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MoveCorp reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company MoveCorp from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating MoveCorp – 3.1 (calculated based on 265 reviews).

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  • Company: MoveCorp
  • Location: Unit 7 Norton Works, London
  • Website:
  • Email: james@movecorp.co.uk
  • Phones: 01922450040

265 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Untrustworthy, Dishonest, Cheats.

    This company is not to be trusted. They totally underestimated the amount of possessions to be packed into the container and then tried to double the charge for the extra few items. They got told where to go..

    They sell insurance which they profess to cover all damages and to make sure you insure for the amount it will cost at your destination. This does not matter because they work with an adjuster who will use every trick in the terms of the policy to back out of indemnifying your claim so you’re left with ruined furniture that was new at point of departure. They must be on a back hander with this dishonest outfit.

    Stay well clear and save yourself months of headaches and wasted time trying to get answers and resolve issues.



  2. A no hassle move.

    I obtained 3 quotes and decided to book with Movecorp to move my items from my 2nd Floor Apartment, as at 5 months pregnant it was not something I would be doing! I was happy with the total cost of £490 for my move and I found that correspondence with the Sales Advisor got back to me quickly when I had queries. The removal guys were friendly and sorted the move promptly. Thanks.

  3. All that could go wrong, DID go wrong!

    I used MoveCorp for a move from London to NY (USA was not given as an option in the dropdown above so I couldn't enter than info accurately). I move a lot, because of work so I am well versed in the world of movers and knew enough to ask for a home survey after I receive the quote over the phone to avoid surprises in the cost.MoveCorp's "professional" surveyor came to my home. He opened all cabinets, drawers, closets. Nothing was left unchecked. After his survey he assured me all my items would fit comfortably in one container to the U.S.A. On the day of the move I was told a third of my items would not fit at all and would need to be moved completely separately in another container which would arrive later. I was then told I would be charged a lot more than the quoted price even though that price was based on a survey that their surveyor did at my home. They accused me of adding items after the survey was done, which was not only unprofessional of them but completely ridiculous. As if I would store items off site and then go to the trouble of having them brought to my home on the day of the move.  To make matters worse the crew that arrived was extremely rude and unprofessional. Everything was done wrong, wrapped wrong, etc.  My things arrived in the U.S. in terrible shape. Everything that could have broken had broken. It was awful. We received our things in two shipments. The last shipment was a full three months after our move date. When everything was finally delivered there was an entire chair missing. Not a small box..a chair. If they can lose a chair I am sure they can lose a lot more not to mention all the damage. The chair was finally located by their local affiliate and delivered later. In all this MoveCorp was blatantly unprofessional and rude. Just to get a reduction in the ludicrous amount they were demanding over the initially agreed quote I had to report them to the Removals Ombudsman. If you want a nightmare move, this is the company. If you want something better, please use someone else.  .

  4. Happy days in Bournemouth.

    After comparing a lot companies and obtaining quotes from five of them I decided on this company due to price and feedback. I opted for the packing service and was very pleased with the care taken and the pleasure of having no breakages when the removal was completed. The removal team were genuinely friendly, professional in their attitude to the job and I would use this company again.

  5. Happy with move.

    Just like to put my view forward on my home removal carried out by this company. I was amazed to read the recent negative reviews but if this is what has happened then it needs saying, happily in my case I could find nothing wrong with the move so?

    From quote to delivery I was happy with the service provided, couple of small breakages but as we packed ourselves I could not really complain. Price was middle of the road as was the service but I could not complain at either and the removal crew themselves were great lads who did exactly what we asked for and were very hard working. Many thanks to all.

  6. Unscrupulous, untrustworthy, dishonest.

    These are words that spring to mind to describe the removal company Movecorp. When you reach my age (nearly 80) you will no doubt have moved several times - know what to expect, right? WRONG! Nobody who hasn't had the misfortune to choose Movecorp (Walsall) would believe the depths to which a removal company could sink. Blatant lies, malpractice of the worst kind, disregard for property (my valuable baby grand piano was slid down the stairs as the requested and promised specialist equipment was not provided). Money paid up front in full, goods all packed, after weeks of waiting the day arrived - my return to England after 17 years in France. Passage booked, all things running smoothly. Huge double lorry arrived (impressive) but wait.. what's that? Can't you take much? No space, and a ferry to catch? Tears, pleading - at least come and look. Oh thank you, thank you. You'll look but..
    Only take a few items? Those plastic sacks of clothing, bedding, wool etc? Oh and the fridge. No bed? What will I sleep on? Completely bewildered and traumatized, I lock up house, containing all my belongings and leave for France.
    Contact Movecorp. What about collecting my stuff still left in France? What's that? You want another £1600 to do so? Plus VAT? Are you not joking? What about if I take you to court? Ah, thought that would change your mind. You'll go back in 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, sometime. Yes, there'll be enough space on the lorry this time. Yes of course also the trolley and braces for the professional handling of the grand piano. No worries, it'll happen this time. Foolishly I believe you. What else can I do, you have my money. In France, you only pay once the goods have been delivered. What a wise system. Hooray, only 5 weeks later, and my goods are due to be delivered. During that time my daughter had to buy a new bed so that at least I could sleep. Hello, what's this? Where are my sideboards, bookshelves, chests of drawers, T.V etc etc etc etc etc? What's that you say? You're telling me I agreed that you could leave them behind? Oh right!! So I'm happy living out of cardboard boxes with all my clothes, books, personal items strewn around on the floor. Wait, if I pay you another £1,200 (I know, plus VAT) you might be persuaded to go back and make a third attempt. ENOUGH. I'm obviously talking to people from another planet. Now what? I know, report them to the removal ombudsman. Simple. They'll sort them out. Get them to come up to standard, or be struck off the register. Ha ha. The removal ombudsman, or should I say ombudswoman? Turns out she's a one-woman show. Answerable to nobody. So not regulated? Surely a situation open to abuse, which to my mind needs investigating. An elusive lady who seldom answers the phone, or reads emails. I thought I was dealing with a full sized official government body designed to protect the public. She was so evidently biased that I had to check on the internet that this was a bona fide organization. Meant to find out who pays her salary. Either very naive, gullible or easily influenced, she swallowed MoveCorps blatant lies as water in a desert. After 5 months of continued plying with emails (with the help of the tradings officer) she vaguely told me "Oh I thought I'd sent you my decision, I'll do it right away." Three weeks later, still no decision. Phone call. "Oh, who are you? No, I haven't seen your recent emails or those from the trading officer. I admit I've been rather overwhelmed recently. Not been well." When I openly challenged her with not reading my account of events concerning Movecorp she made no attempt at denial. Inspires one with confidence, eh? Now, seven months after paying this company to move my goods from France to England, I am still living surrounded by cardboard boxes and about £3000 of my furniture still awaits collection. If all those folk out there with similar experiences of dealing with Movecorp would care to contact me and join my efforts to make this scandalous company accountable for its conduct, please email me. I am also in contact with a reporter at the Express and Star. You might like to let them know of your experiences.

  7. My nightmare came true.

    When you are going through an international move, you hire and pay professionals to make sure that those parts of the process you can't control (such as shipping boxes) are in good hands. You need to hire a relocation company to collect (and sometimes pack) boxes from "point A" (in my case London) and deliver them to "point B" (in my case Sweden).
    I contacted Movecorp to organize my move, we agreed on a pick up date and I paid them 100% in advance. When that day arrived, all my boxes were ready, packed and sealed, but unfortunately they never left "point A".. The collection was initially scheduled between 16.00 and 19.00, but around 16.30 I was informed that the crew was some 3 hours late. The driver would have called me when they were on their way to my apartment.
    By 22.00 nobody called me nor knocked on my door, and I didn't have any number to call!! Movecorp provides only one number that is active from 9.00 to 17.30, so should you have an emergency, your only option is to wait the next day - and fall sleep if you can, I didn't.
    I was left with all my boxes at "Point A" with less than 36 hours to my plane to Sweden. 
    The next day I had to call to find out what happened (being proactive is not included in their service) and - as common sense suggests - I thought they would have collected my boxes first thing first in the morning.. but I was wrong. With a "don't worry" attitude, Brodie Holton suggested to rearrange the pick up in a week - without taking in consideration my situation: did they know I was relocating?
    As a result of choosing Movecorp, I had to rebook my flights (extra cost that Movecorp didn't want to pay) and rearrange an urgent pick up with another provider (thanks God thare are still some serious companies out there!); again, Movecorp didn't offer to pay the extra cost I had to substain for their mistake.
    So, if you are about to relocate abroad, I highly recommend not to choose Movecorp, unless you want your nightmares to come true!

  8. A three legged donkey would have been faster.

    A three legged donkey would really have been a faster way of transportation.
    EVerything seemed well in the inital contacts with this firm. The customer service were friendly and gave a professional impression. then problems started..
    A little while before the pick up date, after I payed the cost for the moving itself, they started chasing me for signing up on additional insurance for my boxes. It turned out that the included insureance only covers values up to 40£/box! (must have been somewhere in the small print). To insure the full value of my stuff, I would have had to pay an additional insurance of 750£. I decided to risk it and not sign up for the extra insurance, now being very nervous after reading the online reviews for movecorp.
    They could not give me a delivery date, but after much chasing from my side, they said that the items would arrive between 1-2 weeks after pick up date. TIme passed, and they finally delivered the boxes after 5 weeks.
    Luckily, nothing was damaged or missing.
    however the communication was poor, after you pay them they will pretty much be very difficult to get a hold of.
    The extra insurance bit, which no one told me about until after I had payed them my money for the transportation itself (350£) is just their way to get you to pay even more.  As a consumer, you do expect a professional moving firm to take respoinsibility over your belongings, even if those belongings are worth more than a measly 40 quid.

  9. International move from UK to France.

    Poor service - quick delivery but all boxes arrived damaged. Hard to get hold of, they'll call you 5 times a day to get you to pay and once the payment has gone through it'll be impossible for you to talk to anyone. I wasn't given a delivery date even though I chased it up many a time with the sales manager. It just so happened I was at home when the drivers turned up. Issues all the way through including the emailing of labels like someone else mentioned. Would not recommed to anyone.

  10. Manchester to Truro.

    “You get what you pay for” is an old saying that still applies now and after using Movecorp for our recent house move, I could not agree more. After receiving five quotes for our move I decided to go for the second dearest, a system I have always used and that has stood me well. Well another one to add to my list and I would like to thank all the staff at Movecorp for making it possible. The wife and I could not be happier with the service provided, from start to finish nothing was too much trouble and the whole move was seamless from start to finish. Would not hesitate to recommend to anyone looking for a excellent job at an excellent price.

  11. Retiring to Almeria.

    Would like to start this review by thanking Ped our Spanish plumber for telling us about this company. We bought an old finca in Almeria four years ago with the intention of retiring there and as the time came closer we decided we should put plans in action and there starts the story. Ped told us that he had heard good reports about Movecorp from people he had done work for and when we contacted them we were pleasantly surprised with the quote we received from the sales director James. The moving day came with everything packed away safely and professionaly, instructions provided on their recommended route taken as we were taking both of our cars over to Spain, everything was going to plan. Now we are settled in we realise how foolish we would have been if when we considered moving ourselves how much we underestimated the amount of belongings we have. I suppose we could have managed it with a struggle but at 58 years old did we need the hassle? No not really it was better to pay the professionals, enjoy our nice drive over here and on our first full day sit out in the sun with a nice cool drink. Thank you Movecorp for job well done.

  12. Don't Touch with a bargepole.

    If you want to have your goods internationally shipped and need confirmed prices and delivery schedules - DO NOT TOUCH THIS COMPANY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES !! I asked for and received a reasonable quote for shipment of parcels from the UK to Ibiza. Collection was duly arranged although there was a hiccup with emailing labels and a consignment note - blamed by their staff on 'system errrors '(!) . Following collection I had to email to chase confirmation of delivery which was then confirmed for 20 May. 20 May came and went - no delivery although I was emailed to ask me to pay more money !! -chased them again to be told delivery 21/05/2014. 21/05/2014 came and went - no delivery. Asked to speak to MD - was connected to Sales Director - very arrogant individual who refused to pass on a mesage to MD or to ask him to call me. He just kept saying my goods could not be delivered that day but would not tell me why not. I finally tracked MD down via Facebook - full of his own self importance and good works - he was apparently 'not in the office' even though another staff member advised me he was on the telephone !  My parcels arrived in Ibiza 19/05/2014 and were marked as ready for delivery - one problem - they had not been given full delivery address by the UK Office ! Ibiza is only a small island and you can drive from one side to the other in an hour - if they had bothered to let me know I would have collected the parcels myself. I have yet to receive a true explanation for why my goods could not be delivered 20/05/2014 or 21/05/2014. Guess what - they tried to deliver 22/05/2014 when they knew full well we were no longer on the island and again 23/05/2014 yet the MD had emailed me to say he had already arranged to deliver the items back to me in UK. He has also emailed me to say that if I post anything derogatory about his company - I will be in breach of contract- I guess he must be used to complaints given that that's his initial reaction !  As of 30/05/2014 - no-one appears to know where my parcels are and the MD - James Tennant - is conspicuous by his lack of customer service - like I say - DO NOT TOUCH THEM - COMPLETE WASTERS. .

  13. Definitely worth trying..

    My husband and I were recommended to this company by a chap my husband has done some work for and to be honest after reading a few reviews slating them off we hummed and haahed. But my husband said well if they can please Chris they must be okay and after using them we must say that they looked after us fine. They did a full removal at what we thought was a very reasonable price, everything went smoothly on the day of the move and the office staff were brilliant in answering any random questions we threw their way.A great service that we wouldn't hesitate to use again and recommend.

  14. Impressed with the company.

    I have had some bad experiences with removal companies over the years so this time I decided to ask family, friends and work associates who they used and if they would recommend them. After five weeks of listening to good and bad reports I decided on two companies and called them both for a quote and listened to their procedures for my move to France. I finally chose Movecorp to carry out the move as their approach seemed very professional and confident and this was proven when it came to move day. Nothing was too much trouble, the guys loaded everything quickly and efficiently, the office staff kept me informed of progress and always seemed available to answer any queries or questions I raised. Although my move would probably be classed as small work to companies this did not seem to affect the care and consideration shown by the company as a whole. I was very impressed with the company and wish them every success.

  15. The ins and outs of moving abroad.

    My wife and I recently sold our home of 40 years to move closer to our daughter and grandchild in France and found out how little we knew about the ins and outs of moving abroad . I called several firms in the Midlands to ask their advice and get estimates and in the end we instructed Movecorp mainly due to the helpfulness and knowledge of their estimator who came to our house. The quote was very competitive, any queries answered plainly and we went for the packing service for the little extra that it cost. On the scheduled day everything seemed to go very smoothly, the lads who loaded our furniture and fittings were chatty, polite and efficient.  There was no damage or any breakages to call about and make insurance claims, a tribute to the excellent packing skills of the team. We would recommend this company without hesitation  and would like to thank them once again for a excellent job carried out quickly and professionally.


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