! If you were ripped off by these criminals you can contact the FMCSA IN YOUR STATE OR CONTACT THE MAIN OFFICE IN WASHINGTON DC 1-800-832-5660

  11. Scammers:do Not Use This Biz.

    Under no circumstances should anyone do business with Move it USA. My experience was horrible. I was quoted a price and the price changed upon delivery. I was held hostage unless I agreed to pay them more money. This is illegal and this is a scam. I have looked into Move it  USA's history and the background of Robert Boni, the president. Robert has done business under several other names but, the one that stands out is American Eagle Moving. This business was shut down(not allowed to operate) by the US Department of Transportation because of excessive complaints. The Better Business Bureau had revoked their business (the worst action they can take) and also has issued "red flag" warnings to the public to beware of American Eagle Movers. So, what does a seasoned scam artist do? Opens up under another name..Move it USA. Now this company has not even been in business that long and all ready they have been revoked by the BBB and they are averaging 1 complaint a month to the US DOT. Now you may be wondering how the US DOT allowed them to open under another name and continue the scam business as usual. Well..because they claim they are a new business based in Atlanta, GA. They even have an office in Atlanta..oh, not really there office is an address of a UPS store where the USDOT can send their mail. Their "headquarters" in Ft Lauderdale is also a UPS store. Robert Boni, Stephen Cantalupo and Robin Gruber, all denied this and claims that this is all a mix up caused by a former business partner. Not true. Please check Broward County Public Records and that is where the truth lies. I can't even begin to tell you the entire experience because their are just too many underhanded things they did to me as a client. Please do yourself a huge favor. Move it USA will rip you off. These people are losers. One last thing. The only good reviews you will find for this company were written by..you guessed it..them. Look at the google reviews and Robert Boni wasn't smart enough to mask his name from the review he gave his own company.    .

  12. Move IT USA Stay Away.

    This is the worst possible company you can hire to move. I urge everyone never to use them. They will rip off your money. Initially they provided an estimate of 1685  and they told me that the stuffs goes by weight. After loading the goods, the movers demanded to pay 1500$ extra stating that the goods occupied more space. When I told them that all the household goods are mentioned in the estimate they asked me to pay them 100$ so that they will not mention the same to the company. I agreed to pay 100$. The goods were picked up very early and wasn't delivered on time. I had to followup multiple times. At my destination, before offloading the goods, they took the balance money from me and demanded to pay 500$ extra. They threatened to hold my items until I pay this amount. It has been a horrible experience dealing with this company.

  13. Great Move Great Guys.

    Move It USA was refered to us by a family friend that had nothing but rave reviews about the movers that came to move them and said that I would not be disappointed if we used them.
    We called and scheduled them to move us and requestd atleast a couple of the same movers. well we got one of the same movers "mike" and 2 different ones charlie and ernesto.. well I don't know about my friends movers but my guys were amazing.. fast efficient and knowledgeable about taking care of my furniture. we moved from a 3 bedroom townhouse to a single family home and I didn't lift a finger and had time to start unpacking boxes in the same day. I mean these guys came in and got right to work. I had to beg them to take a break to eat lunch and the were hesitant. but gave in when I insisted. soon after they finished loading the last couple pieces and off to my new home. they unloaded in less time and helped me arrange my furniture around the house. I prommised these guys I would recommend them to everyone I know and they stressed how important online reviews are and I am doing what I can to promote this company. I am a real customer and this is a real review. Give them a chance you wont regret it.
    Great movers great guys and very friendly!

  14. Don't use this company.

    I was told by Johnny at Ext. 203 that my furniture and Tv's would be shrink wrapped and my Tv's would be put in a box and my mattress would be in a mattress bag non of that happen.. my furniture is damaged my tables got wet the guy Kalvin said his trailer is leaking.. they didn't even put my furniture back together like it was before they picked it up.. They lost the stand/base to my table. I had other movers in mind but Johnny e-mailed me the bad report on the other companies and they are rated A- with the BBB.. That should change it took them 7 hours to move a one bedroom apartment. Not trying to bash but the truth should be told about this company. I paid 1,600 I could have bought new furniture instead of letting them move my things out of state. It's like I gave 1,600 away. And they only give you 60 cents per pound so be careful everyone if you use this company take out the other insurance not the one they give you for free trust me you will regret using this company and now they won't answer the phone when they see my number so I call block my number and guess what they answer..They have unexperience people working for them beware..

  15. Moveitusa / moveit.

    If you are considering using moveit / moveitusa, you might as well put all your furniture in a pile and burn it. It will be cheaper for you in the long run. From their actions, they couldn't care less. Was promised a single truck and got three smaller trucks. Months apart. Had to abandon things that wouldn't fit in the trucks. Extensive damage to furniture from not using blankets. Lost/missing items. .ect.


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