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North American Relocation

North American Relocation reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company North American Relocation from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating North American Relocation – 1 (calculated based on 17 reviews).

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North American Relocation

   17 reviews

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Service Areas

  • Company: North American Relocation
  • Location: 4142 MARINER BLVD SUITE 152, Spring Hill FL, 33469
  • Website: northamericanrelocation.com
  • Email: info@northamericanrelocation.com
  • Phones: (888) 722-0306

17 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Crime syndicate, not a moving co.

    Total scam from start to finish. Friendly w/ good rates until the moment they had all my property locked in their (rented) truck. Then the price immediately more than quadrupled their “estimate.” They blamed me, saying their estimate was based on what I had reported to them and I must’ve underreported the volume. Miraculously though, and they had shown up in a truck perfectly sized to haul 4 times as much stuff, which just happened to fit the precise contents of my house.

    They then delayed the delivery date by almost a month and expanded the delivery window from 5 days to 3 weeks. They said they would call 15 minutes before delivery time and if I wasn’t there to meet them when they arrived, they’d put my stuff in storage and charge me over $500 a day to store it until whenever they attempted to deliver it again which they put no time limit on. This meant I ended up spending 8 days in an empty apartment with no bed, cookware, TV, table, chairs, etc. Just me and the 4 walls, unable to go anywhere for an unknown time. When they finally did arrive, they demanded an $800 “tip” because there was only one elevator in the building.

    Let me put it simply: North American Relocation is the reason I hope there’s a hell.

  2. Dishonest and despicable.

    This a dishonest moving broker masquerading as a moving company. I am writing this review after having exhausted all resources to try to secure a fair resolution including speaking with the company directly.

    For reference, their legal name is North American Relocation LLC but they are doing business as All Pro Moving Co with USDOT 2867699. Their number is |866| 428-9279 but good luck contacting them for QA or customer service. Despite their name, they are a moving broker – not a moving company – that contracts moves out to a number of different moving companies.

    In summary, these are miscreants who do not broker in good faith. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. If you made the mistake of signing a contract with this company, I implore you to cancel your contract, dispute your transactions, and to continue to report your horrid experiences doing business with them. The only way to prevent them from taking advantage of unsuspecting customers is to make their business unprofitable through a focus on offering the transparency that they deliberately obfuscate as part of their business model. One star is generous, but zero stars is not an option.

    I booked a move with “Brandon” on 5/29 under stressful personal circumstances for a planned move on 6/23 from Charleston, SC to Bryn Mawr, PA. “Brandon” obtained a grossly inaccurate estimate of my items in order to offer me what I thought was a competitive rate that he would "only be able to lock in for a day before the summer moving rate was about to start.” He also told me the movers would be "his guys." After looking at other reviews online, grossly underrepresenting the cost of the expected move appears to be common practice for “Brandon.” Please see the BBB for other complaints about him as this is commonplace.

    After the 72 hour cancellation window, it was virtually impossible to get in touch with anyone from this company.

    I finally reached “Mike P.” at quality assurance on the day before my move, 6/22, at which time he explained that I “was on his list of people to get back to” that morning.

    During our conversation, less than 24 hours before the move, I was up-charged from an initial estimate of $1795 to $4100 (the pieces representing a mere 30% increase by volume comprised of pictures, children's toys, and other small items.) After I explained to Mike that that this was completely discrepant with what Brandon had advised me over the phone and that I would be going with another broker as I could not afford this price point, the price suddenly became negotiable. I told “Mike P.” that I would be contesting the charges due to deceitful business practices at which point he responded "whatever, we get complaints all the time" and hung up the phone.

    The company hires an “after hours” individual who is contracted to forward a message overnight to actual employees from the company. The co. calls this 24/7 hour customer service. Furthermore, all company employees have Google Voice set up so that they can purposefully screen calls. While I do not have the resources to litigate this willful misrepresentation of the company’s services, it is quite clear from a consumer standpoint that this constitutes fraud.

    My bank briefly refunded the charge of $645.38 (1/3 of the original price that I paid up front as part of my estimate at $1795) but then rescinded the credit when All Pro Moving Co. LLC provided the contract. As I had no standing to prove that the contract was signed under the pretenses of services that were not actually offered (i.e. expert guidance, 24/7 customer service, etc.), in tandem with deliberate underestimation of the price point on the part of the moving broker,I paid these con-artists $645.38 for the privilege of lying to me with no services being rendered. All Pro Moving Co. alleges that the bank's decision reflects absence of wrongdoing on their part. In fact, legally and philosophically, it merely represents an inability to formally prove fraud in the time necessary for appeal of the decision.

    I spent 10 days trying to reach this company after the decision but could only make contact with them by calling to ask for a quote. After reaching “Chase Daniels” who was reluctant to give his name and eager to terminate the call when he realized I wouldn't be needing a quote, he gave me "Dylan," his manager who explained no reconciliation would be considered by ownership as it costs the company money to contest the dispute that I had initiated with my bank and that it impacts their standing as a merchant.

    One might ask how many people have been swindled by this company, who has an F rating on the BBB, that ownership has put a formal policy in place forbidding reconciliation of disputed transactions? I suspect that the 7 formal complaints on the BBB this year alone (let alone the plethora of complaints on the internet alleging identical bait and switch tactics) underrepresent the extent of fraudulent and unethical practices of this company.

  3. Raised the price after picking up items. Held belongings hostage!!

    This is the worst company ever. Late pickup. Raised price after pickup by $150. Broken and lost items. Gave me a phony website to file a claim. Bad news!!

  4. Liars and Thieves.

    Lied to me about being able to pickup my daughter's car and deliver to Seattle. Lied about giving me a refund. Basically stole $300 from me.
    I called George Montclaire at North American Relocation/Fast Track Auto Carriers LLC to book my just graduated daughter's move to Seattle. They were going to move her furniture and items and her car, which has a special adaptation for her to drive (she is handicapped), and I needed it in Seattle the 2nd week of June. I paid my deposits for the move of the vehicle and the items. When the time came to get the items, they were picked up. When the time came to get the car, the company simply didn't pick it up. When I called to check, they said their truck couldn't pick up the car on time, and I would have to pay a lot more $$ to get the car to Seattle, and even then they said they couldn't get it there on time. Dozens of phone calls. Dozens of e-mails. Time wasted. Fast Track Auto Carriers finally admitted that they couldn't get the car to Seattle. So, they promised me a refund within 3 days, and I had to find a more reputable company (and pay a rush premium) to get my daughter's car to Seattle in time for her to start her new job and graduate school. That was the first week of June. For the entire month of June, I was e-mailing and calling and getting the same information. We will refund your $300 deposit in 3 business days. In July, I turned it over to my Credit Card company to dispute the charge, since Fast Track continued to lie to me. Wells Fargo tried to get my money back, but the thieves at Fast Track wouldn't refund it, and I have e-mails from them saying they were working on it. North American Relocation and Fast Track Auto Carriers are lying, thieving grifters who should be put out of business, if not actually arrested for stealing.

  5. Late..

    Movers were over 24 hours late picking my items up from the estimated time they gave me. Driver lacked communication in keeping me up to date on arrival time. Upon arrival at pick up, North American had actually subcontracted our move to Kangaroo Van Lines without contacting us first to let us know a different company with different policies would be handling our items. Was initially told the move would take 9-14 days, but will be well over 14 days by the time we actually receive our items. Customer service has been terrible throughout the entire move. They have little information in regards to where our items are. Told us they would call us back with more information within 24 hours and never did..

  6. Dishonest.

    Do not even consider using this company they are liars and thieves. Booked a move with them on November 13, 2017. Prior to booking I emphasized multiple times that they be able to pick up the household goods on Nov 24 or 25th. Jeffrey Jaqid (sales representative) assured me that would not be a problem and said he also checked with his supervisor and they also assured the 24th or 25th pickup date would not be a problem. I followed with an email to customer service on the 14th because the wording stated the earliest pick-up date would be the 24th and I wanted to be sure they planned on picking up on the 24th or 25th and how important the pick-up dates were because I needed to get back to Florida to work. At that time Lisa Jones replied and said she had a truck scheduled to pick-up on one of those days (24th or 25th). Andrew Bennett/ Bill Young called on Nov 21st requesting I give them exactly what it is being shipped and I responded by telling them to the best of my knowledge what I had given them previously is what is being shipped, but also explained to them that I was in Florida and the information on what’s being shipped was coming from my 83-year-old mother in Iowa. I then asked him to confirm that they would be there on the 24th or 25th and he said they were still trying to find a shipper and started to explain that it’s the holidays and they were having problems and said they would not be able to get someone there until next week – earliest would be the 26 or 27. At the time of the conversation they HAD NOT made arrangements to pick-up on the 24th. I stated that in the Binding Moving Estimate under ‘Understanding Your Estimate’ they had stated “North American Relocation will pick up on the 24th or 25th of November”. He said that the only way they could guarantee those dates would be if I pay and addition $300. It was at that time on November 21st I requested they cancel the order because I was not going to pay an addition $300 to have them pick-up on the dates they had already guaranteed in the Binding Agreement and in the email from Lisa Jones on November 14. I followed up with an email on the 22 to customer service requesting they confirm they canceled the move and asked who I had spoken with and they responded by saying the shipment had been canceled and the paperwork had been sent to bookkeeping to process. This should have been they keep 15% and send back the rest of the deposit. I requested the CC used place a dispute on the amount to be refunded (deposit – 15%). North American responded by sending the CC a document full of lies – said the had a truck ready to pick-up on the 24th, which if true I would not be writing this dispute. The order was canceled on the 21st which is 72 hours’ notice even if they had a truck picking up on the 24th which they DID NOT. Called on the 22nd and they said that I had spoken with Bill Young the day before. Unfortunately, the CC (AAA) believed their lies so the fight continues. DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER USING THESE CROOKS!

  7. Don't Use North American Relocation of Boynton Beach, FL !!

    I was foolish enough to have used this company twice! I experienced an extensive amount of furniture and appliance damages on the first move. Life/job changes forced another move soon after the first move and since they appeared to be working my damage claims I figured they were good to go for the second move. They have a so-called "claims department" but nothing has ever happened but stall tactics. I have emailed them numerous times and called them numerous times. You will get absolutely nowhere on the damages that will inevitably occur. On my last contact, I was directed to a so-called "moving damages" company - another stall tactic. I recently sent them a letter in the mail as a "last-ditch effort" to work with me or I would have to take the legal remedy - it's been over 30 days and not a word from them. I only rated them one star because you can't rate zero stars.

  8. WORST Experience ever.

    We gave them $1202 deposit for our move, and the day before the move they called and insisted $2400 more or they could not send the truck. We refused to provided the funds and referred to our contract which said the second installment was due upon pick up. I have since learned that real movers will not expect money up front. So they did not show to make the move, and have refused to return the $1202 deposit. I have involved the FL Attorney General, as I think this is really a scam and I don't think they are a real moving company. They have a business of just taking deposits and never performing a job.

  9. Run Away!

    Quite possibly the worst moving experience I've had. I booked 2 months in advance. Gave a detailed rundown of inventory and was quoted a price. I then had to initiate follow up contacts trying to see if everything was on schedule and on track. A day before my scheduled pickup the price was increased by $1000. Then the pickup was delayed by 5 days. When my belongings arrived the boxes were smashed, furniture was damaged..it looked like my possessions had been run over or through a tornado. North American Relocation was generally unresponsive and nonplussed by the entire situation. At one point when I was begging, pleading, and hoping to get my things picked up days after the pickup window, their "Quality Assurance" manager basically said my move was a low priority and it will get done when it gets done. But at that point they had me over a barrel. They had $1000 of my money and I had deadlines as I was moving out of state. My advice? Use ANYONE else. Even if the only other option is a crack addict brother in law with a pickup truck..go with the him.

  10. DO NOT USE North American Relocation.

    The moving broker, Andrew Becker, lied about everything in order to get the sale. I was promised a particular moving company and was told my items would arrive in two to four days. I was also told my items would be weighed and would be adjusted to .45 a pound if the estimated weight was high. He said I could even follow the truck to the weigh station if I wanted to. On the day of the move the company that showed up was not the company promised. They told me my move was based on cubic feet, not weight, and would not be adjusted. The guy looked at me like I was crazy when I asked about the weigh station and price adjustment. He said they would not even be going to a weigh station. They also told me that my move would take a minimum of two weeks. I sent the movers away and made other arrangements. The company has been uncooperative in providing a refund of my deposit.

  11. Do NOT hire this company.

    I have nothing good to say about my experience working with this company. It took over 2 months to receive my household goods shipment, I was repeatedly lied to about where my shipment was and how long it would be until it got delivered. I was told that the cost was based on weight actually used and I would be refunded the amount my shipment was over, this was not the case and they refused to process a refund. Additionally someone that worked there offered me money to not write a bad review, I filed with BBB and was unable to reach a reasonable settlement and when I called to reopen with North American they denied my request. In addition to being lied to and ripped off, I also received items in damaged goods, the movers actually handed me individual Christmas ornaments that were loose in the truck. Many items were delivered damaged and several boxes were lost; the items that were lost are irreplaceable. I would encourage everyone to find another business as this one does not care about the customers and I have never received worse service where no one makes an effort to right the situation.

  12. Recent Move.

    North American Relocation gave me an estimate for $2302.15.

    After all the furnishings were loaded on the truck I was told the cost would actually be $4,900. I was told the furnishings would not be weighed and I had to accept their estimate as to the weight and volume of the furnishings. This was an obvious bait and switch operation once they had the truck loaded. I'd advise anyone needing to move to find a reputable mover and stay clear of North American Relocation.

  13. Horrible!! Never again!

    UPDATED! 7/16/17

    Manager Doughlas is a [EDIT]. He calls me and starts going on about an issue. He won't let me talk and keeps interrupting me then proceeds to TELL me how they didn't double charge my mothers card though it was shown on her bank account, but he's right. LOL Then I finally tell him how unbelievable it is that he's a manager and how rudly he's speaking to me. He tells me how he's not being rude that he's just annoyed by that fact that he so called had to deal with four ppl for this account.. sorry that my mother and mother in law are splitting the cost, that the payments so called keep getting declined after they never charged the one card over a month ago to begin with. The one card declining wasn't our fault either, it was fine and had no reason to but was on their end. Regardless it's YOUR JOB! If you can't deal with it in a respectful and professional manner than you definetly shouldn't be a manger. Second that is NEVER an excuse to talk to a customer like that let alone TELL me how you didbt charge the other card when in fact you did. So not only was he rude but he point blank lied. I ended up hanging up on him and my mother had to called him.

    Second I had an issue with the guy who did our inventory for the move. Again he was so rude another Manager named Jake had to talk to me to get it updated.

    The truck was scheduled between two days, tues and wed but never arrived till Thursday afternoon. We got told late wed 3 hours AFTER they knew they weren't going to make it for wed either. They finally showed up Thursday around noon and didn't get don't till about 3/3:30pm. There was 3 guys, one of which who actually loaded our stuff, the second guy talked on his phone, watched the other guys after carrying an item even hour and talked to people walking by. The third guy was the head of it that felt with tagging our items and matching it to the inventory till he was done and could help the other guy. They put multiple of our boxes on a dolly and wheeled it down the stairs while letting it drop and smash as they went down the stairs with it.. regardless of us marking some of the boxes FRAGILE. Needless to say our stuff was not packed in the truck or carried down professionally in any manner what so ever. My fiancé started carrying boxes down himself to make sure our stuff got down safely and I hopes to get it done quicker since we were then now a day late due to them never showing the first two days.

    When our stuff arrived, it was three weeks later. The guy who picked it up said the date I put down was for it to be delivered by or around, not the date for which it is allowed to START to be delivered and can take up to 21 days after that start date to arrive. Also our stuff was packed into a smaller semi truck. When it arrived our stuff was in a huge semi truck. So obviously our stuff was moved from one truck to another and the packing of our stuff was insane. I took pictures of the guys trying to squeeze our stuff out of the middle of the semi from one of the middle doors. Our stuff was literally crammed in the truck and our boxes showed up smashed, crushed and with extra tape on them from the company who put it on then from the boxes being that bad with damage. I will NEVER again use this company. The guys unloaded the truck not knowing what was and wasn't ours, with NO inventory list, NO nothing. We had to literally tell them what was and wasn't ours and hope they didn't miss anything of ours.

  14. Be cautious with this company.

    Never Opt for this company, they stole away my money.
    They never picked up my stuff. Management is also very rude and are not intended to address the issue. Once they take the deposit from the customer then the customer care will not respond properly. They revised the estimate by 35% extra without any proper reason.

  15. North American Relocation.

    Stay Away!! If you think this is North American Van Lines, it is NOT!! "Stole" $2,000 from my mom for relocation when my father passed. Called the day before the move to take place and said they need to up the charge because they thought it was under what it should be. Promised they would reimburse if we were under projected weight and never did! Total crooks that took advantage of a grieving widow. Low life's at best!! Working with a lawyer to get money back..and yes, I have emails to back all this up!! Funny thing is, they should have reimbursed as they said they would, now it will cost them in lawyer/court fees, whereas it is not going to cost me anything.


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