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Trillium Moving & Storage Services

Trillium Moving & Storage Services reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Trillium Moving & Storage Services from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Trillium Moving & Storage Services – 1.9 (calculated based on 33 reviews).

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Trillium Moving & Storage Services

   33 reviews

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Service Areas

  • Company: Trillium Moving & Storage Services
  • Location: 3980 Grand Park Dr, Mississauga ON
  • Website: www.trilliummoving.com
  • Email: info@trilliummoving.com
  • Phones: (416) 609-5793||(855) 330-5793

33 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Avoid, avoid, avoid.

    AVOID AT ALL COSTS! AND AVOID ALL PARENT COMPANIES - DO YOUR RESEARCH AND WATCH THE EPISODE ON CBC MARKETPLACE. This goes way beyond the "bad customer service" that we have all experienced at one time or another. I am talking horror story here. Numbers modified with liquid paper on contract after it was initialized and signed; missing furniture; broken furniture; invoice almost double the amount of the estimate; threats not to deliver and to add fees if you try to contest the charges. I'm astounded that in Canada, such a business hasn't been shut down; I beg you, don't make the mistake I made!! I know I won't see my furniture again (high sentimental and market value), but what is even more painful is to think of all the others who will go through the heartache and frustration that I went through.

    You may think that you are getting great customer service through email at first, and that a trustworthy agent has been assigned to your move (in my case, "Rosie"), but beware, this is a generic email used by all employees; no specific employee is taking care of you.

    I consider myself an educated customer and I was assisted by a lawyer at the time of delivery: trust me, you won't win against them. Just avoid.

  2. If you are thinking of using this company..DON'T!

    My husband and I had the great misfortune of using Trillium to move. Firstly, their initial "estimate" that they provide you is not even close to what you will end up paying. I paid several hundred dollars above what I was originally quoted. Just read the other reviews and you'll see this is a trend with this company. Secondly, they damaged our furniture to the point where we cannot use our desk anymore. It's literally broken in half. Our TV stand no longer sits flush. Our dining table is now scratched up. We were offered $30 for all this damage. Thirdly, in order to get a response, we had to get the Better Business Bureau involved, as numerous phone calls and emails went unanswered after waiting almost 2 months for a response.

    This company's business practices and accountability for damages caused is beyond reprehensible. It's nothing short of disgusting. The only reason I am giving them 1 star is because I can't post without providing some sort of star rating. I would have otherwise given them 0 stars. Please save yourself the headache, money, and stress..find another company.

  3. Disorganized!! Pricy!!

    Their initial estimation is was much much more than the real shipment weight. They don't provide you with the real shipment weight and they charge you based on their initial estimation which is called "minimum weight/ minimum charge"! they are too DISorganized! They get back to too late! every time you call, someone gives you a different answer about your scheduled and shipment! once they got back to me a week later after calling many times, asking them to please let a person assigned to my account answer my emails!! They rescheduled my pickup on the same day!! and after calling more than 10times, one month in advanced, asking them to please deliver my items in a time window of 3 hours, they did not! Funny thing! they tell you your shipment was lower than our estimation, but, that is what it is! and we don't EVEN provide you with the actual weight! NEVER EVER move with Trillium!

  4. Avoid like the plague.

    This company is horrible. They called me the day before to say it would be double the price they quoted. They lost some of my belongings and never offered anything for them (even after 40 emails back and forth). They damaged other goods. The agents play dumb over email, in summary this is a total scam and should be avoided.

  5. Doubled the price, terrible customer service, and damaged goods.

    I had an awful experience with this company. They nearly tripled my original quote and threatened to drop my belongings off in a facility in Scarborough if I didn't pay immediately. The manager was cold and condescending, unprofessional, and rude. It was outrageous and I was of course devastated. To top it off my daughter's dresser was broken and there was substantial damage to other items during that move. We are so disgusted and have reported to Better Business Bureau and CBC's Gopublic.

  6. They broke 2 Chairs valued at $100 each & offered me a $20 settlement.

    Worst experience ever. The quote was double the final price. They charged base on the weight of items, but they do not weight the items infront of you so there is no way for you to confirm/deny the final weight/cost. The movers were suppose to show up between a time frame of 12-4pm. They showed up after 5pm, which caused me to miss the elevator I had to pay to book. My furniture was taken to a storage facility and delivered the next day. When I finally received my furniture it was servery damaged. I had a wooden table set and they broke 2 of the 4 chairs. They wrapped the 2 broken chairs in bubble wrap so that I would not notice until they were gone and I started unpacking. The chair legs were broken and the movers attempted to fix them by putting nails and wood glue. The set was valued at $500 meaning that each chair was atleast $100 each. I filled out a claims form provided pictures. The processing time for a claim is 4-6weeks. It took 8-9 weeks to get a response about my claim. They offered me $20 for everything.

  7. Horrible Company - Do not use.

    Most of my stuff made the trip from Winnipeg to Ottawa. Unfortunately I wanted, and had expected, all of my stuff to make.

    Dealing with this company was a hassle from the second they got my things loaded into their truck.

    The final price was double what they quoted for a one bedroom apartment.

    On top of that there were at least two unaccounted for boxes (actually one box and a bag) and my vacuum. When they came to drop off the items they unloaded a chair that wasn't mine, which I quickly pointed out to them.

    I called them immediately when I noticed items were missing (the bag and vacuum were to easy to spot) and they sent me the paperwork to file a claim. I told them that I wanted the items and asked them to contact the truck and they told me that they could check their warehouse but that the truck had already left to the next location.

    I followed up by email no less than three times after asking if there was any luck locating my items. They would apologize, tell me they would contact the warehouse and message me when they had a reply and I never heard from them again.

    I do not recommend.

  8. Horrible Moving Experience.

    Please avoid this company at all costs!! They will bring nothing but hardship to your life.

    Issues include but are not limited to:

    - Rescheduling the delivery at the very end of the business day right before the delivery was scheduled the next morning.

    - Being insulted and called a liar by dispatchers for telling them that they had indeed given me a window of time for the delivery.

    - Provided a price at that time that was greatly more then had been quoted.

    - Threatened to withhold my goods and insinuated that damage would be done if they had to hold onto it any longer then the planned delivery time.

    - Delivered the goods late even after changing the delivery time.

    - Broke several items and tried to hide them upon delivery to go along with there being missing items.

    - Did not provide any paperwork whatsoever upon delivery.

    - When receipts were finally provided more then a week later they showed charges for storage even though the shipment was never stored and free storage was promised.

    - When I weighed my goods at home I found there to be a weight discrepancy of 1000 lbs from the phony scale ticket that was provided.

    - Informed me that they could do nothing because if I wanted I could have gotten a rescale even though I found out the weight the day before delivery. Then was told that the shipment had already left, there was no way to get it back to the dispatching place, and no way to change the delivery without charging me more. How then was I going to get a rescale?

    - Gave limited recourse for all issues and were unwilling to be reasonable in making amends for there actions during the move.

    - Provided minimal to no reimbursement for all of the damaged goods simply saying that I was getting out ahead by not having to pay the deductible.

    Truly a horrible experience in which I was scammed for more then $500.00 in faulty scale weights. Much damage to goods. Frank disregard for clients even though they are a so called "family company".

    Do not use this company. Do not hire them even if they seem good to start. This is a ploy and as soon as the goods are picked up the good service ends because they know they can hold your goods for ransom.


  9. Horrific, abusive thieves.

    I hired Trillium online to pack up and move my mom from Northern to Southern Alberta. They denied I hired them to pack, AFTER they sent their guy out. They sent only one man to do the entire job, brought no boxes or packing material, no way of moving the big furniture by himself. The company then proceeded to hold my mom's entire life in their truck demanding 3 times the amount quoted, and they wanted the funds in advance of delivering. We had to report them to the police who said never ever pay by credit card in advance.

    They were disgustingly rude, nasty, stupid people. They stole everything my mom has ever had, including all her keepsakes from my late father, and personal records. The mover himself had to be helped by other seniors at the Manor in collecting dirty boxes and newspapers from dumpsters and liquor stores to pack her stuff and then the company attempted to charge me further for those boxes.

    Please DO NOT HIRE THESES HORRIBLE CROOKS. They have destroyed my mom, she is sitting in an empty apartment depressed and very sick.

    This company makes me sick. This is no lie, I swear, and we have many many witnesses to this crime and travesty.

    This company is the nightmare you never think will happen to you. They even harassed me until I had to change my phone number. We have reported them to the BBB, police and lawyers. DO NOT USE THEM.

  10. They will rip you off and lose your stuff.

    I was ripped off hundreds of dollars by these guys. The movers forced me to use their packing service when things weren't packing according to their standards (they said they wouldn't pick it up unless they repacked) and then after I paid the sales rep told me it was just a suggestion that I didn't have to use it. They also lost about 8% of my items and claim that everything is there meanwhile I am using their own inventory list. Worst service ever. The movers at the time of delivery were nice, but the people in the head office making all the arrangements have no common sense. I would never recommend them. .

  11. Double charged.

    We hade a cross country move and had this company move furniture. We got estimates from 2000-3000 pounds. Now that we are about to get our furniture they are saying is double the weight. We know it might have be more or less then the estimate but how can a load only half a 27 foot truck amount to over 6000pounds? Also please talk to employees about NOT smoking in a person's house.

  12. One star is too Much for this comapny!!

    We had such a horrible experince with this comapny back in October.
    first we had problem with scalling. first they came with 3260lbs, but we didn't accept it and told them that we will rescalling once we recived our items and will legally follow the case. and asked them to send us the scalling ticket. they refused to send it to us but they came with new scalling . this time was 2340lbs.
    it seems they just swtiched the first two digits!!. funny.
    Anyway we had waited for a long time so we just wanted to recieve our furniture, so we accpeted the new scalling even though we knew it's not accurate either.
    finally we received our delivery after 3 weeks paitenly waiting! our furniture were damaged. even though they had charged us for the plastic wraps, all the wraps was ripped off, and the wooden part was broken. our china was all broken , It seems somone just dropped its box on purpose!.
    we calimed our damage and after 2 months waiting, they said they will pay us $75!!they casued over $5000 damages and I don't know how they came up with $75 idea!!.
     Don't EVER try this comapny or you regret.

  13. Dishonest "Certified" Contents Weight.

    Used Trillium to move from Saskatchewan to Ontario. When I moved out there it was a different mover and the weight of my contents was 960 pounds. Moving back, I was informed that the "Scaled” weight was 2200 pounds. I indicated that it seemed awfully high as the same contents that was moved out was returning, other than some extra clothes that I had, so I would want to witness a re-weigh. They called back a couple of days later and said they had re-weighed the contents and it was now 1850 pounds. This still was much higher than I expected so I requested a witnessed reweighing and was prepared to accept the costs if the weight was less than 200 pounds difference. The day before the contents were scheduled to be delivered, they called very late in the day to say that there were no certified scales within 200 km of our location, and if I wanted to witness the scaling, I’d have to travel to Toronto. The alternative was that they would decrease the weight of the contents to 1600 pounds, with no re-weigh. I wasn’t happy, but accepted this alternative as I wanted my furniture and didn’t want to have to deal with them any longer. If they had contacted me earlier, I’m sure I would have found a certified truck weigh scale much closer to my location. In fact there is a highway truck weigh station just 20 km from my place, operated by the MTO, that could probably have been used. In summary, the service was good, but I would be cautious on the “certified” weigh scale readings they provide.

  14. Took a positive approach to solving problems,.

    Thank you so much for your services, don't know what we would have done without you!
    very happy and we would love to tell people about their excellent service!
    Movers were very helpful, took a positive approach to solving problems,
    and very careful not to damage house or contents.
    The price didn't change and nothing was damaged or broken.

  15. Unethical Business Practices.

    Hiring Trillium Moving and Storage has been one of the worst decisions I've ever made. I’ll tell the full story below, but here’s the condensed version for those in a hurry: 
    ·       - Was quoted $1900 for shipment, then charged $5014 immediately before delivery. Goods would be held hostage until payment was made.
    ·       - All outgoing inventory was marked as broken and damaged, so Trillium would not be held responsible. Goods were in terrible condition on arrival.
    ·       - Communication throughout was deliberately poor and misleading.
    I requested quotes from a dozen companies online, and Trillium came back with the cheapest quote by quite a stretch. I requested a visual survey, and was told that they do not offer them for smaller shipments, but they would provide an estimate if I give them a detailed list of our belongings. I provided this, and received a quote for $1900, which seemed reasonable. I agreed to hire them. Our goods were collected several months later. Several weeks passed, and I had heard nothing from Trillium. I followed up to check on the final weight/cost, because I know that movers can hike up the cost later. Trillium responded, but my request was ignored. I followed up again, twice, and was again ignored both times.
     Weeks later, and shortly before delivery was due, I received a call from the driver (not Trillium themselves, who were still ignoring me), saying the shipment would arrive in two days time, and I must have payment of $5014 ready to pay on arrival. This was more than $3000 higher than the original estimate. I assumed there must have been some miscommunication, so I called Kate Roberts (our customer service rep) who told me that the weight was higher than the estimate, so the price would be considerably greater. I asked why I was not told earlier, and she simply said they have no obligation to tell me at any specific time. I told her I could not afford that much, and asked her to return the shipment, but she said she could not do that, and that, if I did not pay, our belongings would be placed in storage, at the cost of $175/month. After a certain amount of time, they would sell our belongings.
    I asked for the rate to be lowered and was told by Kate Roberts that she would have to speak to her manager, who would be away for the next few days. I followed up a few days later, and was told that the manager was still not back. This happened again and again for several days, until I researched the company and found out that Kate Roberts, our customer service rep, is the owner and manager, and she had been brazenly lying to me about needing to speak to her manager. When I confronted her about this, she denied being the manager.
    I finally accepted that I had fallen victim to the classic mover’s scam: I was given a super-low estimate designed to prey on individuals without a great deal of disposable income, my goods were packed in the truck, and then the price was hiked up, and the goods were held hostage. Sadly after a bit of Googling (too late), I found I was not the first person Trillium had done this too. See below for just one news story:
    I refused to pay, knowing that something illegal was occurring. I contacted the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, who affirmed to me that this was an illegal act, and that it is against the law in Canada and the US for any company to charge more than 10% higher than an estimate. I told this to Kate, who said that the quote she provided was a non-binding quote, rather than a binding quote, and the law doesn’t apply to such quotes. I contacted the Ministry again, who said that, under Canadian law, there is no such distinction between binding and non-binding contacts, and it was clearly an illegal act, and I could easily pursue legal action. I went back and forth with Kate, and she offered to reduce the price to $3500. I again refused.
    Once I had filed an official complaint, and sent Kate a letter confirming this, I received word that the goods were not being held in storage after all, but were on the way to me in Los Angeles, as she was unable to stop the shipment. She said that she was willing to lower the price again, but not to the original estimate, or to within the 10% window. She said that, because the goods were already on the move, if I refused to pay the driver would now drop my goods somewhere in Los Angeles, and return back to Canada. I had no choice to agree to this, because the legal process would not be completed in time, I needed my shipment, and I didn’t want my goods abandoned in the city. We eventually agreed on a lower price ($2880, rather than the original $5014, but a great deal higher than the $1900 I was quoted), and the goods were delivered.
    The driver eventually arrived, and I saw the state of my shipment. Trillium had used a company called Vega Line to transport their goods, and Vega Line is currently running a 2.9/10 ranking on Home Stars. The goods were stacked so high in the van (floor to ceiling, see photo attached) that the boxes and crates on the bottoms were completely crushed. To my surprise, there was only one man to both drive and unload the truck It is common sense that one person cannot properly unload a large shipment, including large pieces of furniture, without doing damage to the goods. Because he could not lift the goods on his own, he has to use a dolly for all the pieces, and actually pulled the dolly up a flight of stairs with the goods on top. One of my dressers had a huge hunk of wood ripped out of the base when he pulled the dolly out. I told the mover what he had done and his response was “you have to expect that to happen when you use a dolly to move heavy furniture.”
    Many of my goods were damaged, and some items were completely missing. I went to file an insurance claim, and then I noticed the next part of the scam: on the inventory form that was made at pick-up, the movers had marked every single item on the inventory as “chipped,” “scratched” and “worn” so they would not be held responsible for the damage they would later do to the shipment. They even marked the mattress as being “mildewed” and “stained,” even though it was in pristine condition. If I had been there for pick-up I would not have signed off on this, but sadly my father-in-law, who supervised the pick-up, did not notice this. Consequently, it’s very unlikely that my insurance claim (which is for over $1000 of damages) will be honoured.
    I can imagine Kate Roberts responding that I’m not providing her side of the story, and that there was more in my shipment than in the original breakdown. While I made every effort to be accurate, it is possible that there were slightly more goods in the shipment than on the survey (although much less than what Trillium claims). Regardless, the problem could have been avoided entirely if Trillium provided the visual survey that I requested. Mostly importantly, if the shipment was truly substantially larger than the estimate given, the time to tell me this information is either at pickup or shortly after, so I have the option of changing my mind about the delivery. It is not ethical to do so once the shipment has already crossed North America so that my belongings are in a position to be held ransom.
    The truth is that, regardless of Kate’s arguments, both the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services in Canada, and the Attorney General’s Office in the United States have told me that hiking the price more than 10% over the estimate is against the law. I will continue to pursue legal action against the company, and will update here if there is any progress.


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