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MoveCorp reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company MoveCorp from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating MoveCorp – 3.1 (calculated based on 265 reviews).

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  • Company: MoveCorp
  • Location: Unit 7 Norton Works, London
  • Website:
  • Email: james@movecorp.co.uk
  • Phones: 01922450040

265 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Will we receive our goods ??

    We have retained your services to move our goods (8m3) from Grenoble (France) to Boston (US).
    At first you were supposed to come and pack our goods on the 1st of september. But you cancelled and ask for the 4th.. It wasn't convenient for us but we accepted. The "team" was scheduled between 10 and 11am. At noon our contact person started to become hard to reach by phone and email.. And finally at 5pm, a friver arrived, alone with his truck, and nothing to pack.. So we had to do the packing ourselves (because as we paid for that service we expected that you would pack the goods !!).
    Then our contact tried to rip us off by arguing that we had too many goods and then we couldn't apply for a reimubursement for the lack of service.. But we had taken pictures and had proofs that we had less than 8m3..
    Now that the goods are in London, no news from our contact. We ask for updates et for the reimbursement of the service not provided, but nothing.. And today, we receive a mail about a 100£ reimbursement because it will take "a while" for our goods to arrive.. All our furnitures are on the container, so as we are moving soon for an unfurnitures appartment (end of november, that left you 3 months to do your job whereas you told us that it would take 8 to 10 weeks !) we'll have to rent a bed or to buy a new one.. And what about our clothes ? Winter is really cold here in Boston, you have all our winter clothes, so do we have to buy new clothes also?
    We are disappointed by your lack of professionalism and the lack of consideration for your constumers.. Once you have the money, you seem not to care at all !!

  2. Left cheated, taken advantage of and robbed.

    If you're looking for a professional, reliable, efficient moving company then do not go with Movecorp!

    I had to arrange removal and storage of several boxes from Maastricht (NL) to Canterbury (UK). I had contacted Movecorp well in advance of my actual move date in order to overcome any last minute issues. This was particularly important as my move date also meant the end of my tenancy agreement and my permanent departure from the Netherlands.

    After having paid for door-to-door collection, I was informed that a confirmed removal date would be passed on nearer to my actual move (20 July).

    Prior to me moving, I had to constantly push for information, always emailing and telephoning my contact at Movecorp for information but to little avail. Whenever I asked a question, I would either receive a response beyond a reasonable time of waiting or no answer to my question at all. This was particularly problematic when asking time-sensitive questions as various arrangements had to be made involving third parties as well.

    When it came to the actual collection I had received a confirmed date but this kept getting changed at the last minute due to 'unexpected delays.' I was as accommodating as I could be, and even having to allow for collection to take place in my absence (much to my disdain) as the crew would not make it to my address before my departure from the Netherlands. However, even with my patience that collection had been delayed over 4 times - eventually resulting in a failed collection. Of which I was not even informed of until my landlord told me several days later that the crew had simply not come by. When I spoke to my contact at Movecorp I was assured that I would receive an update on what happened and what steps would be taken to rectify the situation - again I had not received such an update until I pushed for it again.

    Although Movecorp had later provided a rescheduled collection, it was not in my favour nor a suitable solution to their failed collection. My tenancy agreement had ended and I could no longer leave my things at the property. I asked Movecorp for help with making alternative arrangements for removal of my things from the property and to store them in Maastricht until the rescheduled collection but they had not provided a suitable solution nor given me much assistance. Following this I had to cancel my agreement with Movecorp.

    I was told I would not get any refund as collection had been attempted but failed, and the rescheduled collection was Movecorp's so-called 'remedy.' However, I feel that the collection failed because Movecorp kept changing the dates and giving excuses as to why things kept changing.

    I feel cheated and taken advantage of because I am paying for a service that had not happened. I was constantly reassured that there was nothing to worry about when clearly Movecorp had little control of the situation. When faced with an obstacle or difficult situation I feel that it was handled very unprofessionally as I was constantly left in the blue about information and updates (even after demanding better and more reliable communication, which was promised to me afterwards). I also feel that there was a severe lack in due diligence, care, and empathy. Movecorp knew that I was leaving the country (well in advance of my proposed collection date) thus they should have been better prepared in handling my case and accommodating to my circumstances when given the opportunity to do so.

    Overall, although Movecorp tried they simply weren't up to par. I have lost a lot of money (for a student) on what turned out to be a massive waste of time. So unless you're okay with months of one-sided communication and hundreds of pounds on a move, that might not even happen, then by all means hire Movecorp.

  3. A Bad move, but clearly all my own fault.

    We were initially very disappointed following the delivery of our belongings to our house in Greece, and I wrote to Movecorp to complain.
    There were a number of reasons for our disappointment, including damaged and soiling to furniture that had been in previously very good condition, delays in transit, misinformation as to the reasons and the timescales of those delays, and mal-loading of the original container leading to extra unnecessary charges for moving the “overflow” of our goods. (amongst others)
    I am so very grateful that Mr James Mallett, the sales director of the company, was able to take time out his busy executive schedule to telephone me and put me right on these matters.
    I now know that all of the matters raised were not the responsibility of Movecorp, but were indeed all MY fault.
    Mr Mallett explained that as I had no experience of an international move any previous learning from an in domestic move was void and that I should have taken proper precautions with my furniture and goods by wrapping them to protect them from poor handling and dirty environments. He even went on to say, and I will quote his exact words, as they are such wise pearls of wisdom “We use filthy containers all the time, as they go round and round the world getting dirty”. How incredibly foolish of me to have considered that, as this was an international move, Movecorp was not bound by the same “duty of care” that I had received during previous domestic moves.
    Mr Mallett was also took great pains to explain that he and he and his staff were professional people, and that as far as estimating the cubic capacity of my own goods I was a “complete amateur”. So it was clearly my fault again that my goods did not all fit into the one container. Clearly my suggestions to re-pack metal storage cupboards with items once they had been placed on board were ignored due to my complete lack of professionalism in the matter. And it was again entirely my fault that furniture items which we had previously told the packers could be left till last and only loaded if there was space , were allowed (by us) to be loaded early in the day, thus taking up valuable space that I, obviously so wrongly, thought could have been used for more pressing items. Clearly we were mistaken in our assumption that the professional packers had cast their experienced eyes over our goods and chattels and estimated that they would all fit into the container.
    Mr Mallett did not comment on my concerns about having been fed wrong information about the transit of the container, even though I assured him I had proof that somewhere down the line we had received information that was untrue!
    At this stage I was beginning to understand how wrong I had been over the whole matter, but I could not yet bring myself reconcile how I could still feel so bad about the whole episode, so I attempted to play my final trump card in the hope that this one would not be a boomerang like all the others. I had seen on the Movecorp website the proud boast that “they hope that everyone receives an excellent service” (it was one of the reasons I chose the company in the first place) and when I attempted to raise this with Mr Mallett he said (and again I quote the exact words spoken, as I was taking notes at the time because I did not want to miss out on any of the erudite, caring and customer friendly reposts) “That I had not paid for the excellent service” Oh silly me, wrong again.
    As a final note Mr Mallett declined my request for him to put his points to me in writing, I cannot understand why he should do this, as everything that he said stirred my heart, and he was clearly very proud of the work that had been carried out, and the considerable amount of my hard earned cash he had liberated in the process. He did however take some considerable time to point out to me that the company has a full list of terms and conditions including a section on “bad mouthing the company on social media” (again the exact words used) he also used the words “slander and libel”
    However I have absolutely nothing to fear as every word I have written here is truth!
    However with my track record for getting things wrong so far..
    PS. Removal was to Greece, but drop down menu does not include this location.

  4. Expect waiting, damage, unfulfilled obligations and to be blamed..

    We began our move from Dubai to Leipzig with a company called JNT Cargo. JNT were pretty decent at handling the whole process, they followed up regularly and got us sorted. We asked for a door-to-door service, and was assured that furniture that was dismantled will definitely be re-assembled in Germany. We had to pay for everything up front, which we regretfully did.

    After the shipment left, JNT handed the move over to the MoveCorp circus. We spent lots of time following up and waiting for MoveCorp to get back to us. It was a hassle getting any information out of them at all. We were surprised to find that our cargo had taken a strange detour via the UK instead of to Hamburg, and there we were asked for a list of items and how much they were worth for customs. We asked both JNT and MoveCorp for a reason, but got none. We complained that a lot of our stuff had already moved over to Dubai from England and that we'd be paying taxes on them TWICE. We were advised to put in lower amounts to avoid the amount being too high.

    We were then told to expect the shipment on the 29th of June. After lots of following up, we were told to expect our shipment at the end of July. No proper reason given, just that our goods were caught up in a random inspection and that "Unfortunately there is a port fee outstanding on the goods which totals £85.00. The charge is due to a random customs inspection which has also resulted in the container incurring demurrage and quay rent whilst undergoing the inspection conducted on the container. The inspection is carried out based on a random selection process which I’m afraid, we have no control over. Kindly note that this charge must be paid prior to arranging your delivery. Payment can be made by any of the following options:

    Debit card
    Credit card (does hold a 2.9% usage charge)
    Bank transfer

    Kindly note that if we do not hear back from you within 1 week from 5th July you will begin to incur storage charges based on your overall volume. "

    We promptly paid this fee. At the time, we were apartment hunting and had a smaller 1 bed apartment. We opted to find a much larger apartment and asked for storage options and asked them to confirm if we would retain the door-to-door service we paid for. They asked us to find our own storage solutions and that we would retain the service, so we did. When we asked for an update for when the storage facility could expect the cargo, they said that storing the items would incur a fee and asked if it was something they should look into - almost as if the conversation never happened. When we asked again for an update on the cargo, they said we should expect it on the 31st of July - a whole month later than we expected with no reason whatsoever. Seeing as we were moving in a few weeks from then, we asked if we could store it until the 22nd. Again, they responded as if we never had this storage conversation. We were under the impression that the cargo arrived on the 31st of July and we needed storage until the 22nd, but they quoted us 6-8 weeks worth of storage! When we explained (again) that we had already found our own storage solution AT THEIR REQUEST, we were then told that we would have to find our own transport solution from the storage facility as they only do a single move and that we would lose our door-to-door service. We then had to forfeit the deposit we paid to our storage facility and were forced to go with with MoveCorp's storage solution instead.

    After weeks of waiting for them to get back to us on "an exact date closer to the date," we had to keep following up until we were told to expect our cargo on the 25th of August. The night before, we were contacted by the people transporting the cargo. Again we asked to confirm that we still retained our door-to-door service and we were explicitly told that the guys would unpack and help re-assemble the furniture as requested.

    When it arrived, the guys showed up and took over 5 hours to unload the truck and the moment they were done, they tried to leave. I stopped them and told them that we had paid for a door-to-door service, which made them gasp in shock! They started complaining that it was not their job, that they were just drivers and refused to do it. I showed them the message we received from their boss, so they began to assemble our bed. While this was going on, one of the guys asked me "Are you happy now?" as if this was a favour and not a service we paid for. In fact, as they built this thing, they made it very clear that this was a favour and that they had to leave to Vienna as they were running quite late. At this point, I had also found out that our shipment had gone to Bulgaria for some reason and not Hamburg like we were told.

    The moment the bed was done, the guys tried to leave again and I had to stop them and tell them that we requested this service. They then carelessly started opening boxes at random, haphazardly taking things out and strewing them all over our apartment in at attempt to appear as if they were unpacking, when what they really did was open a bunch of boxes, take 2-3 items out and put them in any spot they could find. I couldn't believe that this "professional" outfit had no structure. I had specifically asked them to help with the furniture at first, so I had to stop them from opening any more boxes and guide them to the furniture so we might have a place to put the items they were unpacking at random. They opened 1 bookshelf, stared at it, started complaining that they were drivers and that we needed a carpenter to do this job. I brought out instructions and they insisted that we needed carpenters.

    My wife came home from work to examine the mess, and we started discovering damage EVERYWHERE. All of our expensive furniture was damaged, irreplaceable antique pieces were broken, our records were broken, wedding presents destroyed (one of them was sliced open with box cutters while the rest was smashed due to poor handling) and our 4 day old apartment (which had just been refurbished) had damaged walls and floors. My wife broke down into tears, and the movers then said they would be back in 10 minutes with a carpenter to help fix the damage. We never saw them again.

    When we called Movecorp, we were told to wait 30 minutes for a call back. TWICE. We then emailed them multiple times, and we received the following:

    "I’ve spoken with the removal team and crew and they have made the below comments as to why the full service was incomplete.

    1. Long distance carry was needed which is an exclusion of ours. (My wife and her elderly parents helped carry appliances and other things with relative ease. It's not a long distance, and the men had trolleys - a luxury we did not have. We also only live on the first floor)

    2. The assembly required was not basic – only basic re-assembly is quoted I.e. legs onto tables. (It was pretty basic. They didn't even try. There were many other pieces of furniture that only required the legs to be put back on, but the men insisted that they were just drivers and we needed carpenters. I manged to breeze through all of it by myself in a few hours last night)

    3. Brand new furniture is never assembled by removal companies – it is not classed as basic re-assemble. (We only had 1 piece of brand new furniture which only required its legs to be put on. We never asked them to fix that and I specifically told them to put it aside because we needed to figure out where we wanted to put it. That brand new piece of furniture was also badly damaged)

    4. The dimensions of the apartment made it impossible to complete the unpacking (This takes the cake. We have 2 spare rooms, a spacious bathroom, a balcony and corridor/entryway. My pregnant wife and I managed to clear it out in a few hours, yet it was "impossible" for the "professional" movers we hired?)"

    So basically, 2 people in their 70's and a pregnant woman can do a much better job than these "professionals" and it's all our fault because these guys couldn't use their own brains to read some instructions or figure out how to make the most out of all of this space we had available to us.

    We've spent our weekend unpacking and so far, EVERY SINGLE BOX we've opened has revealed damage of some sort (you can view it all here http://imgur.com/a/DxqKx). The only thing to have come out of this unscathed has been our TV. Movecorp have made no comment whatsoever about the damage to our property or our apartment, nor have they mentioned anything about compensation for the service we did not receive. Currently considering taking legal action against them. Absolutely despicable people. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND.

  5. Hard to give any stars at all!

    Last year, while briefly in England, I hired MoveCorp to ship a wooden cradle, beautifully hand-built by now-deceased my father for his first grandchild. I was expecting my own first grandchild and hoped to give the cradle as a gift to my son. I was not able to oversee packing but was assured great care would be taken. The package delivered in Texas held the remains of the cradle broken into 17 pieces, in a battered cardboard box. MoveCorp refused any refund of the almost $900 shipping cost! Beware. Unfortunately, as we were dealing with another family crisis and the property was received by my in-laws, I do not have photographs.

  6. Rome to Vienna relocation.

    An international move is a stressful experience, but having relocated multiple times over the years from different continents, I felt Rome to Vienna ought to have been a smoother ride. Not so with MoveCorp.

    The person who coordinated my move seemed to give up once my boxes had been collected - a process which took hours, although I had my relatively small load professionally packed in advance.

    Once I contacted the company with my new address, having paid for a storage service and used up my limit on this, I was assured my belongings would reach me within a week. I planned around this to ensure I could be around once they arrived - not easy given I moved to take up a new job. This date came and went with no contact from MoveCorp. That's despite
    the multiple attempts I made to contact the agent - resulting in expensive phone bills to top it off. It seemed she actively ignored my correspondence and calls. Two more weeks passed, my boxes were delivered at a different time with four items missing.

    To summarize the rest of my experience: it involved my own interventions to locate my missing belongings, numerous delays, flexibility on my behalf and my MoveCorp agent proceeded to ignore all contact from my. She was not only unprofessional, unresponsive, unhelpful but also extremely impolite.

    MoveCorp, never again, even if I have to drive my own truck across Europe.

  7. Seriously unprofessional and unexperienced.

    Our relocation from Melbourne to Madrid was contracted with ChessMoving who assigned Movecorp as the local company for the section UK to Madrid.
    Our Experience with Movecorp is absolutely disapointing, several customers have reported the same issues in their previous reviews.

    (1) Lack of update - we have never got any information unless we asked for it. Some essential questions (i.e. delivery time, contact to address our complain..) are never answered.

    (2) Obvious delay - timeframes indicated through a templated email which has probably not been updated since years creating absolutely inappropriate expectations.

    (3) No defined schedule, no defined pathway - Movecorp seems not to be able to provide any information regarding who, when and how things will be transported.

    (4) You pay everything and then they will do when they want/can.

    This is clearly unprofessional and unexperienced company, we are still waiting them to make any visible progress, so I hope this review will help other customers to select a better way when transferring their belongings.

  8. Good.

    Okay, we had a few problems but nothing that could be blamed on Movecorp or us as a family.

    One of the vans was late as they had a puncture on the way and the keys were not available for our new home but hey, these things happen.

    Good marks for Movecorp because they did what they said they would do for the price quoted and made a good job of it.

    I would 100% recommend this company to anyone looking for a professional removal company 5 stars.

    Thank you Movecorp and Kirsty my removal coordinator.

  9. Good experience.

    This is my second move with this company and once again everything went to plan. Vehicles arrived on time, the lads worded quickly and carefully and everything seemed to be loaded and away in no time. at my new home every box was put in the right room, items that to be reassembled were carried out by Chris, Movecorps handyman, and yet again no breakages, loss or damage. Thank you Movecorp.

  10. Lie after lie after lie.

    This company are compulsive lairs. They give you an estimate then increase by 150%, they do not show up on time and blame you and deny that that they ever give you a time. Tell you that they are not mind readers and dismiss the documentation that they ask you to fill in and say not valid against the work they quote and then take full payment for.

    The push back on you for the failings of there mismanagement begin to charge additional charges as a way trying to resolve issues, they must have a warehouse full taken hostage till they get whatever amount of money they deem they should receive which has never been discussed nor has it been agreed. It does not matter whatever you say or prove to them what was actually discussed and agreed. They just ask for more money and blame you. DO NOT USE they are compulsive liars.

  11. Movecorp removal to NZ from UK.

    Utterly negligent after payment
    Not responsible in any way
    Seawater damage on first move
    Lost motorcycle then left it 950 miles away on different island and tried to offload responsibility and pass on huge extra charges
    Never use this company
    Positive reviews ??
    Nothing good to say
    Their own review page on Facebook has multiple copies of the same positive review sheets
    Extremely dubious
    Will be seeking litigation
    Constant prevarication

  12. Rude And Incredibly Unprofessional.

    HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE and would recommend to all NOT to use movecorp! The move was from France to United States for my sixteen years old daugther belongings was crushed and destroyed, they collected 10 sealed boxes of her belongings and they delivered only 8 all opened boxes (crushed, broken, and destroyed ) Which I had to pay extra once it reached the States. Everything that was of value was missing, the response from movecorp was it was our fault we didn't take insurance, I am really SAD and FRUSTRATED with how INCREDIBLY UNPROFESSIONAL movecorp have treated us. We paid close to €800.00 plus close to $60.00 to get the boxes delivered. It was not cheap and they didn't help to recover her belongings. We regret using such RUDE, HORRIBLE, INCREDIBLY UNPROFESSIONAL movecorp!!

  13. Appaling service, do not use movecorp!

    I measured my goods and provided exact measurements. After collection, I was informed that my fee had DOUBLED.
    One of my boxes was lost. After a 3 wk search in Australia it was discovered still in the England warehouse. It was then sent and arrived with half the good MISSING and the remaining goods damaged. No compensation or refund. Appaling service; do not use this company!

  14. EU Removals.

    I used EU Removals to move from London to Bournemouth. The customer service was excellent and they made the move stress free. They packed and unpacked my furniture with care and the cost was very very reasonable.

    I had to put my furniture into storage for a month and they ensured everything was stored with care exactly to my instructions. I would and have recommended this removal firm to my friends and family. So glad I used them!

  15. Will not use this company again and definitely cannot recommend.

    Our moving process started quite promisingly, in fact right up to collection (and receiving our money) it was actually very good. However, what a different experience after our payment was made. Household goods poorly packed, several significantly valuable items left uncrated. We also arranged and paid for several more crates that were not provided. Company later tried to establish that measurements of furniture we provided were incorrect and so prepared crates could not be used. They then suggested missing crates were seized by Australian customs officials (We contacted Australian Customs - this alleged practice does not occur). We received absolutely NO communication from this company when these alleged "problems" subsequently arose with our shipment to alert us, or help find alternative solutions. We were left to discover a significant list of glaring errors, oversights and omissions ourselves upon delivery of shipment. Manager was less than sympathetic and sometimes did not respond to communications from us. Very frustrating. However, let the following facts speak for themselves: a large insurance claim against Movecorp was eventually settled in our favour… also, additional complaints lodged with UK Moving Ombudsman regarding service issues (after receiving virtually no assistance from Movecorp and making almost no progress towards resolution of our complaints, despite 16 months of patient correspondence), also was quickly settled in our favour. We will never use this company again and definitely will never recommend them. This was an utterly regrettable and highly stressful experience for us. Let the buyer beware!

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