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Stevens Van Lines

Stevens Van Lines reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Stevens Van Lines from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Stevens Van Lines – 2 (calculated based on 71 reviews).

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Stevens Van Lines

   71 reviews

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  • Company: Stevens Van Lines
  • Location: 527 W. Morley Drive, Saginaw MI, 48601
  • Website: stevensworldwide.com
  • Email: local@stevensworldwide.com
  • Phones: (989)-755-3000||(877)-490-0713

71 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Horrible Experience and Not Over.

    Amateur driver with 3 useless helpers took 14 hours to load a 2 bedroom house with basement. Cannot deliver on day promised, got follow up date and now they won't make that. Sitting in new home with nothing, waiting, waiting for over 5 days now.

  2. Stevens Driver Subject on Police Report of Theft.

    You have options on who to use as a mover. I do not recommend using Stevens WW Van Lines. It was the worst of all of our 7 career moves and it had all to due with the people. Up front they seamed nice but in the end we had to file a police report due to the theft of our belongings. The Stevens packers looked like they just came off the street and not the kind of people I would normally let into our house. When unpacking we found that our things had been rummaged though and items were missing. We had over $800 in valuables disappear and over $700 in broken property. Sergio Q, the driver, spent more time badmouthing Stevens then inventorying the contents for the BOL. This Stevens's incorrect BOL became the reason for Stevens to denied our claim and was done without even a phone call, email, or inspection to investigate what went so terrible wrong. Even the disputed claim was denied summarily. Trisha L , the claims adjuster at Stevens refused to return calls and we were completely ignored. I am not sure Stevens even knew the names of the people they hired to pack us and that is the very scary part. Stevens employees conducted themselves unprofessionally and with little sense of customer service. There was a “get the money and run mentality” to how they interacted with me as a customer. You have choices and Stevens Worldwide Van Lines is not one of your better choices.

  3. Moving into storage.

    Our move is in two parts. Part one was into storage in Michigan. Part two will be delivery to Arizona when our new home is built.
    The part one experience exceeded expectations. Very important, the sales quote was right inline with the actual price. Secondly, we were overwhelmed with packing. The mover asked us to tell them our needs the day before and they provided the manpower to get everything done. The movers were friendly, professional, and provided suggestions as we both completed packing. They also did a great job crating large glass items.

    I am expecting a similar fine job when our items are transported and set up in AZ.

  4. Beware of this company!

    Being in the military for over 11 years now we've had to endure multiple moves across the country. This company is by far the worst we have ever dealt with. The packers were late, slow and complained about each other right in front of us. They packed fragile items on the bottom of boxes, half packed other boxes and wasted a ton of supplies. There was no motivation from anyone on the packing team. We counted the number of boxes they correctly labeled and it totaled 6. The rest had no label on them so unpacking was a nightmare. They left cigarette butts all over our front yard and broke the bricks on the front steps with the dollies going in and out. Upon delivery in Texas, we noticed that a lot of our items were broken. They packed our son's toys in our deep freezer, which allowed mold to grow on all of them. We had 3 bookshelves that were completely destroyed..I'm talking in multiple pieces upon arrival, as well as multiple other items that were broken, including large dents all over our deep freezer itself. I filed a claim with the company and they refused to pay us for the dents in the freezer and 2 of the book shelves. They said the driver, upon pickup, noted that there were existing damages to the bookshelves so they would not be paying us for them. This was very upsetting as when they left our house they were still in one piece and upon arrival to our new house they were in pieces. They also denied our claim for our freezer because we could not prove that the damages occurred during shipment. It wasn't broke when it left..it was given back to us broken..yet they still will not accept responsibility. If you're shopping for a moving company I strongly urge you to look elsewhere. If you're in the military like us and the transportation office says they were awarded the contract and there isn't anything you can do to have that changed, I recommend taking before and after pictures of everything you have and documenting every scratch on every piece of furniture before they show up. Hopefully they will soon be removed from the list of contractors available to serve our military. By far the worst experience we have ever had with a moving company.

  5. Refuse to resolve dispute.

    Although Stevens intially offered to resolve this dispute in fair manner, they now refuse to honor their agreement.  Their employee, Mike *[Name was removed per company request], told my credit card company that Stevens would ship my undelivered item back to me at no charge.  But ever since then they have been impossible to reach, evasive, and deceptive.  Now, after about 9 months of holding my item, they claim that Mike never agreed to ship it back to me at no charge - despite my credit card company having a RECORD of him making that very offer.   **  In October 2014, I hired Stevens to move some items from LA to Chicago, including a very large table top and base (packaged separately).  Their LA agent contracted with me for shipment and delivery of all the goods, including the table in two parts.  He and I both knew that the table would require at least four men to carry it up two flights of stairs.   **  We signed the contract and I paid for the shipment AFTER the agent had already moved my items to his local holding location.  He had seen, weighed and measured my table before we signed the contract.  Nonetheless, ONE HOUR AFTER the interstate truck was loaded in LA and headed to Chicago, the agent emailed me that the table would NEVER go up two flights of steps and I would need to hire a separate hoisting company with a crane to deliver the table through a window or skylight.  **  Immediately I and my family told the agent that if he'd said anything like that when we were writing the contract, or when he was holding the table, we never would have shipped it.  (I was sending some items from my mini-storage to my family - it would have been no big deal at all the take the table back to my mini-storage.)  **  Eventually my credit card company got involved and Mike *[Name was removed per company request], an employee at Stevens, told them that Stevens would do its best to deliver the table but that if they couldn't, they would ship it back to me at no charge.  This was in about November 2014.  **  I was referred to John *[Name was removed per company request] at Stevens to coordinate this.  He sent someone to view the site and told me that the table could not in fact be delivered up the stairs.  This took a few months to determine but I felt that he was making an effort.  But as soon as I then asked him to send the table back to me, I began to have endless trouble.  John stopped returning my phone calls or emails.  If I would track him down in the office, he would promise to look into things but then would not get back to me.  He was hedgy about whether the table would be delivered at no cost or if I would be charged.  In the meantime Mike *[Name was removed per company request] had left Stevens and apparently no one could reach him.  **  [Name] was supposed to call me but didn't.  She didn't return calls or emails and was never in her office.  Finally at the very end of June (months and months after all of this started) J** emailed me that [Name] said it would cost me almost $2,000 to ship my table back.  **  Once again it was impossible to reach [Name].  Finally we had a phone call at the beginning of August where [Name] denied that Mike ever offered to ship the table back for free, and complained that they had been storing it in Chicago for so long!  The only reason it was in Chicago for so long is that NO ONE AT STEVENS WOULD TALK TO ME OR RETURN MY CALLS.  I have spoken again to my credit card company and they confirm that [Name was removed per company request] DID tell them that Stevens would ship the table back to me at no charge.  It's in their records but they can't make Stevens honor the offer.  **  So Stevens is sitting on my lovely and very expensive table, and despite having initially offered to send it back to me at no charge, they now want me to pay to ship it back.  (I'm not even complaining about having paid to ship it there for COMPLETELY NO REASON AT ALL.  The table must have accounted for almost half of the cost of the whole shipment.)  **  Stevens is very poor about communicating, but to the extent that I can reach anyone they are inflexible.  There has been no offer to compromise, no mediation, no arbitration, no discount on other moves.  What I get are lies, evasions, and stall tactics.

  6. Very disappointing. May be worst move ever considering it was all of 5 miles!

    I wanted to like them. The people on the phone were helpful. The estimator was helpful and professional - but is not returning calls.
    The crew was lazy, lackadaisical, took tons of breaks, missed multiple items that had to be pointed out again and again, left cigarette butts and other trash on both ends after I nicely asked them to clean up, rushed the move in, put things in the wrong places despite labels, seem to have lost at least one box, and more. And, the crew lead made a racist comment on the way out. I guess he missed pictures of my son. Shocking. Even worse, I have called estimator and main number and no one has called back. Do not use. They were not first choice. Another mover recommended them. Suspect I got the crew no one wants.

  7. My experience.

    The drivers arrived on Sunday with no packing material, then arrived to pack on Monday 3 hours late.  The drivers both smoked at the back of the truck so our house smelled of smoke when our boxes were delivered in Florida.  They forgot a package downstairs so I had to carry a 25lb box upstairs and pack it in my car with a broken ankle.  They were so late in leaving 7:30 p.m.  that we did not get in to our house in Florida until 3:30 a.m.  They packed all of fragile items in large boxes with the most fragile items in the bottom.  I had put out boxes for them to use but instead they crammed all of our little items into one box with no wrapping.  Which caused my small items to break and one item I could not even identify.  They put an ivory carving, not wrapped, into box a box with a lamp wrapped in a blanket, of course the carving broke and now I am dealing with the insurance who only pays for the carving and it does not matter that the carving has been in the family for over 100 years. They put my stained glass windows at the bottom of the boxes so both of them broke.   Oh also the guy who showed up at our house in GA came with his brother who does not work for the company, then showed up at our house in Fl with his real partner who was off.  Finally they packed my computer monitor without the tabs for the keyboard and mouse and the insurance is refusing to pay because they say I signed a statement saying it was in the box when it left the house and arrived at our new house.  But as I have explained to them I had a broken ankle and I was never downstairs and never saw it go into the box.  This was a nightmare, and dealing with their insurance is an ever bigger nightmare.  I would never recommened them to anyone.

  8. Excessive Damages.

    Stevens moved us from Seattle to Sun Valley, Idaho.  Their representative visited our home and gave an estimate of weight and time to pack and load.  When moving day came, two trucks with crew came to our house.  When the trucks were full, they simply left, leaving many items behind, items that had been included in the company's estimate.  We called to complain, they returned the next day to pick up what they had left.  In Seattle we were told that items we packed would not be covered by insurance and that they should pack the valuables.  We did pack some ourselves and rented a small Uhaul truck to move them.  Nothing moved by us was damaged.  The contents from the trucks that removed our household goods were transferred to a "long haul" truck.  Upon arrival we found extensive damage to dishes, glassware, and pieces of art and furniture.  Our dining room table had numerous small scratches on it.  Later they denied they had moved the table. They moved several items that we had sold to the people who purchased our house, they were clearly marked that they should not be moved, but they were and had to be returned to Seattle.   At the end of the day unloading, the supervisor who had been monitoring the move and noting the arrival of the goods by marking them off on the inventory sheet, commented that he had started his career in moving as a packer and, as he had noted the large number of broken or damaged items during the day, suggested I sit down in front of him and list what had been damaged and our general feeling about the move.  He commented that whoever had packed our goods did not know how to pack.   I did write the letter, signed it as did he.   We filed our report of damages and received a visit by the company's representatives.  They took a number of photographs and also commented on the extent of our damage. After some time, we recieved a response from Stevens as well as a check for damages.  The check was for $150.  That amount does not come close to paying for the damages they made, for the clean-up still required or the destroyed items.  And, as mentioned they even denied moving our dining room table.     I urge anybody reading this to not, under any circumstances, use Steven's Van Line. They are not professional, do not admit their mistakes or responsibility.  So we were left with no alternative but to seek legal damages.  Avoid them at all costs.

  9. Worried.

    I move around a lot being that my job does consist of it and every single time I have moved it is always a hassle something is always broken or missing. My friend recommended me to call Steven Van Lines and I am sure glad that I did from the moment I called they were so nice and friendly and reassuring. Everything was packed nicely and when I got to my new home everything was there nothing was missing or broken the whole time I that I didn't have my stuff I was worried, worried for nothing about because every thing arrived perfectly. I want to take this time to say thank you so much I am so glad I finally found someone who I can trust and is honest. I will never ever have a stressful move again knowing that they have my stuff all taken care of I can't thank you enough I will be recommending you to all my coworkers and everyone else that I know who needs to be moved thank you.

  10. Awful experience.

    We could not have had a more unpleasant experience. Like the previous reviewer I also had to contact the BBB. Shipment was 2 weeks late, no communication at all and refused to reimburse for damages/items that weren't delivered. After helping unload the entire truck in the dark with only one other mover, the driver forced us to sign the landing bill (since it was 11pm) before we were able to go through everything assuring us that we had 90 days to make any claims. This should illustrate how they like to do business:They shipped a box of framed art work separate from our belongings-all of which were damaged beyond repair-and refused any compensation whatsoever citing that they had no record of the shipment. I kept the box that is clearly labeled "Framed Art Work-32lbs" and has a shipment label from "Steven's Vans Lines" printed on the box. When I sent them a picture of the box/shipment label they still denied my claim! Again, they said there was no record. Even with photographed proof they refused. Apparently, the customer is always wrong. What a nightmare. There isn't a price someone could pay me to use this company again.

  11. Unacceptable Amount of Damage!

    My wife and I were given your moving service for our military move from Castle Rock, Colorado to Dayton, Ohio this past August and it has been by far the WORST move in our 10 years with the military. I'll start at the beginning. Our goods were originally scheduled to be packed up over a two day period, when no one arrived by noon on my scheduled packing day I called the company to find out where everyone was. They informed me that they felt it would only take one day to pack so they canceled my first day. No written notice to me, no phone call, nothing. Just didn't show up and cost us a day at work sitting around waiting for nobody. Day 2 they showed up on time and were great in the beginning, until around 5pm when they still had several rooms to finish packing. They finished around 7:30pm. It wasn't until we received our belongings in Dayton that we realized the last boxes that were packed (which were in the garage and pictures from around that house) had absolutely no padding and were crushed during shipment and storage. Speaking of the delivery, I asked the delivery team to show me the boxes as they came in so I could check my inventory and make sure everything was there. The crew leader informed me that he already checked it off and had his team unpack them and throw them in the truck before I could see all the numbers. I still don't know if we received all of our boxes. On top of all this, we had a very large claim (dishes shattered, air conditioning unit smashed in, furniture legs torn off, refrigerator plug torn off) which we notified the company of over the phone within a month, yet when we filed a claim it was denied noting that they "respectfully denied responsibility."  I'm not sure why they feel they can treat their military customers so poorly, maybe because of their contract they know that we cannot CHOOSE their service and therefore our opinions don't matter. I can tell you I will do everything in my power to NOT use this company for our next move.

  12. Moving Experience.

    My Mom moved to CA from MI. My parents have used this company in past years and were very happy, hence the reason we called for a quote when my mom needed to move. This experiecnce was very poor. They communicated very little, seemed uninterested in our inquires, were late delivering the goods to our home and  there was damage to furniture and box contents. Of most importance was the lateness of delivery and the non-caring attitude that they were late and could do nothing to compensate my mom for the fact that she did not have her personal belongings for over a week beyond what was promised. Fortunately we purchased the insurance to cover the damaged property. Because of how they transport - our goods were loaded and reloaded into different cargo units at least 3 times. One more area of risk for increased damage.   I would not use this company. Find one that genuinely wants your business.   I will say - the company that delivered my mom's property on behalf of Stevens was fabulous. They work independantly and with other companies and I would recoemmend them. They were nice, caring, experienced and very careful with all the property. Their name of the company is Grace Moving.

  13. Terrible service.

    We chose this company because of the discounted rate from our real estate agent.
    The initial consultation went well. But when it came time to fulfill their promises, they claimed they never made them. Get EVERYTHING IN WRITING.
    1 - Sales rep said we would have our own truck and not be sharing. Lie.
    2 - Sales rep said she would come out a few days early to make sure our packing was on track and no issues. Lie.
    Pickup time scheduled for between 8am and 10am. I called them at 10:15am. They said the driver was over his hours limit and would be late. They already knew this and could have called in the morning to warn us. Complete failure. They could have also sent over the rest of the crew to start prepping the house with padding and mats and staging items. They were sitting at the office waiting for the driver.
    The packing was incredibly slow. We packed most of our own stuff well in advance and had left china and other breakables for them.
    They did not leave our house until 4am, yes am, after midnight. Of course, this put the driver over hours and unable to make his smaller poickup the next morning that was filling the rest of the truck. So that customer got screwed over, too.
    The driver did not have enough inventory tags or sheets, so much of our shipment was undocumented. After delivery (which went much better), we found were were missing a box of china coffee cups. The tried to deny the claim and eventually gave us $200 of the $360 in replacement costs.
    In short, do not use Stevens. Regardless of who you use, get every small promise in writing.

  14. Move went well.

    Items arrived with a few scratches and dings, but the claim I filed was paid with the least hassle I've ever experienced. I appreciate all the help and also not having to spend time waiting for an estimator/adjuster.  I wanted to take a moment to let you know how well our move went on Thursday/Friday last week. Your staff and moving crew were extremely hardworking, professional and courteous. And this was a pretty big job. They presevered, getting everything packed and loaded. Then, handled delivery of everything without a hitch! Andrea was awesome and made everything very clear on how the process would work and what to expect. I felt very comfortable to have my possessions moved across the country with Stevens.

  15. Sunny was awesome.

    Sunny has helped us moved twice before, and we have found her extremely helpful in all three moves. Everything went very smoothly and cleanly. Driver & crew came on time and everything was placed in good places. We work only with Sunny--and as a professional interim pastor who moves every two years, that's saying a lot!  She's the best!

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