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Atlantic Van Lines

Atlantic Van Lines reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Atlantic Van Lines from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Atlantic Van Lines – 1.4 (calculated based on 154 reviews).

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Atlantic Van Lines

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  • Company: Atlantic Van Lines
  • Location: 650 Kingston Road, Toronto ON
  • Website: www.atlantic-vanlines.com
  • Email: infor@atlantic-vanlines.com
  • Phones: (416) 335-1771||(855) 321-7700

154 Reviews: Add Review

  1. DO NOT work with this company, you will REGRET it BIG TIME.

    Possibly the worst moving company. The most unscrupulous sales staff who lie to you to get the booking and then leave you in a lurch with no options. I had numerous conversations with them when I told them I can only book my elevator a certain time, the sales person Emily assured me they can do the time. They got the booking, one day to the move they called and said they will pick up 9 hours ahead of the time they had promised. When I told them I can not book the elevator for that time she asked me if I can move my stuff downstairs myself! Do not work with these guys. You will regret it.

  2. Robery stay away.

    I contacted them for a move from Ontario to Quebec. I give them the full list for my stuff and they quoted $1800 CAD for 8000lbs. I checked my stuff and because I bought them at Ikea I have the weight of each of them it was 5000 lbs..anyway. The day of the move they scale their truck and they told me that it is 16000 lbs and I had to pay $3600 CAD with a bank draft otherwise they will not deliver my furniture. I asked for a proof of scale and they took 5 days to send me a bad screenshot which nothing mention that is belonging to me. 2 weeks later they called me for a new bank draft because they said "While driving the window was open the draft flew over" . But the bank told me that they endorsed it. So now they threat me to go to court for that.

  3. Wrongfuly shipped & damaged items.

    The company Atlantic Van lines were provided with a manifest both via email and over the telephone. Clear isnturcion were given not to take any Christmas ornaments.
    They ignored these instructions and repakced some, even, adding cans of dried paint to one box. We have photos which we emailed to the company.

    Not only did we have to pay for the extra weight for the ornamnets, but to date they have ignored our request for picking up and returning, at no charge to us, the wrongfully shpped items. This began in May 2018.

    We have numerous email that went bewteen the coompany rep and ourselves that show how they have handled this situation, But no resolution has been offered other than we will pick them up the next time we have a truck in your area. When ask to confirm there would be no charge for this, the company rep did not reply.
    These ornamenst were collected by our landlady over a 50 year period and have great value to ehr.
    It is also importnat to note the company said they would arrive between 6 and 10 pm which is the period I advised my landlady to expect them. They arrived late and are denying that is what happened.
    Communication has been poor on their part and their customer servvice practically non-existant.

  4. Move Alberta to Ontario.

    I would not recommend this moving company, the final bill was higher than originally quoted, they say they charge according to actual weight but it is not true they charge according to the inventory list you provide them. Truck load is not even physically weighed, they charge according to their estimated weight shown in their inventory list format. I was pretty sure my belongings weighed less than 3000 lbs and they charged for 4370 lbs. Some of my belongings were broken and damaged and one of my bed frames is missing.
    Submitted a claim more than 2 weeks ago and I have not heard from the manager.

  5. Terrible experience do not hire!!

    I would absolutely not recommend the company to anyone. It took them over a month to get our stuff to us and when it finally arrived they called to say they would be at our house between 8 am and noon so my husband waited all morning only to get a call close to noon time telling him it would be arriving between 1pm and 5pm again we waited they didn't show until almost 9 pm. When they finally arrived we were faced with a bill of over 5000 which was well over the original quote that was 3500 and we're reasured it would not waiver much. We did not have the extra cash so we had to scramble to find money and ended up borrowing from friends otherwise they were going to place our things in storage which was an additional charge? But we're told on the phone when we booked that if storage was needed they had a 30 day free included The movers didn't even take our belongings into our home which was supposed to be included in the price they just took it off the truck and piled it in our drive way saying that it was an extra charge to take it inside because it was over allowed footage. As we ourselves trecked everything inside noticed a lot of our items we're broken. We were completely mislead when we booked with this company. We are in the process of documenting all the items they damaged and will be seeking reimbursement and I highly recommend anyone else that has had issues with them to do the same. I am left wondering how this company is in business seeing how so many people have had such horrible experiences with them. Shame on them for misleading people who have trusted them with their belongings and essentially their lives. You Atlantic van lines may not feel importance for our things but those things represent our lives and memories which cannot be replaced.

  6. Read ALL the fine print!!

    We have never moved to another province and we thought we had done an adequate job researching moving companies. The company we chose, Atlanntis Van Lines was one of several we had narrowed down our choice to. They all were quite similar at first glance but I had a long detailed phone conversation with the company's Senior CR Manager Vicky and apparently we were not on the same page because what she told me that day conflicted in many ways to the actual outcome. Because we seemed to have reached a mutual understanding during our phone conversation, when she emailed the contract I did not read all the fine print as I took her at her word. I will never make that mistake again.
    I left the conversation assuming: 1) Our stuff would be picked up in the morning
    2) Our stuff and my mother's(who was also moving out of her Vancouver apt and moving with us to a shared home in Edmonton) would be on a dedicated truck - I had asked Vicky this specific question.
    3) Our truck would arrive on the 1st as I had told Vicky that my fiancee was flying out on the 31st so she could meet the movers.
    4) That the cost of our move would not differ greatly from the original quote.
    Well reality was far different in every aspect.
    1) I was contacted very close to moving time and was shocked to find out the movers would not be picking up in the morning but the afternoon which did not work for us because my Mom had to be out of her place by noon with everything cleaned. I had to get them to pick her stuff up the day before and then they returned to our place on the 31st.
    2) So sure our stuff was on a dedicated truck when picked up. What we weren't told is that it would be moved to a larger truck and "consolidated" and would not leave until the truck was full.
    3) This led to us not getting our stuff until one week later so we had to find a place to stay for a week while we waited for our stuff
    4) Last but definitely not least..we were hit with a final bill of $5150..oh and then hit with an additional 3% for paying by credit card for a total of $5310..our original quote was $1850..so that is 3x the original quote!!
    I understood there could be a difference once weighed but 3x the price??
    They obviously lowball their quotes to get business and then the actual is more in line where it should be.

    **Buyer Beware**

    Learn from our experience and do not ever use Atlanntis Van Lines.

  7. Thief.

    Dont Go with this company. The lost my all expensive stuff and when its time to claim.it they were offering me Just $30. Their Claim manager Anita she is very rude and disrespective Dont ever Ship your stuff with them.

  8. Move Across Canada.

    DO NOT GO WITH THIS COMPANY!! This company is corrupt - they claim your move will be based on the weight of your contents however they require a list of the items and then make a quote based on what you list. They of course quote high and if your item are less they still charge you their guesstimated cost. I was rushed and did not have the time to research them. I see from the other reviews most people felt ripped off. They damaged one of my shelving units and stole a dollie (which of course they omitted from their inventory). This is company is __ !!

  9. Reading this could save your life!!

    They have destroyed my belongings, my motorcycle, my tools, and my life.I cannot work with broken tools, the move has cost me everything I am at a complete loss I don't know how I will be able to go forward how could they ruin and loose so many of the things I held so dear and need for work and life ..How?
    This is how I feel right now,I am lost and alone in a new city and now with no lively hood as my tools are either lost or broke.
    I have many more pictures of broken boxes and tools.and a list of missing parts of my life that are gone forever.
    Some one please stop them from ruining more peoples lives like they have mine.dirty, lost ,broken and destroyed.
    I am destroyed.

  10. 0 Stars.

    Garbage moving company. Doesn’t put stuff in the rooms they pick them up from, packs your stuff in additional boxes so you can’t find it. Charges you double than what they quote.. because even though you clarify.. there is a an additional charge for packing, there is an additional charge for stairs that they add right before they deliver your stuff. Garbage company. Do not use these scam artists with no ethics!!

    I will be filing a complaint.

    These people should be put out of business.

    I’m also reporting them to marketplace and the media. I have all of the clarifications and inventory and everything I sent to them. They are awful!!

  11. Crooks-should be in Jail.

    Please warm the public of this horrific moving company, Troy Transportation, also own Atlanta Van Lines, Kingsway Van Lines, Armour Van Lines, Trilliums Moving and Storage ..They overcharge the clients for weight, returns their belongings smashed or destroyed. Change the name of the business only to avoid any consequences. Take no accountability and make a living at conducting business this way. They do not return calls to the BBB. Go to Troy Transportation Moving and Storage to read their reviews. They delivered our belongings with close to $20,000 in damages not to mention the overweight price they charged us and provided no proof of weight. They are not part of the Canadian Association of Movers! They should be in jail!!

  12. Zero stars. Run away.

    Seriously. Run. Don’t walk. Get away from these guys ASAP. I had actually read a couple of bad reviews.. but a lot of moving companies have bad reviews. It’s easy to write them off as “angry people who complain about everything”. I figured, happy people don’t wrote reviews after a move. I got a whole bunch of quotes, and not only was Atlantic van lines one of the best quotes (seemingly thourough, all fees upfront-even after I specifically asked about some, not super expensive, but not the cheapest) but I genuinely felt like the best customer service came from them. I felt really well informed and supported by the office staff, they always answered questions right away, and seemed to know their stuff.
    Nope. Just good sales people I guess.
    The movers were atrocious. They were nice, but they weren’t careful with my things, and the home we were moving out of needed to have the hallway and stairway repainted from all the scrapes. One spot, I actually had to re plaster because of a big hole from one of the guys dropping something down the stairs. Awesome. But at that point, what do I do? Say “no thanks, I’ll find another cross country mover with no notice”?! We had to go. I had sold the house and we were flying out in the morning. It was incredibly stressful.
    The move itself took a week longer than quoted.
    Whatever. Stuff happens. I’m actually a pretty understanding person.
    Then it got bad.
    When I received my things, virtually everything was broken. That sounds like an exaggeration, but it truly is not.
    I had bought brand new heavy duty moving boxes, wrapped everything in bubble wrap, packed things extremely well, and made sure nothing was too heavy. I figured, with the boxes travelling across four provinces, better to be safe.
    Once they were delivered, not ONE of the boxes could be reused. That’s how badly they were damaged. Holes, rips, wet.. just trashed. Much of the stuff in boxes was fine, but many things were dented or broken.
    Four boxes were missing.
    A ladder was missing
    A small, very special, one-of-a-kind table from Thailand that I hauled across the world with me was missing.
    Every piece (that sounds exaggerated, but I literally mean EVERY piece) that was not in a box, is somehow damaged.
    Three beds broken to the point of being unusable without a trip to the hardware store.
    A large, beautiful lamp, trashed..scrapes, a glass piece missing (probably shattered and gone I’m guessing), the whole thing is bent.
    Scrapes on everything.
    Dents on everything.
    Wood furniture pieces split.
    A bookshelf was muddy (how??!) and two shelves on it were broken.
    A large play kitchen missing one whole bottom side.
    Two pieces of art, beyond repair.
    A couch that now bends in the middle so zero people can sit on it comfortably. Great.
    A very special 150 year old antique dresser, scratched along the whole front.
    An almost-new leather recliner that sits crooked now and can’t rock because of it.
    The couple pieces that we had that was made of particle board (like, IKEA stuff, for example) had fallen apart. Actually apart.
    I could go on for soooo long.
    All of these large non-boxed items THEY wrapped and packed for me. And certainly not for free.
    I have a nice house. I buy nice things. I treat my things well. I’m good with tools, and my things are built and maintained properly.
    I’m absolutely heartbroken over these things. I know that they are just things.. and I’m focusing on the fact that all the people were moved safe and sound. But man oh man.. I hate that my things are all wrecked. I miss my lovely home.
    I tried to file an insurance claim. The amazing customer service staff were suddenly out of the office a lot. And since things were insured by the pound (uggggh) it just wasn’t worth it anyway. One of the pieces of art that was wrecked cost $1800. It was a very special gift that my husband and I bought for each other. It weighed about half a pound. So I could have received 30 cents for it.
    I would have been better off selling all of my things and just buying new at our new home. Unfortunately, that would cost far more than we have, so now I live in a house full of broken stuff. I’m still unpacking, and every day I find something new that is going from the box to the garbage dump. :(

  13. Worst company I've ever used.


    Their service is awful. It was raining when they picked up my things. They refused to remove their shoes and destroyed my carpets in my old home. When my things arrived they had caused over $2000 in damage and only offered me $50 compensation. I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

    I have moved several times and have never had an experience like this from any other moving company. Worst movers EVER!

  14. Garbage company.

    They send guys that took their sweet ** time and one didn't even know english. after 5 minutes of them taking 15 minutes to back up into driveway I knew from there it was going to be a long day, including both workers resting every 5 minutes. he one guy training the other it cost me another $600 from the last time I moved with another company which btw has the same amount of things of nothing needed to be set down every time they had to pick something up more than 10 swconds etc..

    worst company read the fine print cause if you think they will reimberse you for any damage from furniture to your home that you care for then you are in a delusional world.. I repeat get out while you can.. seriously..

  15. Poor everything.

    I decided to use this company because they offered a 5% discount because my partner works for a cargo company. Little did I know that this 5% is negligible compared to what I've had to deal with.
    They come across as friendly and accommodating in the beginning, but once I had agreed to use their services, I saw the issues.
    - Samantha was clued out about the documents I needed for a cross-border move and argued with me about what sections of the declaration form needed to be filled out. I had to ask multiple times until they finally told me last minute to send my passport etc.
    - it took 2 months for my items to arrive
    - the delivery driver called me Friday night to say he'd be arriving on Sunday morning. Dispatch called me with the wrong times after I'd already heard from the driver. I had to constantly ask when my stuff would arrive and was never given a definitive answer until it actually showed up. After waiting 2 months with no updates, I had to prepare to receive the stuff in less than 48 hours.
    - the driver, Yuksel showed up in a truck that didn't say Atlantic Van Lines so perhaps they contracted out to some other company. He had no helpers so he had to drive to the Home Depot to pick up some transients to do manual labour. Both guys were total idiots and slammed my stuff around and hit walls with no concern.
    - they would not release my goods until I signed the Bill of Lading - which was missing the official scale weight and had white-out covering most of the charges - and signed the credit card slip - which added an extra 2 or 3% just to use a charge card. Who the heck carries around $5000 worth of cash?!
    - I opened several boxes and found a lot of smashed glassware and broken dishes, the boxes themselves were dented like they had something heavy sitting on top, and they wrote my move number on some of my Rubbermaid totes with a Sharpie -defacing them permanently
    - my mattress and box spring - which I had specially wrapped - were dragged along something black which ripped open the covering and stained the fabric. Once I stood them up to reposition, water came gushing out. I can only imagine what the inside looks like.
    - my treadmill was obviously dragged as it it has deep abrasions on the motor, the rubber wheels are destroyed, and the module was soaking wet - where is all of this water coming from?? It was minus 20 on the day I saw the items loaded in Winnipeg and warm and sunny in California when they arrived.
    - for the damages they offered me $30 - based on the weight of the goods even though they specifically asked for the value of the items
    - my estimate was for a 2 bedroom apartment at roughly 1000-2000 pounds of goods but final scaling showed 2900 pounds - how is this even possible? How do you even dispute this?
    - customer service is outright useless

    Moral of the story: don't use them! I disputed the claim through my credit card but I lost the battle because the merchant said I signed off. If I hadn't signed the Bill of Lading, I might have had some recourse, but then the driver would not release my goods and who knows where they'd get dumped. I'd already been waiting 2 months.

    There's one thing that bothers me and no one seems to be able to catch them on this: the Bill of Lading and the estimate state the charges as 1.60 cents per pound but I was obviously charged 1.60 dollars per pound. Why are they getting away with this? It's obviously a major error on their part.

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