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New Planet Moving & Storage

New Planet Moving & Storage reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company New Planet Moving & Storage from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating New Planet Moving & Storage – 2.1 (calculated based on 35 reviews).

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New Planet Moving & Storage

   35 reviews

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  • Company: New Planet Moving & Storage
  • Location: 4420 Andrews St. Suite C, Indian Springs NV, 89081
  • Website: www.newplanetmoving.com
  • Email: info@newplanetmoving.com
  • Phones: (702) 228-4141||(877) 505-4545

35 Reviews: Add Review

  1. New Planet Moving and Storage.

    One of their employees broke one of my windows. I called the company. They said you can't prove it and there's nothing I can do about it. They are not going to compensate for the damage and the person on the phone wasn't even nice. She didn't even apologize. They were understaffed. They sent 2 guys on a very tight schedule with another appointment after me that they were racing to get. I had to do a lot of the heavyweight lifting with them, which now I regret even doing. I should have said no and hired another company.

  2. Don't USE!

    One star is still to much credit! If you are not in a hurry for your stuff, don't want your stuff or want it damaged you have picked the right movers! I used them just glad I bought insurance with another company. This company is terrible. Talk about a headache! More than half my items never where delivered. When speaking to a manager he told me to open my eyes because everything was delivered. So I must have misplaced a section of my couch, my bike, two dinning room chairs in my butt hole! More than half of my boxes in plastic containers where missing as well. Seems that the more expensive items never found my home. I was told that everything is put on the trunk and will be removed at my new place. WRONG they ended up taking it to Vegas unpacking and repacking my items to a smaller truck. To top it off it took another week for another truck to bring a few more items. I was told everything would not fit in this truck load. HORRIBLE Experience! Took a year minus one week to get reimbursed for my items. Had to resubmit a few items more than once.

  3. Terrible company, will lie for business.

    This is the worst company I've ever used, for anything. I would NEVER use them again. They will tell you anything to get you to sign a contract. ANYTHING. First, they told me that while they technically have 21 days to deliver my goods, they would have them to me in a matter of days from the earliest day on my form, which was a week ago. They kept promising me my things would arrive by or a couple of days after that date until the day before when they called and told me it would be a week later. Why was that? They said they had a bunch of other stops along the way from Vegas (where they are headquartered and where all your stuff will end up before it goes to you) to Denver (where I was moving). I tried to see if they could come to me first or earlier, and they kept using the excuse that a moving company "has a lot of moving parts" and they couldn't change the stops before me. Shockingly, they lied. I got a call from the driver the day before delivery that he had just come from collecting my stuff in Vegas. He wasn't coming from another drop off in a nearby state as the company had told me multiple times. Basically, they just pushed back my move for a week and made up a bunch of excuses that weren't true. On top of that, we signed the contract after being told that the drivers all drive during the holidays. Then, when I was told my stuff wouldn't be here by the 27th, another reason was that of course no drivers would be leaving Vegas on the 26th, it was Christmas. Yes, I get that, but that's exactly why I asked this question in the first place! Once again, they will tell you anything when you're getting a quote to ensure you use them. Finally, the movers arrived yesterday and started demanding that I pay $200 more to them because my apartment is 225 feet from the elevator. There's some long haul charge for every 75 feet they have to walk. The mover who collected my stuff was the one who went over the contract with me, and I specifically asked what the provision meant. (Of course there was nothing explaining that it meant "truck to door".) He explicitly told me it was the length from truck to elevator, NOT truck to door. He said that he almost never encounters a problem with this, and at most to have $50 extra on me in case the elevator is a little far from the truck. Shockingly (not) they start telling me it's truck-to-door and basically hold my items hostage until I cough up the money. They basically told me I could pay or they would take away my stuff. They also try to scare you by saying if you don't pay by a certain time you have to pay hundreds more in waiting charges. No joke, they started to take my belongings OUT of my apartment to move them back to their truck until I paid. Pretty ironic when you think that the payment is for the extra labor involved in walking a dolly (on wheels) down a hallway, since they were happy to walk in the other direction for the extra money. They also unpacked all of my belongings IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARKING GARAGE for my building! I told them that I didn't want the stuff there, it wasn't safe there. Of course they made an excuse and refused to move it. Finally, at least a quarter of my boxes came damaged, and I mean torn apart. It's genuinely shocking how a moving company that claims to be so professional can take a brand new, fully packed, well-taped moving box and bring it back to me with both sides completely blown out and all of my stuff falling from it. (Really, there were at least four boxes like this, plus a wardrobe box that had collapsed on itself. On top of that, they kept stacking other, heavier boxes, on top of these collapsed ones.) The only nice person you'll get at the company is Leslie. She's a sweetheart and works really hard. In fact I think she's getting in trouble now for merely trying to be helpful and considerate. Danielle is a complete [EDIT]. Don't even try to speak with her unless you want her to tell you to move your own stuff (yep, that happened). Overall, this company is full of liars. Never ever use them. I really regret not just getting my own U-haul.

  4. Stolen Items.

    DO NOT USE THEM!! They were late, unprofessional, and stole our stuff.
    We moved across country and had to stay in a temporary house. When we got there they said our stuff would be there that week. 3 Weeks later it finally came!!
    They unloaded so fast we could not inventory everything. They did not even want to stay to help set up (which was included in the price).
    We just moved again and were finally able to open every box and we found that our box containing our valuables was missing. It had all ouf our jewelry in it!
    I had no idea they would be moving our stuff from truck to truck and they would be using subcontractors.
    Horrible experience!

  5. 200% estimate increase on the day of moving!

    Business grossly underestimated the cost of a move and attempted to increase the cost by over 200% on the scheduled dayof a household move The company rreesponded to an internet query and stated that it would provide an estimate of movingcosts to move a household from Arizona to Oregon. I tok a detailed inventory of all items in the house, and the number of fulland half cabinets that contained items and provided it over the telephone to the sales representative. A estimate of $6,300was provided. The representative was asked several times if she was confident in the accuracy of the estimate, or they felt aneed to come on site to review the household contents. The agent said their software was very accurate. The company took a10% deposit. The move was to be made on one truck with weights taken empty and full and weigh slips to be provided. Onthe scheduled day for the move, two representatives (Neither of whom spoke fluent English) arrived and after walking throughthe home informed us that they believed there was 10,000 pounds more than the estimate had been made on and the thecost would be roughly an additional $12,000 dollars. This was particularly troubling since between the time of the originalinventory and the moving day, I had already moved a 26 foot U-Haul privately with roughly 1/3 of the household contents. Ihad added two items (a motorcycle and some decorative stone facing) which would have counteracted any savings in weightfrom the material I had already moved, but which should have resulted in the original estimate still being quite accurate. Ibelieve there are only three possible reasons this occurred. The first is that the agent did not include all of the items from theoriginal estimate, such as the contents of the identified cabinets; Secondly, the agent could have deliberately misled(underestimated) with the intent of gaining our business, only to wait until moving day and have the movers jack up the pricethinking that we would have no other alternative but to say yes (Can you say bait-and-switch?); or thirdly the company couldjust have a negligent methodology for estimating that caused this to happen. Regar4dless of the reason for the issue, it is ahorrendous business practice. Worse yet, when we contacted the company and said we would be declining to use theirservices for the additional rate, they have balked at refunding the deposit. They talked about the cost of their representativecoming out to look, despite that they openly advertise free in-home estimates! This is a highly suspect company with veryquestionable business practices and horrible customer service.

  6. Don't hire these people.

    Horrific experience.. The over promise and way under deliver.. When you try and contact the company most times they don't respond or just give you the run around. The time the quote to deliver my items was not accurate. Tons of my stuff was damaged.. I didn't file a claim because they make you sign a some insurance that makes claiming items not worth while. They threw our boxes around, which is why, my microwave, air conditioner, toaster over, picture frames, etc were ruined. We even had someone elses stuff, but they didn't seem to care enough to come get the items.. Just terrible, stay clear of this moving company or you will be undoubtedly sorry!!

  7. Beware New Planet Moving.

    I contacted New Planet Moving and Storage, and should have been leary from the beginning.  I will admit that I did everything wrong from the beginning, according to the do's and don'ts listed on the American Moving and Storage Website.  Don't use a moving company that doesn't do a visual inspection.  I spoke to Lauren to get an estimate and she said they didn't have anyone who could come out and do a visual estimate, but to send me the inventory list of the companies that did do a visual and they could give me an estimate based on that.  I got two estimates from national moving companies that were within 150 pounds of each other. They both were under 9000 which Lauren assured me was probably high as the "big" moving companies tended to err on the side of more.  I asked her to go ahead and estimate the move at 10,000 pounds to make sure we didn't go over.  I also made sure they knew of all the variable such as a extra flight of stairs.  The reason I went with New Planet even though they had other bad reviews and a C rating with the Better Business Beaureau and that every fiber in my body told me not to, was that the other companies could accomodate the time frame I wanted to move in.  
    The morning of the move the movers were 4 hours late, the driver called to say he over slept.  The driver arrived at 12:00 in a 26 Foot Penske rental truck.  This concerned me a great deal as we didn't know the company and the truck was unmarked and we weren't sure if our belongings would fit.  It took 3 1/2 hours to load the truck and the truck was full to the brim with 2 mirrors having to be on the tail gate because the drivers loaded so many empty boxes and packing materials (none of which we needed)
    After the truck was loaded, the driver calls dispatcha and dispatch informs him to change my binding estimate to an unbinding estimate of 11,000 pounds until they get to the scales. At this point the extortion begins.  I call Lauren to say I have a binding estimate (which by the way in New Planet speak means nothing) She says that I can agree to pay the 11,000 pounds and waive the weigh in.  I was completely caught off guard at this new developement and with out time to think I signed off.  My Bad!! 
    When I went home I remembered my previous moves bill of lading and that when I moved to Utah from California I moved a 5000 square foot home and had 13,000 pounds so 9000 was probably significantly more than adequate as I was leaving half my belongings in a storage unit and moving into a 2 bedroom apartment which was 1500 feet.  I call and asked to put the shipment on the scales and was told it was too late that I had signed the agreement at 11,000 and that was binding.  
    This whole experience was very distasteful and extremely aggravating.  I feel this is such a dishonest company and is looking to get one over on you.  The only consolation was that the driver and his helper got our shipment here ontime and with no damage.  If you don't care about the customer service go ahead and use New Planet.  .

  8. Moving experience very poor.

    Leslie, the sales person promised the world verbally, but neglected to tell me what might really happen. We were moving my father in law across country and thought if we used a professional mover it would go smoothly. I was assured it would by Leslie. Needless to say it did not. Late pickup, hidden costs, and a rude driver started it off. It was :very frustrating and the manager Moses, was not much help..

    Could ramble on but what I want consumers to know is don't take their word for it read the fine print.

  9. Life is too short for bad movers.

    Life needs more adventure, and what better time to introduce it than when you are moving 2400 miles?  If unpredictable is your goal, New Planet is absolutely going to deliver!  Unpredictability that is.  Your furniture? Hmm can't say I experienced this.  
    THEY ARE  GOOD AT GETTING TO THE CONTRACT: They are very responsive personally and professionally on getting your business, and while you hold to talk to them, there is great "holdvertisements" about their 11 years in business, and caring about a care free move. Their bid is lower than all the competition but not so low as to be unbelievable.  But really when you call a moving company predictability is overrated-- accurate, timely, available service from inquiry to bid, contract to schedule, schedule to confirmed move date, confirmed move date to driver communications on move day and beyond.. THIS is  where New Planet excels at adding unexpected. 
    UNEXPECTED CHANGED MOVE DAY 4 TIMES: from Friday to Wednesday to Friday (our move out day was Saturday- they closed at noon).  Had to change the date with the storage unit eventually told them I'd set date from the 24-48 hour confirmation. 
    UNEXPECTED FAILURE 24 -48 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE:  I called them worried- it was FRIDAY and I NEED them to acknowledge being there before noon as the office closes. Driver would be there between 11 -1 (even though I said they HAD to be there by noon to get the keys  while the office is open. He was very nice and promised to call when he got to location.  
    SATURDAY MORNING, MOVE DAY, 11:15 still no phone call, office closes in an hour. begin calling driver. he arrived 10 minutes before the office closes.  WHEW back on track. Reinforced the importance- we NEED to be out by the end of the day, because their 4 changes in scheduling, gave us NO margin for error. 
    MARGINS MADE TO BE BROKEN Driver calls first time- must  increase cost by $400 for boxes.. ARGH frustration ensues but we understand & need our stuff out of there this day. We said go ahead.  THEN he changed the price again $400-$1400- $1700  yep 3 price changes!!  Unpredictable?  you betcha!! but they can do better.  Reminded them we need to get out of there today, so we will need to pay it, they have us hostage.   Lets get the new contract going and you don't stop moving. We NEED this stuff next week, and you have now pushed us to this being the LAST day to accomplish that goal. 
    SATURDAY CONTRACT CANCELLED BY THE DRIVER.  The fact that I am not there in person, WRITTEN in my statement was not honored.  They called me and said they are cancelling the contract, FURIOUS with the lack of follow through, and that they failed me on scheduling, confirming, showing up on time, and now billing.. I insisted we adjust the contract and finish the work.. They declined.. not only did they decline, they hung up on me.. Refusing to return my call. 
    SATURDAY: NOW WHAT CONDITION DID THEY LEAVE MY STORAGE UNIT IN:  New Planet doesn't offer weekend coverage when their drivers have issues so they didn't respond.  I left frantic messages, and emails, that were not responded.. Had to send a family member on a 45 minute drive to go chase them because the driver also failed to communicate IF they secured our belongings and HOW they were going to handle the key given they showed up too late and raised the price, and failed to let me complete the raised price contract, and hung up on me. My family member confirmed they locked the unit, and saw the truck parked on the road side, he went to talk to them, trying to offer to get the keys and sign the contract.  They gave him one key and said the contract would have to be rewritten.
    MOVE OFF. 12 HOURS LATER: Still no return call from  drivers, sales person or main number.  Where is the other key?  What are they doing about the contract?  No follow up, I send call and email to the Storage Unit AND the Sales person. 
    MONDAY: 2 DAYS after failed contract.  urgent issue, stuff at risk with other key location unknown?  Notify Storage unit who has camera surveillance and check with Lawyers now on how to make sure we document any risk of theft and complete the contract or refund the down payment. 
    TUESDAY: 4 days since New Planet cancelled my move on the last possible day, leaving the contract hanging, and the key location unknown.  Sales person promised a call in 2 hours. 5 hours later manager calls to tell me the driver told him I cancelled the contract Saturday when he told me of the price increase. ONE? No sir, there were 3 price increases, and I STILL told him to finish the contract and we would sign it.  He said his driver told him I was angry about the price.. I was. Lets be clear I am angry about 4 scheduled move fails, estimation problems, 24-48 hour confirmation, arrival confirmation failure, billing inconsistencies, failure to finish contract, and failure to move my stuff, follow up, respond to issues, renegotiate contract, resolve my stuff.   
    Ended with refund, without apology.

  10. Very awful, untrustworthy company.

    The movers that came to load our stuff into the truck were very slow.  Also, one was about to be deported back to Mexico.  The moving company was 2 weeks late delivering our things.  We called every 2-3 days for that two weeks and they kept telling us "It'll be 5-7 more days".  So we lived in an empty apartment with my 7 month pregnant wife and 2 year old daughter for 2 weeks.  When they finally delivered our things the movers were really rude and one of them used several of our towels to wipe the sweat off his body when he was done while he was "using the restroom"!  Disgusting!  We found about 10 boxes while we were going through things that had sticky, oily stuff all over them and several of the boxes were damaged.  A lot of our items were damaged, but the worst part was that they ended up stealing our Wii.  We called every 2-3 days for a MONTH trying to find out where it was, and when it wasn't located we filed a claim for the stolen item and our damaged headboard.  They gave us $36.. to replace the Wii AND the headboard.. If you want to move, use a more reliable company or rent your own moving truck.  This company was very untrustworthy and rude!

  11. Take these reviews seriously.

    First off, I regret not reading these website moving company reviews before I chose New Planet. Do not use them as your mover, even if they are cheaper and promise to deliver timely! Take these website reviews seriously, and you'll realize this poor service is a trend for the company. Don't assume you'll get lucky and be the customer that wil have a smooth move. It over promises, and under delivers. When NPM sold us on letting them handle our move, they promised to deliver our furniture within 5-7 days. This was key because I was starting a new job. The Monday immediately before our Tuesday pick-up, we were informed the pick up was delayed to the Tuesday. Later that same Monday NPM changed pickup to the Wednesday. On the Wednesday (and only after we called NPM at 4PM (..talk about wasted days off from work sitting around, and NPM unprofessionalism), we were informed that pick up was delayed to the Thursday, which is when pick-up finally occurred.

    Along with them pushing back the pick up date, they also pushed back the delivery date by 4 days to Friday the following week, and this was only after multiple calls from us over the next few days asking where our stuff was and for an arrival date. NPM put our stuff in storage 40 mins from our house (who would have guessed?) while they figured out how to get it to us halfway across the country (something they represented to have figured out logistically before they sold us on the move over the phone 3 weeks before). As I said above, NPM finally made the first partial delivery (crazy, I know, I'll say more later) the next Friday, at which point they also demanded final installment from us in cash before moving anything off the truck. Meanwhile, they were missing our mattress, nursing mom rocking chair, and a number of other important items. Per NPM the primary reason for this delivery delay was that the number of things it left in storage was small, and to ensure it is a cost efficient trip, NPM was waiting on another move coming to our general area.

    Though that is something they should never have placed on customers whom they had made promises to, it's not an unreasonable statement, so we tried to bear with it for a bit, though much longer then we should contractually had to - 84 days to be exact! Did I mention that they had our nursing mother rocking chair all this time (the new mothers will understand the misery)?? The company repeatedly brushed us off I feel because they felt that since more than 50% of our contents were delivered, "delivery" per the contract had legally constructively been made..thats my guess.Unfortunately, even if it was barely legal (I don't know if it is), its awful customer treatment, and we're not paying to be treated badly. The tricksters (NPM) also asserted that another reason it only partially completed the job is because our contents were more than what their 2nd driver (the guy who picked up the stuff from the company's storage a week after it left our house and took the stuff down) anticipated.

    Apparently, the actual weight of our contents was between 13%-17% more than initially estimated over the phone. Have you ever heard of a profesional moving company that makes customers wait 84 days because of an approximate 15% weight variance, when one week was the expectation?? To us, this was simply another excuse from them (perhaps they have a big legal dept sitting there thinking up excuses like that) and the standard case of the company taking on more business than it could handle. No one pays to have 20% of their contents delivered 84 days after the promised date. Additionally, even if there was a weight variance as the company alleges, the contents of our home were picked up from our place on a Thursday, and sat in NPM storage. An entire week later, another NPM driver then, and only then, an entire week later, picked up some of our the contents and brought them down. That was an entire one week period for all logistics to be worked out, and for any internal NPM driver to driver estimation errors to be resolved.

    The company overpromises and underdelivers. Why did we suffer because of an error made by NPM? Why is the company so apathethic to customer complaints - as if they are too accustomed to frequent complaints.   During the 84 day waiting period, we paid multiple calls to NPM, and each time we were told "NPM is working on it". The standard "this is not typical, we are working on it right now, and will call you back tomorrow after talking to my boss or tomorrow". This must be a line they receive in training to get annoyed customers off the phone because I've seen it in other online reviews they received. Anyway, we sent the NPM salewoman, and the logistical coordinator emails and calls many many times, detailing all of these issues listed above, and requesting an email response with a final swift resolution - we never received the email response, and didn't receive the rest of our move and had to file a BBB complaint against them, which yielded no favorable result.

    I have never written a review online before, despite having received some bad service here and there from different companies, but this time around I felt mistreated so badly that I absolutely needed to warn other customers. Do NOT do business with this company. I'm not saying that the company handles all of its move badly, but the poor service, overpromises, and late deliveries seem to be a reoccurring trend among customer. Read the other reviews for yourself along with mine and you'll realize that so many negative reviews spell trouble for the unwary customer more times that you can imagine.

  12. Dont Move with this company.

    They delivered my stuff in damaged condition. The damaged stuff was worth $1700. All my furniture was broken including sofa, love seat, coffee table, bicycle, book cases, file cabinets, etc..They offered a settlement  amount of $50. I called them and they said they can't do anything more than $50. May be they could add $15-20. what a joke! .

  13. Still have not received our stuff, told it will be tomorrow 9/26/12.

    Company could care less about the 26 days it took to get our stuff, we have slept on the floor of our house, had to eat out or buy extra things to accomodate the lack of our own stuff. They decided to try to "satisfy us" with giving us 95 dollars off of our 4495.00 move. The owner was unaccessable, and the Dispatch Manager Summer was non helpful with trying to rectify the situation even after she has admitted this is not their "typical" delivery time. Do Not Use this company!! They are unprofessional and do not care about anything but trying to make a dollar. They were able to pick up our items in 2 days notice, but unable to deliver them for over 2 weeks without letting us know that would be the case.  We are suppose to receive our stuff tomorrow 09/26/12. After reading other reviews, we are hopeful that are stuff is in good condition. My hope in writing this review is to spare others the agony and expense of using a dishonest and misleading company such as this!  I have all the emails of her telling me they will make this right for us, etc. If anyone is interested please contact me and I will tell you all details.   .

  14. Dont Use This Compnay.

    The sales rep was nice, helpful slightly pushy. If I didn't need 3 quotes and had two weeks to do everything for a 5000 mile move I would never have bothered with them.The sales rep said they could do everything that I was looking for which wasn't much. Storage in the area I was moving to until I had an adress and date for delievery. as well as someone to transport my car.I was packing everything and there wasn't much. I explained everything I had and they sent over a contract with a price and everything.Once all my quotes were in my company choose them as they were the cheapest.. so cheap in fact my gut said it was wrong.I tried to convince my boss they weren't right for the job but money talks.. or rather not having to spend money talks.They regret it now.On pick up date they switched from weight to size of move. the price went from 1800 to almost 7400. And this was after having to explain over and over that I was not paying them a cash dposit that my work was paying for everything.Which I had covered with the sales rep.They took my stuff and after it was on the truck informed me of the new price and oh by the way surcharges for stairs and if the have to use a smaller truck for delivery.I had no choice at that point as I had to be on the other side of the country working in less then 48hours.My car was supposed to be picked up the same day.. wrong again they were told it was ok to pick it up the next day.After negotiating again I had to drop it off..Once I got to the company to drop it off I again had to negotiate that they take it since the person I spoke to forgot to mention they don't take cars after a certain time even though they are open 24hours.They delievered my car without giving me any notice and instead of door to door like it was supposed to I had to take a train 50 miles away to pick up my car and again explain that the car had a deposit and I didn't owe the full amout before they finally released it.My belongings took 2 weeks too long as the sales rep lied and my stuff was not locally stored it was kept in Vegas.My work kept calling and calling and so did I.. no call backs.After the overpriced move far more expensive in the end then any of the other quotes. They called me on a Thursday and said they could deliver saturday or sunday.. short notice but chance had it I was off saturday.I informed them I was off only saturday and unavailable sunday.On friday they left me a message saying they were delivering on SUNDAY.. [EDIT].I called back again, explained again that I was working sunday and saturday was it.They said the boss would call.. no callCalled again.. boss would call.NO call.Finally called again .. oh boss said delivery 10pm saturday.Then they tell me they want to charge me more money cause they cnt bring the big truck where I live.And how am I paying them.I told them to contact my work all payment goes through them.When my belongings arrived they were thrashed. Boxes were ripped, broken dirty.They said they had to put some boxes in new boxes cause others got broken.One drawer on my chest of drawers no longer opens.My cat post is missing.They tried to give me someone elses tableI have someone elses box which contains a drum.Now I have to wait another week for my missing items, and to return someone elses missing item.Every step of the way after the sales rep is done they turn unethical, uncomminicative, and frustrating.I WILL NEVER RECOMEND THEM TO ANYONE.PEASE DONT USE New Planet Moving in Las Vegas for any move.

  15. Think twice before choosing these people!!

    New Planet moving and storage are a bunch of crooks and liers! they advertise 3-7 days and my move took 18 days to get to me. They completely brutally damaged all of our belongings. The moving guys were good, but the guys in the warehouse were hard on our belongings. The women in the office were terrible with returning calls and avoiding me. I had to call them every day for over a week to get a sure date on my delivery. This place is a JOKE DO NOT USE THEM!!

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