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Transnational Moving Systems

Transnational Moving Systems reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Transnational Moving Systems from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Transnational Moving Systems – 1.7 (calculated based on 38 reviews).

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Transnational Moving Systems

   38 reviews

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Service Areas

  • Company: Transnational Moving Systems
  • Location: 4141 Dixie Rd PO Box 41246, Mississauga ON
  • Website: transnationalmoving.com
  • Email: info@transnationalmoving.com
  • Phones: (905) 795-1088||(800) 522-0879

38 Reviews: Add Review

  1. First time moving.

    My family moved from saskatoon to ontario and were scared for the big change. we were reassured the whole time and the agents answered all our questions whenever we called in. all our stuff was in the same condition and boxes safely at our new apartment.

  2. Horrible service.

    I would never use this company again! The problems started when our furniture was supposed to be picked up. We were told that we would get a call with 24 hours notice. We received that notice and waited for the whole day for them to show up eventually they called and said that they would not be able to come until the next day. Everything was already packed so we needed to find other accommodations for that night. Earlier in the month we called Michael from Transnational and had a conversation about when we could expect our furniture to arrive, after this conversation we finalized our housing arrangements on the other end of our move. The furniture was to arrive on Feb 8 so we rented our place on the day before to ensure we were ready for the movers. Once again we waited but this time nothing, no call, no email no nothing. As the company is in the East and on a different time zone we called but needed to leave a message, of course, their mailbox was full and no message could be left. I called the office the next day only to be told that the furniture would not be arriving until Feb 18 to the 20th. I then, started to express my frustrations about all of the extra costs, additional accommodations costs and rent that was not necessary. At this time I was told that if I continued to make a fuss he, Michael, would have my furniture dropped back in the yard where they originally picked it up. This of course shocked me into submission and left me felling very vulnerable and abused. Before Michael threaten this he asked if I had any proof that the delivery date was to be Feb 8, I responded by reiterating our telephone conversation. I was told that we needed written proof and that is when he started to be intimidating and threatening. He also stated "if I seen him I'd know that he didn't need my pitiful $2000" WOW..If all this wasn't bad enough the arrival was supposed to be between 3 and 4 pm on Sunday February 17. When 6 pm rolled around I tried to call the driver and it went straight to a recording "UVI this number is not available" or something to that effect. Well at this point I thought all of my belongings were stolen and I would never see my beloved memories and much need personal items, much to my relief, they finally arrived at 9 pm that evening. The last kick in the face was when I received the bill and was charged for items that were not on the original quote , like long distance move charge. I was told by Michael, that the only thing that would be charged for over and above the quote was for additional weight which is completely understandable. I urge anyone that is moving NOT to use TRANSNATIONAL MOVING SYSTEMS..THEY ARE HORRIBLE IN EVERY WAY.

  3. Don't even think about it!

    This is my first ever bad review of a company as I believe everyone can have a bad day..but this company is just too much. aside for the lateness, loosing boxes and last minute costs which suck but, considering a 5k+ km moving form coast to coast, I can understand the logistic hustle. The key here is the MO..kind and pleasant at first and just the worst a few days before the move.When you are getting the service making you feel like ''oh, this may go well'' and then, when there is a little way out, they become the biggest [EDIT] you will ever encounter. they don't answer the phone very often but if they do, you will be blame for any issue may be going on. they will be extremely disrespectful to the point to make you feel sorry for human kind. you become their hostage as they have not only your stuff, but your personal info too. anyway, I could go for hours but it is not worth my time. In a nut shell, please don't waste your time with this company. Yes, their price is fair but no money is worth being treated like they will treat you, specially Michael, this guy should be in jail.

  4. Stay Away From Tms.

    Moving From northeastern Ontario to southern New Brunswick. I booked another company 3 months ahead of moving just to be sure. A week before they canceled and left me calling hundreds of places. Finally micheal said it was guaranteed pick up and he made it sound so perfect, when pick up day came I got a call from the driver saying micheal booked so many moves ahead of me the truck was full, he was was polite about it. Once we called the manager micheal he quickly gave me my deposit back then said if I can get it to their truck in Barrie (6 hours south) by the next day it could get to NB on time. After spending 300$ for a truck and trailer and getting it down it seemed to be okay, I was 867lbs(we stopped at a goverment trasport scale to weigh it for free before hand to know for proof of the real weight) 1000lb minium
    but still had to pay the 1200$ even though they never picked up. Once I arrived in NB on the 1st they were on time for 8am on the 2nd. Then it turned to the 3rd then late on thr 4th, again micheal kept filling these guys truck and doing stupid in town deliveries. Finally came and the guys were really nice and awesome to work with, no damnage but did end up having to give back things that were not mine. So total around 600$ extra it turned from a 1200$ to a 1800 quickly. I wish I googled them before hand but I was just to panicy. Extremely dissapointed as im 18 moving out for the first time the move screwed me out for all the money I had left for food and deposits for hydro.

  5. We were over billed, lied and threatened.

    We were trying to move 9000 to 10000 lb of belongs from Saskatchewan to Ontario. They send a driver with a small truck and hire two alcoholic locals (yes, I could smell the liquor), who spent over 7 hours loading and caused bumps and scratches on the walls and hardwood floor. The poor driver had no support from his company and had to move some load to a storage the next day because the truck was not big enough.

    Then we were told our stuff were all shipped by two separate trucks and stored in their Missisagua storage. We were invoiced for two truckloads of moving exceeding 12000lb. After arguing about the invoicing error that was different from the quote and requesting scale documents, we finally got it corrected and agreed to pay for the 12000 lb of moving in money order. It was very difficult to talk to them, the sales/manager would never answer our calls or emails. Other employees including their accounting know little to nothing about what's going on with our staff.

    On the day of delivery, which was delayed because of the billing issues, we only got one truckload of stuff which was the first truck that left Saskatchewan a month ago. They ask for full payment or they would drive away with our stuff. After a heated conversation with their manager -Micheal-, we learned our 2nd truckload of stuff was still in the storage in Saskatchewan, never got picked up. So what the heck of the billing for two truckloads about? They lied to us. under duress, we gave them the money order which was supposed to be payment for 12000 lb (Two truck loads) of moving just to get part of our stuff.

    After several calling, they finally picked up the remaining of our stuff in SK and send us another invoice of 4000 lb of Moving. Same trick, we have to pay to get them. We had no choice but to pay them again to get our stuff back.

    In summary, we were overcharged by these bandits at least 6000lb in terms of three scaling tickets of 6000s lb, 6000s lb and 4000s lb when we only got moved two truckloads of stuff. This is by itself a fraud! We Will Sue them! I don't care if I can get the overcharged money back. we want to make sure movers like them not cheating on their clients again! We have time and money to go through that. I heard they were sued 16 times last year. There is no way we should suck it up. We will sue! We will even rally for a class action against them!

    Fortunately, we got our stuff back without loss or damages. I thank the drivers for taking their jobs professionally with nothing but trouble from their office manager.

  6. Lost Goods.

    Wow, I wish I read these reviews before we used this company.

    We are currently missing 15 boxes of things, including but not limited to: my 5 month old son's keepsakes from the hospital (hospital tag, hat he wore home etc), all of my wife's clothing and some unimportant bathroom stuff.. so if you used these guys around the end of September 2018 or early October 2018.. or had stuff delivered between then and now and got some boxes labelled "Brenda's clothing" or "Bruce" let me know!

    We also received some extra stuff.. if you are missing what looks to be either two pink prom or bridesmaid dresses wrapped in plastic.. I guess let me know and I will do what I can to get it back to you. Additionally a little end table and a box of bathroom stuff. Picture of dresses attached, there is a name on them which I have not found on Facebook.. let me know the name and they're yours!

    The individual we have been talking to at this company has not been very cooperative and the best response we got in regards to our missing items was "if it turns up we will let you know".. this is not a very acceptable response in our minds as we definitely cannot afford to purchase my wife a new wardrobe (she currently has about four days of clothing with her).

    They also quoted 10 to 13 days for our stuff to be delivered.. it was more along the lines of 30 days. And this was AFTER pestering them for information. They do a poor job of keeping you updated on your items transit.

    Some of our stuff arrived damaged.. sure that happens.. but we received a very negative response to our inquiries. This review would have been held off were they not so rude and non-caring about our missing stuff.

    I sincerely hope our stuff turns up.. and if it does not I do not feel hopeful that this company will resolve the issue financially (approximately 16,000 dollars worth of damaged or lost goods).

  7. Unprofessional and rude.

    With a possession date of the 17th these geniuses thought it would be appropriate to deliver on the 15th and threatened to dump our stuff in storage and leave us to deal with it. When I challenged them on the fact that the original agreement was delivery after the 17th they refused to deliver any later than the 17th itself. It is as if they have no idea how to run the business. They were rude and unprofessional and when I asked for a manger they said that was the manager. I asked for someone in-charge of manager and was told that is the owner and he will never talk to me.
    As far as the pick up and delivery, the two guys who picked up started having a swearing match in the back of the truck in-front of my kids. Delivery was even worse, turns out with this company every single box marked as fragile arrived upside down and all of the leveling pegs on our bed and tables were missing. (strange how some one inch long screw threads that I had turned fully in before we shipped all managed to make their way loose and disappear). Furniture had damage on it due to rough mishandling.
    Similar to other's experiences with trying to do a claim they do not return your calls or emails at all. As far as lost items I know how it happens with this company as they tried to deliver to us a glass table that was not ours (we had to refuse it twice).
    Most unprofessional company I have ever dealt with and I recommend avoiding like the plague.

  8. Worst move - No Customer Service.

    I have moved several times across the country and this was by far the worst experience I have ever had. I have been trying for over a month to get a claim in and no one with return emails or phone calls. But they are quick to take my money and overcharge me significantly for the move. There was little care taken with my furniture and several tables were ruined. They lost a piece to my bed and broke my bike. And worse they refuse to respond. Now I have to call a lawyer and Better Business Bureau. Moving is stressful enough. Save yourself major headaches and go with another firm.

  9. Moving.

    I'm writing in with a complaint. I booked a moving company to help me move from Surrey to Toronto. The company was to picked up my stuff from Saturday but the movers came and had no space in the truck. So, the mover promises to pick up the fellowing week on Friday and 8:30am. I can to him on the new moving day and there told me now at 12:00 but I told them at I had an appointment. Now I no one is picking up my stuff. I called Transnational Moving to explain what is going on and Micheal who I spoke to and he started yelling and hang up the phone on me. I had to call back and he was very aggressive over the phone. This company doesn't have no customer service. Don't use them.

  10. Moving from gatineau Quebec to nanaimo BC.

    I was very satisfied with that company . They arriving home on time for the pick up, stored my boxes for 6 weeks and final destination on the island at the selected date and time. I was a bit afraid when I booked because of the bad reviews but wow !,
    I would recommend or use that company again without a doubt.
    Thank you for your great service.

  11. Move to Moncton.

    We have moved all over the world and experienced various moving companies which damaged or lost or delivered the wrong item and requested before unloading more money. So this time we used Transnational to get some furniture etc. from BC to Moncton NB.
    The positive everything was accounted for when it arrived.. some plates and a glass are a write off but the rest was in perfect conditions.
    The negative. Transnational gave us 4 dates for delivery and nobody showed up .. further the person who is answering the phone is very unprofessional , rude and insulting this creates a lot of aggressions..
    Deliveries might take longer ..this is normal.. but please be polite and honest and you could be 5*.

  12. Maryam Parvaneh.

    I moved from NB to Toronto last week. They came on time and delivered with no damage. I am really satisfied of them. They were good guys and so polite to me.

    Thank you so much guys and good luck!

  13. Worst compagny ever.

    I booked the compagny 3 months before the move from Quebec to NB. I had to leave before july the first and thet assure me that they would come on june the 30th. I calles twice in the weeks before the move to make sure that everything was alright. I was told the truck would come on the 30th between 5-8pm. On the 30th, at 8h30pm I got a call from the truck driver telling me that the truck was full and another truck would come at 8am sharp the next morning. At 8h30 am on July the first I got a text from the text driver telling me he was leaving Fredericton Nb and would be there at 1h30pm! He said he got a message on wasap in the morning telling him he had to pick my stuff. In Quebec, you have to leave but noon on July the 1st! I try over and over to call the compagny but would always end up on a full mailbox! Some family members had to come all the way from NB to pick my stuff up! Afterward, it took over a month before I could have my deposit back! One of the employees, hung up on my when I said I wanted my deposit back! He said it was only 100$ so it didn’t matter, I wasn’t like I paid 4000$!! And of course he said that screaming over the phone before hunging up on me!! They turned my moving into a nightmare!! Would never recommend them to anyone!!

  14. My experience.

    This was the worst company and by far worst people to deal with in Canada.
    My piano travelled thousands of miles safe before they received it but they some how managed to damage it at my door step beside its box and my ftont yard plants.
    They charged me for their lunch break .
    I sent a complaint but never been called back.
    I am seriously considering filing complaint at whatever governmental authority to stop these people from injecting more damage .

  15. Stay away!!

    Beware of these criminals!
    They will damage your items, and steal your property! The most unprofessional ‘company’ we have ever dealt with, we had over $3000 in damages and did not receive calls back, no compensation, I filled out a claims form and sent in pictures of our broken and damaged items and pictures of items that were never delivered, I was yelled at by these ppl on the phone, save your property and your money, and go with a REPUTABLE BBB company!

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