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Atlantic Van Lines

Atlantic Van Lines reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Atlantic Van Lines from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Atlantic Van Lines – 1.4 (calculated based on 154 reviews).

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Atlantic Van Lines

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  • Company: Atlantic Van Lines
  • Location: 650 Kingston Road, Toronto ON
  • Website: www.atlantic-vanlines.com
  • Email: infor@atlantic-vanlines.com
  • Phones: (416) 335-1771||(855) 321-7700

154 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Move from Ontario toNew Brunswick.


    If I could give a negative rating I would. I too saw some of the negative things posted by this company but ignored them. Lesson to self DON'T IGNORE THE REVIEWS!!

    My move cost in excess of $18,000.00. There was thousands of dollars in damages to our property and the offered $50. after a $325. deductible.

    They treated our belongings like they were taking out the trash. All furniture items they wrapped were damaged. Antiques were damaged. They broke the leg off my solid wood king sized bed. Boxes we had packed and labelled as glass and fragile were crushed from having heavier items piled on top.

    When they brought our items to our home they were to arrive in the morning on a Sunday. They arrived after 4:30 with only 2 people to unload a 52 ft trailer of belongings. They even asked us if we knew anyone that could help unload "we pay cash". Contract stated room to room delivery and our entire home was dumped in our garage and living room. They did carry our bed upstairs but that was broken so no help to us anyway. The driver stated if we wanted them to place it in proper rooms we would have to pay more? Did you note the move was over $18,000.? They didn't finish the unloading until after 11pm.

    I could write a book on the way we were treated, the way Anita spoke to me once the had our items and could hold our lives in limbo was beyond anything I have ever experienced. I was in a truck making a 15 hour drive with livestock and other animals and she wanted to unload our stuff at the home we purchased without us being there. The house hadn't even closed yet and Anita threatened that she would lock our belongings in Moncton until we came up with a cashiers cheque to pay the $18,000 by the time we get to the house. Uhm Covid and I'm driving, I'm expected to isolate once we get to our new home and this person wants a cashiers cheque.

    We did file a claim with them and yup 10 weeks went by and I contacted them to see where they were at. $50. yup $50. that was the offer for our damaged life. Clearly we will never be compensated for the loss and the aggravation but I would hate to have anyone go through this. Hopefully Karma is a thing.

  2. Worst Movers I Have Ever Met.

    This was the worst moving experience I have ever had. If I could put 0 stars I would. Long distance move from Toronto to Vancouver. Unprofessional movers on both ends with no regard for wrapping fragile belongings. We had to intervene to have things re-done and items that we did not insist on were heavily damaged en route including a new custom-made wooden bed frame (leg broken completely off). No disclosure of damage and over $1000 in cost to us after the move for repairs. Had asked about additional insurance coverage and was not offered the option of submitting costing of our belonging to purchase extra insurance. Terrible customer service throughout. 8 - 10 weeks later they under-estimated the weight of damaged items to argue that they didn't owe us any compensation but would give us a $30 customer appreciation refund.


    I am happy to say that we are finally in our new home and settling in, however I cannot say that I am overly impressed with the whole experience!

    Finding out that it was going to take two weeks for our things to arrive was disappointing but then it actually took much longer than that. (picked up the 29th and not received until the 22nd) That in itself wasn't the half of it. Trying to get a status report on where our belongings were turned out to be problematic. I asked numerous times for updates and got nothing helpful. When I asked for the scale weight results which I know was done after my things were first picked up, well, nothing! I was told that the information was requested however was never received. I asked these questions a number of times and always got the same answer..... which in truth was nothing!

    I should have gotten the seniors discount however, through my misunderstanding I “missed the cutoff date to qualify” by not having my id provided prior to the pick up date. I'm sorry but I have worked in Customer Service a long time and had I known that a customer was entitled to a discount I would have made sure that they had it. At the very least, I would have reminded them making sure that they were aware. And moved mountains to make it happen for them. This did not happen here even though your rep knew full well that I was a senior.

    I was charged extra for “packing and plastic wrap”. Items that were included in my inventory and not needed to be packed into a wardrobe box were. All of my items, other than furniture were wrapped in plastic or packed in boxes or bins. I was of the understanding that your people would blanket wrap the furniture and that that was included in the cost. However, my furniture was wrapped in plastic (which I was charged extra for). One of my old bookcases was wrapped in a blanket. The other in plastic as was my old dresser. To my horror, when they arrived I found that both bookcases had been damaged as well as the veneer on the dresser was chipped more than ever. I am still picking up pieces of the veneer. It was apparent that the dresser had been banged around. Plastic wrap gives no protection. The fellows who delivered these items were horrified by the way that they were shipped. On some of the boxes were “oil stains” and smelled of old motor oil. I have no idea where this could have come from other than the truck or your warehouse where my items were stored. My bed base is now stained and my mattresses which were wrapped in plastic had been apparently dragged not lifted and are stained. Not very impressed.

    On the original pick up I notice that the fellows documented that I had 2 mattresses and box springs..... I only had one. And that the other bed with the 2 bases had a King size mattress, it was only a queen. Minor details really, but I thought that I would mention it.

    A good lot of my things were in plastic bins. At least a dozen of the bins have been damaged. I still have unpacking to do, I can only hope that this is all the damages I will find.

    The movers did chip the door frame of the apartment, I would like that fixed.

    As for the estimate. I find it rather alarming that a company would take an estimate and then make that the minimum knowing full well that their excel program weighs exceedingly heavy. According to the movers, my things came nowhere near 8000 lbs! Nor did my things take up a great deal of space in their truck. The average 2 bed apartment is under 4000 lbs. Hmmmm! As for the “month free storage”. Well I would hope so, being told that the date begins on the date of pick up and it took up most of the month just getting to Alberta!

    I'm sorry to say but I cannot in all good conscience recommend your company to anyone.

  4. Stolen Bike.

    I hired Atlantic Van Lines for my move from Toronto to Vancouver. They did the pick-up and drop-off on time, and everything arrived okay except for my bike and I think that one of the people who picked it up stole it.

    When they dropped off my things in Vancouver, instead of my 3-month old Specialized (brand of bike) road bike, they delivered an old, flat tired, probably hasn’t been ridden in years, cruiser.

    I was obviously upset and called right away. They said to check the sticker that was on the bike to see if it matched the rest of the stickers on my things, which it did. Then they sent me a claim form to fill out.

    I of course filled out the form and sent it promptly, but the “process” that they have is for me to wait 8-10 weeks without any details on what they are doing to find my bike. I am currently still within those 8-10 weeks.

    There have been no attempts to pick up the bike that was delivered “by mistake”, which gives me very little hope in the process that they have to recover my bike.

    What I think happened is that during the pick-up or transit of my things, someone saw that there was a nice, new, brand-name bike that they could sell for a good profit, so they took it, replaced it with a bike they found on the side of the road or in a dumpster, and put the matching sticker on that bike so that there wouldn’t be any red flags during the transit of the bike.

    You see, they ask for an inventory of what is being shipped before they come to pick it up and of course, I included my bike among every other item, so instead of flat out just stealing the bike, they knew they would have to replace it with another.

    My constant calls have gotten me nowhere. The only person who can apparently help with a claim at Atlantic Van Lines will not speak over the phone and when I email her, I just get a standard response that does not answer any of my questions.

    I will update this thread when the 8-10 weeks are up to let everyone know what has been done to rectify the situation, but based on the fact that there has not been an attempt to pick up the bike that was delivered to me by mistake, the lack of response to my questions, and that no updates have been shared with me in the meantime, my faith in a reasonable outcome is very low.

  5. Total scam artists - DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY.

    Be aware that this company will low-ball the initial estimate and continuously increase the cost once you submit subsequent inventory lists. They do not base their estimates on actual weight but on over-inflated industry averages. Customer has to pay the over-estimated “minimum” and if the weight (according to a scale) exceeds that, there is a surcharge per pound. An original estimate of $590 turned into $1,405. There is no allowance for actual weights below the minimum.

  6. Be careful with deposit.

    I called them to ask if they can help moving on short notice as another company didn't show up and I had to move out the same day. They said yes and I paid a deposit over phone as requested. Then they called after a few hours to schedule it for the day after. I explained again that I requested the service for the same day and paid the deposit on that condition. However, they refused to refund. Perhsps that's why the deposit is writtten to be non-refundable when you receive the email receipt.

  7. Move from Kitchener to Toronto.

    I cannot even begin to explain this incredibly traumatizing experience. One star is one too many for this company.RI have moved many times and never experienced anything like this. Rude and unprofessional. I had no furniture for two days after said delivery date. Over charged by a third of original quote even though I had less things than originally quoted. All China and glasses smashed. On top of this no covid protocol in place at all Don't use this company. They are scam artists and have no regard for your belongings. I am still traumatized from the experience. This is honestly only the tip of the ice burg. Personal in office beyond rude.

  8. Smart thieves made a company.

    Never had bad experience in my life like with this company. I got high blood pressure and went to clinic. they will rip you off do you research and check even BBB reviews they are even the in news about cheating people. I am going to contact all people who has been cheated and will file a case against them. anyone want to know how he/she will be cheated go to BBB reviews our contact me and I will forward all emails. BADDDD experiences. you will get a nice quote (hook) then will get your non refundable deposit. then will double the price. when I disagreed with them about the weight they gave I insisted to get my scales weight never sent it and they hold my items until I paid double the first quote they gave me.

  9. Worst service ever!

    Feb 3 – original quote for 1000lbs came to a total of $1010

    March 27- asked for an updated quote at 3000lbs to be on the safe side. Came to a total of 1885 lbs. in email response she wrote that the wuote includes all fuel, labor, mieage, room to room service, blanket wrapping

    March 30 - Will the rates change if they are not able to get a truck and trailer in? As I said before it is rural. The driveway is not that long but they will not be wanting to carry stuff up it and I am not sure there will be room for a 53' truck and trailer.

    In this case our truck is unable to get within 100 feet to the main entrance then a long carry fee would be applicable or we may have to arrange for shuttle service. Would you be able to send us a photo of your driveway or provide the pick-up address?

    Provided photo of driveway along with delivery address as asked for.

    It will either be a 24’ or 28’ truck used for the pick-up, therefore I do not anticipate any issues with this. In the case a long carry fee is applicable this is dependent on the size of your shipment and the distance from the truck to your home. (Did not inform me long haul carry fee is a minimum of $250 - even if shipment is not that large plus cost of shuttle truck

    Sent $400 deposit along with information required to book.

    April 13 – Was sent a spreadsheet to fill out – weight came back very high so I asked if I could do it once I had a more accurate inventory of items. She said it would not be an issue. She judged my weight at 4340lbs with an updated price of $2581.80

    April 14 – Sent a list of possible additional charges - nothing out of the ordinary

    May 8 – I sent updated inventory list. She replied saying that she estimated my move to be 2000 lbs with another new quote of $1365.

    May 9 - We will be able to provide you with your total balance in advance of the delivery date so you can prepare a method of payment.

    From the date of the departure (Not from the pick up date), from the origin province dispatch, it will take approximately 5 – 12 days to arrive to our local dispatch in Calgary, AB and this is only the transit time, not including delivery. Once the goods arrive and are available for your delivery, we will call to arrange a delivery on our next available date to your new home.

    Once the delivery date is set you will be called the day prior to confirm your delivery address and how you will be handling the payment. Once the movers arrive at your destination, we will collect payment and then offload into your new home.

    May 15 – I was away for the weekend, they called for an updated invenroty list which had not changed from the last one. They are now saying the minimum weight charge is 4730 lbs with a price tag of $2784.60

    I called and said I did not agree with the charges and to stop at 3000lbs as it was not in the budget to pay for that much. I also sent an email. They claim they did not receive it until after the truck had already picked up my items, I asked for an actual scale receipt and they would not provide me with one since my items were under the minimum weight.

    May 21 – Got an email with the total for $2637.23

    Now saying they will provide one days notice before arrival of items. Also stating that they do not charge for 5 steps leading up to home. At pickup they said there would be a $125 charge for stairs unless we tipped them $20 each which we did so $60 total.

    May 22 – Was told departure from Quebec of the truck was scheduled closer to the 26 of may and it would take approx 5-10 business days once the truck departed and would go to Calgary first. Said lets touch base at the end of next week.

    May 29 – I receive a phone call saying they will be here Sunday – this leaves me no time to get to the bank for payment. I arrance to send two etransfers since I have a limit on what I can send in a day. We booked off Monday to go away for the weekend, had to come home early as they would not let me reschedule for another day. The only option was 3pm-9pm on Sunday for delivery, I again ask what size of truck will be coming as I am not sure a large one will fit. If that is the case we will need to arrange for a shuttle truck to which I responded I would not pay for that because we were told a 24-28ft truck would be coming, He said he had not heard of that before but that he was looking at the map and id not see any issues with the truck being able to get in.

    May 31 – They arrive about 5:30pm. They say they are unable to back the truck up the driveway. They go call the dispatch who then calls me and asks how I want to proceed. She gives me two options 1) Have it sent down to Calgary warehouse and arrange shuttle from there. 2) we would normally arrange shuttle but because of the time and it being a Sunday we aren’t able to do that. She asks if I have a friend or family member with a trailer I can borrow. I said if that’s the case we have a flat deck,.

  10. They do not care about you or your stuff.

    The guys who loaded our stuff were running late so they rushed to throw our stuff in the truck. They were not careful with any of our things, or our house. They were ramming their dolly into doorways in their rush. Of course our stuff was delivered on the last day of their estimate, in the middle of a storm. The drivers were so eager to get home before the storm worsened, so they started unloading before we were there and could look at the items. Even though each item was already numbered, THEY WROTE ON EACH ITEM WITH PERMANENT MARKER with a big 2, I suppose to make it easy to tell between shipments. Of course the company called those stained and said they weren't covered by the insurance. So they permanently damaged our bins and furniture, etc. and refused to compensate us in any way. Several of our things were broken and missing. I can understand accidents happen, but to purposefully mark our furniture and not care at all just boils my blood. I don't know how people can sleep when they do business this way.

  11. Price changes and damaged goods.

    Every email from the company seemed to go up in price once they received their deposit. Overall move was nearly $6000 for a 6 hr move and 2 bedroom house. Once they unloaded, we found numerous damaged pieces of furniture, broken coffee table, water damaged on 2 dressers and our big bedroom dresser was wrapped in a gasoline soaked cloth, that left our bedroom reeking of gas for weeks. Damaged and broken decor, and missing items. I put in a complaint, called back after 8 wks and told they would refund me a whole $40! Absolutely disgusted with this company.

  12. What a horrible experience.

    We chose Atlantic van lines because it was a bit less expensive compared to other quotes we have received but oh boy at the time we had no idea about their hidden charges and work ethics. During the COVID 19 craziness, we had to change our son's apartment at a university town. We were told they were going to give us a call for dispatch to confirm it one day before . On the day I talked to a guy who said we need to be there at 7 am.I told him that it was impossible since we lived in a nearby town 2,5 hours away and there was no way we could be there that early. I told him I would try to talk to the landlady to see if she could provide the key for them to get in and get back to him if it was possible. In 3 hours' time I wrote them straight back letting them know the lady didn't accept it, however, the manager told me my 5 pieces of furniture were already loaded and I had to pay $450 if I want it to be offloaded again. I tried to tell her even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to be there at that time and there was no way I gave them the green light to load the van , I even sent the email I sent to the landlady but she was so eager to get the extra $450 that she didn't even listen to me. I am not even going to mention the extra $722 which suddenly appeared on our balance check . I wish I had read the reviews beforehand it would save me a lot of headache .

  13. Terrible.

    I recently used the services of this company. They are terrible. I paid nearly $4000 for a job that was not completed. They left boxes downstairs which were meant for upstairs (everything was clearly marked). They informed me that an antique desk would not fit into my office and actually suggested cutting off the legs. I said if took the door off that it would fit. I had to run the store to get a screw diver which took less that five minutes. When I arrived home they had left, leaving my garage door wide open and my front door unlocked. I was shocked and very angry. I took me several hours to complete the job that I had paid in full for up front ( which assures they can do what ever they want and you are powerless). I calculated the time I spent in finishing the job and contacted the moving company where I was informed there was nothing they could do. I said you can make it right..they offered my $50.00, a total slap in the face. After several weeks back and forth, they agreed to give me $100 refund. After a couple of weeks, I had to contact them again too actually get the refund. They crew that they sent to unload where clearly recruited from the bar. They were certainly not professional movers. This is why moving companies have such a terrible reputation. They get your money upfront and can act with total impunity. I will never use their services again and I will warn anyone looking to hire a mover to never use them. A terrible company!!

  14. Un-Professional behavior.

    Atlantic Van Lines- worst company I have faced. During last 25 years, I moved New Found land to BC for my job and more than 10 movers move my household but I released that Atlantic Van Lines is the worst, from office staff to delivery persons.They charged for packing but dump all things including glass items in wardrobe. They completely deny to pay anything.Van driver who deliver the household have no professional manner, he was every time in fighting mood.

  15. Do Not Use This Company if You Value Money.

    I had been applying to companies locally to move from Edmonton to Kelowna (9 hour trip) and I had only 850lbs worth of items to move. Jen Krish the general manager from Atlantic Van Lines had messaged me with a quote of 835$. This seemed very reasonable. They charge based on 5 factors : first 500lbs, additional weight per 0.42 cents per pound after 500lbs, destination fee, scale and taxes. I paid the non refundable 350$ to reserve my spot after getting my initial 835$ quote. She had not mentioned anywhere on email that they also charged a non transparent fee for space accompanied by pounds after I had paid. No where on their website even states this. The quote for my roughly 850lbs move went up to almost double the price. She stated that It would require a 2110lb move and this is what she charged me for. I then asked why this went up so much because my items were very small in size, like dumbbells weighing 300lbs. She had no good reply, wouldn't call me to discuss. And when I called the company Jen was not available to discuss only to email me in which she stopped after saying she cancelled my reservation but would not refund me? The lady I spoke with also didn't have an answer for how many cubic feet of space it is for the original quote of 835$. She also didn't know much about prices at all and didn't have answers for me, meaning they make stuff up on their own and write their own rules. I am down 350$ without a refund because of their ridiculously high post quote. Let alone Jen took my transfer straight to her own account not even to the companies. This is a very shady buisiness. They are not transparent about prices at all. Don't get fooled by the original quote. I am not going to go through with this company. Every 5 star review is faked. They do not charge the total price up front means they will charge ridiculously high prices once delivered and hold your stuff until you pay, they damage items and are extremely rude. Do not let them do this, if you reply to this post I will be happy to share my emails with you regarding my conversation with Jen. Thanks for taking my hard earned money for nothing! If zero stars is an option I would have done this.

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