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PeaPack Moving and Storage

PeaPack Moving and Storage reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company PeaPack Moving and Storage from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating PeaPack Moving and Storage – 3.4 (calculated based on 38 reviews).

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PeaPack Moving and Storage

   38 reviews

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  • Company: PeaPack Moving and Storage
  • Location: 2423 SW 147th Ave, Miami FL, 33185
  • Website: www.peapackmovingandstorage.com
  • Email: PeaPackMovingandStorage@gmail.com
  • Phones: 305-770-9222

38 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Moving from Arizona to ohio

    DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!! Nothing but empty promises, flat out lies, added on fees, and lost or damaged items! If you do decide to use them, maybe consider every ounce of insurance you can find! It ended up costing us 3 times the quote, lost an $800 chair along with some other stuff, damaged a bicycle, put a hole in a headboard, and so far, not a penny in insurance money. They don’t even answer the phone!

    Do not believe the “God bless” Bs! It is just a way to draw you in. They actually held our stuff ransom at the deliver point until we (again) came up with more money!

  2. At first glance, amazing, major issues once the move took place.

    Peapack at first was a great. I loved every customer service rep I spoke to and they were great about getting me answers. However, several things that I understood about the move were not accurate that ruined everything. First of all, I asked the customer service rep said that I would not have any issues with stair fees since the first floor was free. However, apparently a "floor" to PeaPack was 7 stairs. Fine, it costed me an extra $150 dollars for the convenience. Second, I was under the illusion that the same truck that picked up my items would be delivering them. I would not have gone without insurance if I had know they would drop my stuff in a warehouse, and then have another truck pick them up. The chances for damages and missing items increases exponentially. I never specifically asked that I can remember, but I feel like when he explained the process that should have been clearly explained. The actual problem started though when the delivery truck arrived. I was the last stop that day. The rest of the items in the truck were supposedly mine. However, several items did not belong to me. The delivery driver laughed in my face when I asked him if the first "floor" 7 steps were free. He was going to charge me extra for that. At this point I was sick of getting lied to and told them to just put it on the ground because I wasn't giving them any more of my money. The other worked apologized to me and still went out of his way to put my mattress and several items on the porch. The shrink wrap designed to protect my leather couch, the rude driver decided to use a box cutter to cut. In the process, slicing the back of my leather chair. My father and I were stunned that someone whose job is supposedly to move people, would use a box cutter on a leather couch. After all this, I was also missing some key items. My dining room table was missing its main support piece and the leaf extensions. This essentially makes my dining room table useless since it wobbles so much. I was also missing a $30 chair. Keep in mind that these are not little pieces of furniture I was missing. Lastly the boxes I had packed were taped back together and clearly had had the items thrown back in after the box had broken.

    After the friendly customer service so far I was optimistic still that it would be resolved. I contacted them and they were very apologetic and understanding..However, after a couple weeks, I reached out again. They had said they were still trying to get a hold of the moving company. A couple more weeks and the customer service rep apologized but she had been in a car accident and had been out for a while. A couple more weeks of no response and I reached out to other email addresses I had for the company. I was informed that the person I had been working with was out on maternity leave and decided to take the rest of the year off since it was slow that time of year. Great company. Let's not pass on current customers' problems to someone to take care of while you are out..Again though, the people I spoke to were very polite and apologetic. She said she would get right on it but the moving company was no longer in business and they have this happen each year. Anyway, she told me they couldn't do anything and I had to file a claim, but it might be too late. Convenient. Thankfully it wasn't. I spent some time even trying to get a hold this other group for a claim form. Finally, I was able to submit a claim and mailed it (with a receipt so I would know it arrived). Now I can't get a hold of the claim group nor PeaPack. This company is useless to solve any problems. I don't get why they advertise themselves as the people who attempt to prevent the fraud of moving companies when they literally have no power or now desire to help you if something goes wrong. Bare minimum I am out several hundred dollars not on damages, but purely on not even receiving the items at all. The fact that I lost a whole dining room table because they couldn't get all my items to my new residence, was pathetic. And the fact that this company was useless in solving the issue is even more pathetic. Terrible experience.

  3. Peapackmovingandstorage.

    Before the move people were friendly and helpfull. They estimated my move at $1960. When the movers showed up and loaded the truck they gave me a bill for $4950. I said no way, it was almost triple the original estimate. Peapack moving will not return my deposit, they said I refused service. I did not refuse service I refused to get cheated. They won't answer or return my calls or emails. I wouldn;t wish this company on my worst enemy.

  4. It's a scam - Avoid it.

    There is no much to say besides a “Do not go with this company”

    There are tons of reviews that will clarify why and I can relate to all of them. Broken Furniture, breach of contract, rip off, lies, damaged and missed stuff, threats, and the worse: they pretend to be good people but the scam comes after the payment and keep coming until the delivery date. If you want to avoid a huge headache just avoid them at all. Jim was the person who I talked to, he spent almost 30min with me on the phone trying to prove he was a good person, even used his sister and daughter on his way to have me to sign a contract. Sam was the person who I needed to deal after. The only difference between them is that Sam will talk to to you the way that he wants, low-ranking words and bad explanations about pretty much everything and he will threaten you if he needs to, with Jim is different because will pretend that he cares and then he will be gone. None of them will solve a problem. They only run away from it. I’ve tried for the past 3 weeks and they have excuses for everything, but not even an updated inventory of my stuff they have to send. They are a huge mess. This company is a totally scam. I have reported them to the FTC (https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/) and I would suggest you to do the same if you were a victim of them.

    I have also added a warning in three buildings around my neighborhood and other 5 back in the Bay Area. I got a chance to talk two people out of making business with them. I had my 1 bedroom apartment moved from San Francisco to Austin, but everything arrived broken or damaged and they called me saying that if I didn’t pay another 2k they would dump my stuff somewhere else. Everything needed to be cash. PEAPACK is bad news; you can tell by all this reviews. It’s not only my experience. Avoid being part of it, they steal from innocent and humble people. We feel sorry for them.

  5. Horrible Moving Company and Experience.

    DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY! MOVE WAS AN ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE AND MAJOR RIP-OFF. I have used professional movers for my last 4 inter-state moves and have never had even a minor problem in any other move. Recent reviews on the site now reflect others’ bad experiences. This company is either grossly incompetent or criminal.

    I had a September 2019, 2-bedroom+ move from NYS to Florida. Peapack reviews were superior to others, especially for customer service. Phone and e-communication were good.

    1) PeaPack is a moving “broker” and outsources all jobs to 3rd-party movers. It has no control over them or your final cost. I learned this after signing the contract. The mover can charge what it wants, regardless of your Peapack contract. You enter into a NEW contract with the mover on pick-up. My mover was Safeguard Van Lines.

    2) My initial Peapack quote was for 1,500 cubic ft of volume and $7,300. My list of items was accurate. The general manager calculated the cubic ft and added to be safe.

    3) Once my belongings were loaded on the truck, I was told it was now 3,600 cubic ft (240% more) and $17,300 (237% more). There were minor additions. However, the movers left 3 large, listed items of more space than added ones.

    4) My final cost was $15,300. The mover deducted $2,000 mainly from double-charging for packing materials and gas. Peapack charged $150 for “boxing” a kayak – movers just slid kayak on top of load. Unapproved boxes and materials were charged and unused to increase cost ($1,600+) – which could not be identified until delivery. The mover also charged $4,358 for a “binder fee” and $2,900 for storing my belongings in a New Jersey warehouse to be moved with other loads to Florida. None of this was mentioned by Peapack or listed on the Peapack contract.

    5) When the outrageous, new cost was presented, the mover said if I did not pay the first half in full then and the second half (in cash or bank checks) upon delivery, I would not see my belongings again. You have no choice but to sign the agreement – your belongings are held hostage.

    6) Due to mover policy, I was not allowed on either pick-up or delivery truck to measure the cubic ft as Peapack suggested. Taking photos was impossible. I was told the delivery movers were to measure everything when unloading, but that communication was “lost.”

    7) Delivery date was arranged with the mover on the pick-up day of 9/16. The first-available date was 9/20. The load was delivered 10/3, almost 3 weeks after pick-up. (The fine print states they have 30 days.) The mover called 2 days ahead of time to be there 10/2 and never showed or called on that day. I repeatedly texted, emailed and called Peapack, the mover and the driver for 2 days to get an answer. They arrived 10/3 in the afternoon.

    8) After unloading, I signed a “damage” section noting a dresser had a broken top. Over following weeks, I found much other damage, especially in heavy-duty plastic bins, in which the tops and sides of the bins were broken. All of the glass that had been individually wrapped and padded, was smashed. This could only happen with massive, crushing pressure. 2 file cabinets were bent in from the backs. The packing tape that the movers used left residue on everything which took hours to remove. After the move, Peapack did not ask about the dresser breakage or if there were any other issues.

    9) Once the truck left my NYS home, I immediately called Peapack to inform them of the $10,000 increase in cost. I was told all of the documentation would be shared between Peapack and the mover to fix the situation. I was told the owner of Peapack was aware of the situation and the general manager couldn’t fix it. Once my furnishings were delivered, the Peapack rep fully agreed that I had been way overcharged and that the final cubic footage from the mover was an impossible volume for my belongings. I re-measured everything, including Peapack’s standard ones, such as “king-size bed” and submitted this more-detailed list just in case I screwed up – I didn’t. I followed up with Peapack with 3 more emails to gain a final resolution. I have not heard anything back from any Peapack rep or its general manager.

    10) The fine print states the complaint process. I treated it as “boiler-plate” as I have never had an issue with any other mover. I am not interested in going to court or using a mediator to resolve this as it will cost MUCH more money. At this point, I do not have any faith that this will be resolved. Peapack has completely ignored all communication. However, I have been advised to consider providing full documentation to the Attorney Generals of Florida (home of moving broker), New Jersey (home of mover) and New York State (my previous home state) to question if federal crimes of inter-state commerce fraud, racketeering and grand theft have been committed and if so, a possible class-action suit may be in order. In reading more recent Peapack reviews, others have had similar, major problems.

  6. Total rip-off.

    Worst experience ever! It started out great super nice people they seemed to really care and even let me change the date by a couple days. Now the actual movers were fantastic and very efficient. They were sublet by PeaPack. When I explained everything I had, I explained that I’d much prefer to over estimate my items I didn’t need any last minute surprises. I even called to add a couple extra items but totally exaggerated my amount of stuff. For example I said I had aLarge China cabinet it was actually 12” square and 5’ high. I said I had 25 medium boxes, I had 16, you get the picture. The day the movers showed up it was literally double the price I was quoted! I was stuck, I was leaving on a plane 2 days later for a cross country move. I had no choice at all it was horrible. After the move I emailed the company and tried calling absolutely No response. The whole thing ended up costing me an extra 2k. I highly advise you go with a known and repeatable company sure the quotes going to be higher that’s because their honest. Do your research don’t hire this company.

  7. Still Waiting on my Refund.

    I got a quote with pea pack which sounded pretty good and after putting down the deposit via credit card, they told me that the next two payments of $500 had to be in cash or money order. That seemed very suspicious to me. We ended up using a friend’s truck to move so we didn’t need the movers anymore. I called and cancelled within the 72 hour notice. They assured me I would get my deposit refunded and I even signed a refund agreement 3 weeks ago. I still have not received my refund. Every time I call they say they are just getting to it. I don’t know what goes on at this place but it’s ridiculous that I haven’t been refunded yet when I followed all the necessary steps and have been very polite so far.

  8. Moving yurt from California to Georgia.

    I had a decent experience with Peapack moving and storage first having to move across country is going to be stressful, but the process went pretty smoothly with just a few bumps in the road. The tricky part was getting the pricing correct since it was not a typical move as I was shipping a structure called a yurt. Peapack did a good job of working with me to try and estimate the price and Chloe was very well connected with movers to give me lots of options. Tina was also nice and helpful along the way. It was hard because there are different companies they contract with so be prepared for a possible difference in price when they arrive so be a specific as possible on what is being moved. The actual person who drove my stuff across country was excellent, it arrived in good condition and in a reasonable amount of time and I was very thankful for that! I would say it helps to be educated about the process, most of the time it goes like this, Peapack will give you an estimate and find and carrier which will come and pick it up in a smaller 20ft truck then taken back for storage till another bigger truck will be able to take it to the final destination. They mark your stuff with tags and it is separated by color then when it arrives they should unload it. This process is costs signifigantly less than some of the bigger companies , but its getting handled more so there is more of a chance for some damages if you want to save money then go this route! A few of my things were a little bumped up but nothing major and I was happy to not pay thousands more to ship the yurt with the more expensive companies.

  9. Do not go with this company.

    I waited a few of months to write about this, as I wanted to see if I felt any better. The answer is no. I planned a move from burbs of Chicago, to the burbs of Denver, and began looking at movers and cost and planning. During this search, I sent in inventory list and began to look at companies. Most sent me an estimate and I didn't hear much back except a few follow up emails. I did however get repeated emails from Peapack. The bid was also the most cost effective. Like a dummy, I decided to go with Peapack. Worst experience ever. Once they got money, and a contract, the whole thing hit the crapper. They always appeared friendly and nice and used words like 'I am here for you', Have a blessed day'. I had spent months packing my own things and getting ready. I did the best I could with an accurate inventory. Then, alas, the big day came, and the movers were scheduled. But guess what. A no-show! Through trial and error, I got someone on the emergency line, Jim the owner. He offered apologies etc., and found a new crew. What was a surprise was Peapack outsources to other companies! The company that no showed was Boost, who I googled; and saw the worst reviews ever. The crew Jim found showed up the next day. Nice enough guys, but then trouble. All I heard was the broker did the estimate wrong, I had bigger of more items, on and on and on. A lot of trash talk from the mover Perfect regarding the 'broker' not doing it right again'. Through phone calls, it got done, but as other customers said, my bill went up. Then, the delivery date I was promised went out the window, and no promises were made. So moving day came and I drove to my new home, and no word about my things..I called and called. After weeks, I got the call!~ My stuff was to be delivered! Then things totally went to crap. The 2 men got here, one of them was nice enough, but no English. The other did speak English, however every time he opened his mouth it was a nasty threat. He stood with a threatening, angered stance, and complained loudly about how he is a driver, not a mover, and he should not be carrying my goods or putting things back together. I had labeled all boxes so I could ID each thing and direct it to each room, but all my valuable things had been throne in a truck, and were upside down, regardless of being labeled FRAGILE. My furniture was wrapped, and this guy yelled at me when I asked to see a piece of it to see what exactly it was. "it yours, and you should just know". It got worse. The rudeness didn't stop. The my antique china cabinet glass was cracked and my vanity was broken. I was so upset by the china cabinet, I actually started to CRY, as its an heirloom. This ass blew it off, made fun of me, and blamed to packers because 'I am only driver.' I was so threatened my this dude, I called the emerg. number. This only made him angrier. I couldn't wait to get him out of my house & nearly call 911. It was awful. At any rate Tina at Pea Pack was nice, and knew something about service recovery. She sent paper work for repairs, and also told me she talk to that movers boss. She told me that he was fired, and the company would send me $50. I never heard from the boss of that mover or did I see $50. I never heard from Jim the manager at Peapack. Shocking, as I had sent emails and voicemails to which he never responded. The entire moving experience unpleasant, and frankly one of the worst experiences of my life. Then something odd happened, I had paid cash, check and credit card for my move. The card was one never used it excepted for Peapack. After my move, I was contacted by fraud protection, as someone was trying to use my card info at a Nike Town. While I can't prove anything, I am suspicious..Word to the wise, don't use this company. Nobody should be feeling threatened in there own home by a hired vendor. Nobody should have a vendor no show. The quoted bill nearly escalated, and that was awful, and I was quite careful.This was an awful experience.

  10. Steer Clear, 0 Stars.

    They brokered me to Ocean Moving and Storage which was the absolute worst experience I could have imagined. That review is done separately. Long story short, PeaPack gave me false information since day 1, one of which was them telling me it could take 4 days for my stuff to arrive in the new location, and it actually took almost an entire month. Customer service has stopped returning my emails, calls, etc and ignore me when I call. They've always answered until after the move was completely done. They know it's me calling cause they used to answer saying my name. So they see my name come through and ignore it. They kept trying to tell me that the 4 day thing isn't their fault, because the contract says that the dates are not guaranteed shipping dates. Okay, that's fine. But if you tell a customer 4 days, a normal person would think "okay so it'll probably take a week. Nope. It took almost a month and somehow they think that's my fault that I didn't plan for a month without my stuff. I could go on and on about this company, but this was the biggest headache. And submitting a claim is an extremely difficult and time consuming job, which is done on purpose to deter people from making claims.

  11. Interstate Move from NC to FL.

    I am writing to commend the “Gabi Crew” for the handling of our move from NC to FL without any issues. The crew was amazing and made sure that all of our items were packed well and safely stored and secure in the truck. Since this was not a direct move, our belongings had to be stored for a week before they could be delivered to our new home. We can say that the crew never disappointed us. Not only were they “on time” for the scheduled delivery date, but the crew extended themselves in a professional and friendly manner for the pick up and delivery. From our experience, we know that this crew will do the same for anyone who has an upcoming move. Thank you “Gabi Crew” for taking such great care of us! You have our vote of confidence!

  12. PeaPack Moving and Storage.

    I’ve had many people tell me about PeaPack Moving and storage because they know me and my family have decided to move from CA to NC, when we gave them a call, they did NOT disappoint!! I have a very large family and a lot of people look at us as a circus but this company handled all of our furniture and special belongings as if it were their own!! I was very pleased. They were as gentle on inanimate objects as they are humans!! Highly recommend this company for their moving and storage services!!

  13. South Carolina to Kansas.

    My husband and I have moved entirely too many times in the past due to job relocation. EVERY time we have done it alone with just the help of a few friends. We put our trust into PeaPack and let them guide us in the right direction! We are extremely thankful for the easy process and the ease of mind knowing that it would all be taken care of for us. We were nervous the night before and called the after hours line, Chloe answered during her personal time with her family & assured us everything would go as planned, which it did. Would HIGHLY recommend them and plan to ONLY use them in the future!!

  14. No movement in a month. 200% price increase. Predatory movers. Etc.

    I don't even know where to begin. Peapack doesn't do the moving, they hire third parties to do the moving for them. These are not vetted well. I was quoted $2400 ($1200 upfront, $600 on pickup, $600 on delivery). This number climbed to $4700 on pickup and the movers refused to leave without payment. The mover wanted a photo of my debit card and not only incorrectly charged my card the wrong amount by $1000 twice, but also did not get my authorization to do so. Peapack told me two weeks ago that they would figure out how they could cover the difference even if they had to come out of pocket. They haven't. I lost a $600 love seat because there "wasn't enough space" despite it being on the inventory list. Their customer service doesn't answer unless you hide your caller ID. They don't email back.

    My stuff was picked up on August 26th, it's September 27th and I don't even know if it's in transit yet. They (and their moving company) have over $4000 from me right now and it's been a month and I have nothing to show and no one will reply to me. From what I've seen from other sites, too, this seems really common and they do not even attempt to have the carriers reimburse you, they will only offer to refund your deposit. On trust pilot there's a lady who had her window shattered and furniture damaged by the carrier and they offered her $1000/$4500 back. Lol.

    Never ever use this company.

  15. Moving.

    PeaPack never gives u a correct quote and I ended up saying $1000.00 more than they estimated. When my furniture arrived the driver was rude and nasty and put my bed, entertainment center and washer/dryer in backwards and got nasty when I asked them to put things together correctly. The driver left before all furniture was put together and the local helper he hired stayed to help put everything together without being paid. The helper did 85%of the work himself. PeaPack was nice when I called them but no one from Trans Van Lines they hired to transport my furniture ever called me back. Do NOT hire this company unless they decide to use more professional van lines to carry for them.

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