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Long Distance Relocation Services

Long Distance Relocation Services reviews from real customers

On this page you will find reviews on the company Long Distance Relocation Services from real customers. We have filtered custom reviews so that you can really evaluate whether it is worth contacting this company or it is better to contact other movers.

Company average rating Long Distance Relocation Services – 3.9 (calculated based on 129 reviews).

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Long Distance Relocation Services

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  • Company: Long Distance Relocation Services
  • Location: 9330 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy #900, Dallas TX, 75243
  • Website: www.longdistancerelocationservices.com
  • Email: info@longdistancerelocationservices.com
  • Phones: (844) 955-5050

129 Reviews: Add Review

  1. Good workers.

    I have some pretty heavy toolsets that have to be moved with great care. I watched these guys work and they took great care and treated my belongings with the respect that comes from having a great work ethic. Highly recommended company.

  2. Possible scam.

    LDRS picked up my things almost an entire month ago and they are still being held in a storage facility across the country. We already paid in full so I suppose they have no incentive to follow through with our delivery. I was given a few delivery dates that kept being pushed back and they finally admitted that they never even loaded my things for delivery when they said they did. I see no timeline for getting my things back and have incurred great expense from repurchasing everyday household items like a stroller and a highchair since mine are being held. We have been sleeping on the floor and living out of a suitcase for the past month with no end in sight.

  3. Nightmare to deal with Long Distance relocation services.

    First of all, because of my husband's job, we moved quite a few times in the past 10 years. We didn't mind moving so much until we had service with Long Distance Relocation Services. It became a nightmare for us thinking of moving again.
    We moved from Atlanta to Chicago on August 2 and was assured that our belongings would arrived by August 4 and that the contract saying up to 10 days is just "follow the book" when we tried to cancel the move because we needed the exact delivery day. Well, our truck didn't arrive until August 16. We had to stay in hotel and then because we couldn't afford anymore, in an empty house for 2 weeks. Their customer service was the worst part. Paula, the customer service manager was rude and never showed empathy/ apology for what we had to suffer. They promised to call us multiple times by specific time/day to update about the truck but never did. Our belongings arrived with 1 vintage chair and all the shelve units of 2 book shelves missing. Those were 2 bookshelves that the pick up people up charged us for $300 extra. We decided to have them move the bookshelves anyway. Now we had 2 big frames sitting in the living room without any shelves to put stuffs on. Their delivery driver noted the missing items, however they asked us to file a complicated claim with public notarization (?) and said they had up to 4 months to take action.
    SO PLEASE, DO YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY A FAVOR AND AVOID THIS COMPANY. I wouldn't recommend this company, even to my enemy.

  4. LDRS - Breach of Own Contract.

    My experience is very detailed and can not fit here - It is available on the BBB website. To be completely transparent and to help others in future decision making, I included dates, times, names, contract details, etc.

    The primary complaints I have are as follows:
    -Failed to deliver inside promised delivery date (even with $600 paid guarantee - (Family had to spend 7 days in a motel at our expense)
    - Failed to respond to communication requests, updates, etc.

  5. Horrible Horrible Company to do Business With.

    We had such a horrible experience with this company that we contacted the BBB and filed a complaint. I copied and pasted on here the complaint I submitted to the BBB. This is a copy of that complaint with their responses interjected periodically. I then responded to their responses.

    Consumer’s Original Complaint: On June 4th I called to get a quote for our move from North Carolina to Alabama. The representative asked me questions in regard to our belongings to which I answered. I also provided them with documents from our last move 3 years ago. (Let me interject here that we got rid of a lot of items that were in that prior move) I received a quote in writing June 6th for 2319 cubic ft with a total cost of $12,383.35. The representative told us the amount would not increase, only decrease if we ended up with less cubic ft than the estimate. If memory serves me right that was stated more than once- estimate would not increase, only decrease.
    LDRS Response to the above– "We not denying that we might have said that “price would not increase” but customer is not saying the second part of the sentence, “unless you decide to add additional items”.
    My response to LDRS - We didn't "add additional items." They don't ask the right questions in order to get accurate information as to what our household belongings are. We answered questions accurately in what they asked us. How would we know to do anything but answer what they ask?

    Our move was scheduled for the first week of July. On Monday, July 2nd a Quality Assurance representative called me to do a thorough walk-through of what is in the home based on pictures from the MLS listing of our house on the market. This phone call took place approximately 5 days before our move - though this move date was changed several times due to representatives in the company giving us dates they apparently had no right to give us as they weren't Dispatch (we were later told that by Dispatch that those employees had no right to give us pick-up/move dates, and that this dispatch person was not a part of that phone call so those dates can't be honored) The Quality Assurance phone call increased the estimate to $15,109.15.
    LDRS response to above – "Quality Assurance call did not increase the estimate – additional items and services did. Quality Assurance call was made to make sure that we have most accurate information right before the move. People sell furniture, donate or simply deciding not to take some."
    My response to LDRS - I love how they put the blame of the inaccurate number of items on the client - as if we know how many boxes we will have once everything is packed. What client would know- Oh, our bedroom will take 8 boxes? I'm sorry, we didn't know how many boxes each room would require.

    My wife called them back to complain that a company that provides exceptional customer service would not raise a quote 5 days before a move so that the consumer has no choice but to go with them since we now had no time to choose another moving company.
    LDRS response to above – "We not really understanding what exceptional customer service has to do with adding additional items to the inventory."
    My response to LDRS - Ummm wow. I mentioned "exceptional customer service" because I thought that was what we would receive. A company with exceptional customer service would not call 5 DAYS before a move and do a walk through that raises the amount when their own cancellation policy says we will not receive our deposit back if we cancel after 7 days before the move date. 5 days before a move makes it impossible for a customer to cancel - especially when the company has over $3,000 of our designated moving funds.

    The Manager that my wife spoke to was condescending and rude and spoke to her as if my wife was a child. This did escalate my wife. The manager did not want to hear anything my wife had to say. We did not have the funds to pay this additional unexpected cost. This made her frantic as we were on a deadline. This stressed her to the point she was crying. My wife did later apologize- the manager did not. The fact remains, this company put the blame on us for not providing accurate information to them at the time of the booking. We answered all the questions asked of us and assumed we could put our trust in someone who does this for a living. They did not offer an apology for this HUGE inconvenience of not asking the right questions at the initial phone call/booking so they could give us a more accurate quote. They continued to blame us. This "quality control" phone call should have taken place the very next day after booking. This would have given us the time to choose another company. The phone call between my wife and manager ended up in the company wanting to listen to the recorded conversation between me and their representative at the initial estimate phone call. They listened to it and then called us back and said they would offer a discount after listening to the recorded call. Perhaps it was the
    "this estimate won't increase" part of the call, but I am assuming that. They never told us what made them give the discount. This dropped the final total to $13,745.
    LDRS response to above – "Let us apologize again, we are very sorry that customer fills that way, but it does not mean that we have to agree with everything what was said. For all the issues we offered $1000 discount, so we thought we put it behind us. Apparently not."
    My response to LDRS - It would have been "put behind us" except that on the delivery date AFTER everything was loaded they increased the amount AGAIN - DUE TO POOR PACKING AND LOADING!! This was NOT due to us "adding additional items" as they so lovingly want to say because they think that response makes them look good.

    Our closing date was scheduled for Monday, July 9th. The packers/drivers arrived Sunday July 8th. My wife and I, after receiving that call on Monday increasing the total cost, began selling and getting rid of even more items than we initially did. We also packed quite a bit of our belongings. We were trying to get it lowered by getting rid of a lot. When the packers were about 3/4 of the way done I went out to disassemble shelving units that were in the garage. The packer who seemed to be in charge told me to leave them assembled. I was shocked. I responded with, "Your company charges per cubic ft. Why would I leave them assembled?" He replied, "Oh, I forgot. Please go ahead a disassemble them." This made us panic.
    LDRS response to above– "What exactly made customer panic we not really understanding. That was a new employee coming from the company working by weight. It does not meter for those companies – assembled shelf weights the same as disassembled. He was confused, but realized that and told customer to continue disassembling. Where is the reason for panic?"
    My response to LDRS - Wow- doesn't take an idiot to see the reason for the panic. If this packer came from a company that charges per weight and he is now almost through packing my house- HELLO!! That means he had that line of thinking the entire time he was packing. How can you not see that? And even if you could see that. What difference does it make that I stated we panicked? We are the customers and we panicked. Instead of responding in a condescending way- how about responding that you apologize for the fact that we panicked. That would be how a company that cares about their customers would respond. But you dont- you are condescending.

    We walked around room to room and found boxes and boxes packed. We were confused as to what could be in all the boxes as we had packed quite a bit ourselves. We found that couch and chair cushions were removed and packed into large garment boxes instead of being shrinkwrapped with the couches and chairs. We touched and moved garment boxes that felt half full. Clothing moved from side to side due to having excess space. I went out and watched them load and saw the loading job was terrible. Boxes were turned on their corners so another box couldn't be put in beside it. Space in the trailer was not used to its fullest. The packers and loaders did not appear to be trained with the thinking of "how can I best pack this client so we take up the least amount of trailer space and yet be careful in handling their belongings." It was done rushed and haphazardly. We don't even know yet the extent of the inefficiency of the packing job. We won't know fully until we begin unpacking. And, of course, this loading and packing caused the estimate to increase yet again. We weren't told of this increase until everything was almost completely loaded. We didn't want to sign the document stating the increase in cost but were told they would not move anything if we didn't sign it. I understand about DOT laws. This is not about those laws - this is about making things right by your consumer. We should have been able to rectify this situation then and there and we weren't given that opportunity. Closing on the home was the very next day. We had no choice but to sign. We couldn't have them leave everything in those trailers or even worse - unload it all if we didn't sign. The new quote was now around $19,000. We do not feel we should pay for inefficient packing and loading. They need to be better trained. The main office and management need to be trained on how to speak to an unhappy consumer and the loaders and packers need to be trained how to efficiently pack and load in a way that fits a company that charges per cubic foot.
    LDRS response to above – "We appreciate customers’ advices and we will look into it. What we wanted to say that original estimate was given to transport 370 items to Alabama. 496 items were delivered in Alabama. 126 ADDITIONAL ITEMS. You can blame on the loaders, packers, office staff, but if you have 30% more items that you have on the estimate you should expect the increase in price."
    My response to LDRS - Umm why would I not blame it on the loaders? How is it my fault they packed terrible which caused needless additional boxes? Not only additional boxes but the way things were loaded. Let me give an example of the exceptional loading skills. 1) a lawn mower was loaded on TOP of my living room furniture chair. Oil spilled out onto my chair. Now, if you charge per cubic foot - why would you out a lawn mower on top of a chair?? 2) They also unloaded all my dresser drawers which caused LOTS of additional boxes. Those items should have been kept INSIDE the dresser drawers, you can't tell me you can't move items like that because the last 3 moves we made the movers left the clothing in the dresser drawers. This cause MUCH more cubic space due to the boxes. We should NOT be responsible for that ridiculous way of packing and using space.

    What is so sad is that we now will be telling the people delivering that we want them to unload everything and put it on the bottom floor of our home. Even though we paid for packing and movers that would put things in their appropriate rooms we do NOT want to pay the additional charges that will incur for STAIRS. We will move everything upstairs ourselves.
    LDRS response to above –"We do not charge for internal stairs. Customer is just jumping to conclusions and assume something that not really there."
    My response to LDRS- We weren't assuming anything, the contract is worded weird that talks about stairs. We were simply confused. When the driver arrived he explained it better to us.

    What amazes me also is that this company states they work 7 days a week but their delivery window is 17 BUSINESS days. And we found out yesterday they will be delivering on the 17th day. All our belongings are sitting on a dock somewhere for an entire month. Anyone in trucking knows this is a claim waiting to happen. It is a testament to inefficient logistics for a professional moving company.
    LDRS response to above – "What is the connection between our delivery window and our working hours? 17 BUSINESS days was the condition for delivery from the beginning, if customer was concerned with it he could have changed the company. It was not a problem than, why it is now?"
    My response to LDRS - It's not that its a problem. We used movers before that give us a window. NEVER has any of them taken the entire window to deliver. We just think its odd that this company works weekends but doesn't include those days in their timeframe given. From a Public Relations perspective it looks poor. Of course, one thing I know is this company doesn't look at things from a PR perspective.

    A second response from LDRS for above paragraph– "Obviously customer is not in trucking. Shipments not sitting on the docks, they are kept in warehouses. Anyone understands that shipment in the warehouse has 0.1% of the “claim to happen”.
    My response to LDRS - Wow again - aren't they polite in their responses to their clients?? I apologize I used the word "dock" instead of "warehouse." Apparently I fell into that .1% because we had more items damaged in this move than ALL OTHER MOVES COMBINED! In fact, I will state here - Allied moved us once and NOTHING was damaged. Atlas moved us once and 2 large items were damaged but nothing in boxes was. Allied moved us again and 1 item was damaged. This company damaged so many items and lost items that I can't even type them all here. It would take too long.

    We will be in an empty home for a month. My wife also has had to put her business on hold for an entire month and can't make money because they have all her products. This family owned and operated company does NOT have our family's best interest in mind. It appears yet again, they "hook" the consumer in and then later increase cost at a point in the transaction that the consumer has no choice. They use their contract verbiage to justify their actions. It is deceitful and unethical to do business this way. You would think after all these complaints that are identical in nature they would change how they do business, but they obviously don't care to.
    LDRS response to above – “They use their contract verbiage to justify their actions” – really?? We use our contract verbiage because it’s the contract between the company and the customer and we follow it. We are very upfront with what we are going to do, at what rates and in what time frame and if someone decides that it’s a joke and contract do not mean anything we cannot help it."
    My response to LDRS - Wow - again the response is so pleasant. They are NOT UPFRONT ABOUT ANYTHING!! If they would simply provide a walk-through of the contract with the client at the beginning of the transaction - that would prevent A LOT of what is frustrating to their clients. That is a simple yet PROFOUND way to provide great customer service. But, if you recklessly choose to use this company you will find they DO NOT provide good customer service once they have your deposit. Once deposit is paid.. BE PREPARED!!

  6. Beware! Dishonest with the estimate!

    BEWARE!! If I could give this company a 0 I would. They did the old bait and switch. They gave me 1 estimate up front. Then on moving day, loaded 1 truck which left immediately for a warehouse in Maryland then loaded part of the 2nd truck. Then they told me that I was just about at my cubic feet and that they needed an additional $5000 to complete my move. At this point a good portion of my items were on their way to Maryland and 1/2 my items were still in my house. Mind you.. I spent a lot of time confirming my items by emailing them a full list as well as speaking with a "Quality Assurance" Rep who was viewing photos of all of my items online. So how was my estimate so far off??And..The Foreman did a walk through in my house prior to loading the truck. Never once did he tell me my estimate was inaccurate prior to the load. Fraud!!
    I had to come up with the money in order to get my items back. I admit that I had some additional boxes but nothing that was worth an additional $5000. Total rip-off! Then they offered me a small amount of money back but wanted me in return to waive my rights to complain or take action. Are you kidding me! BEWARE of this company! Hire a mover that is more upfront and honest about the cost of your move! Moving is very stressful and there should be no surprises.

  7. All the 5-star reviews are fake.

    Notice the standard moving scam practice they use. Every real review (they are all one-star) is followed by an avalanche of fake five-star reviews. Don't risk it. Don't use this scam company.

  8. Thumbs up every time.

    We used this company a couple of years ago and decided to use them again on the move back. As before, the movers did a great job and knew their roles very well. Their professionalism is one of the main reasons this company is so good. From the office to the movers.

  9. Smooth.

    We had a great moving experience with Long Distance Relocation Services from start to finish. They were also on time for both pickup and delivery which helped us stay on schedule. It was a fairly long move (California to North Carolina) so the punctuality was very helpful. And when we watched our moving crew, Jeremy and Steven and Tim at work, it showed that they were actual professionals doing a job they knew and understood, not just part-timers simply throwing things in and out of a van. We are very happy with the service we received and how smoothly it all went.

  10. Stick with them!

    I recommend using Long Distance Relocation Services based on the two experiences I have had using them myself. I did not leave a review after the first time because I thought all movers were as good. On my next move, I went with another company that was cheaper and it turned out to be a disaster of wasted time, broken/damaged furniture and frustrating movers who just didn’t care. I came back to these guys this time for my move from Indiana to Minnesota and everything went as perfectly as the first time I used them.
    I was moving a 2-bedroom apartment.

  11. This company is the worst I have dealt with in 6 different moves.

    Do not even consider this company. The five star ratings have to be bogus - I can't believe anyone would be happy with their service. They did not come out and look at my belongings but estimated $5500 over the phone based on the size of my house. This changed to $11,000 when I gave them a more complete list of items including the exact number of boxes of each size. Final cost was $17,900 for a 2200 square foot house and they did no packing except a couple of pre-arranged items and the glass from tables.

    I contracted with Long distance relocation services and paid $17,900 for a move from Sacramento to Albuquerque. They subcontracted to Long Distance Van Lines of Florida (as evidenced by my credit card statement). LDVL was beyond awful. I have moved 6 times in my adult life and have never experienced anything remotely this bad. I was promised one truck so that our goods would not go into storage or be transferred. They showed up with 2 small trucks. Upon pickup, they gave me a bill of lading/itemization that was blank, and once I finally got a copy of the one they had written (at the end of the unloading) it did not designate items. They just wrote "box" rather than the items listed on the top of the box. Other items were illegible. As an example of the quality of their work, they packed my fragile lamps (which I had paid extra for) in one huge box and then placed my very heavy vacuum cleaner on top. In between pick up and delivery, the items were moved at least once and likely twice (the driver referred to storage). The final loading people paid no attention to markings on the box and at least half of the boxes were upside down, despite large red "fragile" stickers on all sides that indicated which side up. In addition, the driver was a rude, obnoxious bully and bullied me into signing the paperwork by saying the workers would finish up and do anything I asked. Even the workers appeared embarrassed. Instead, the driver pulled out immediately without offering me a checked off list of items or the chance to look at the truck. He didn't place furniture in normal places and banged up the wall when they dropped a heavy dresser (It didn't occur to them to take out the drawers to make it more manageable - which is what we did to get it into the correct room). He refused to reassemble our armoire and our garage shelving, both of which the company took apart. I had hired Long Distance Relocation Services because they claimed they were specialists with fragile/valuable items. I then hired a professional to specially pack my fragile antiques each item in a separate box with multiple layers of packing and sometimes a double box with additional packing. Still they managed to break several priceless antiques that were very well packed. In addition, they broke the front legs off an antique bedside table and multiple other large dings, dents and scratches on furniture. We now have many missing items but have no idea what boxes are missing because they did not check things off as they unloaded. I made 6 calls and 4 emails to the company with no return contact until a wrote a poor review. Then someone called the next day and offered me $400 to remove the poor review. What a joke.

  12. Hard workers.

    I had moved overseas and left all my stuff in storage. I used Long Distance Relocation Services to move it from storage in Washington DC to my new 4-bedroom house in Ohio. Let me just say that they did such a great job that I have been singing their praises to virtually every person I know!
    A lot of the credit goes to the movers, Nick, Anthony and Jamal, but I will also say that their sales coordinator, Joy, did a great job of giving me the quote and scheduling everything to my convenience. I wish these guys all the success because they really do work for it.

  13. Professional Extortionists! Please do Not Use This Company!

    This is going to be a long review because of the lengths this company went to in order to extort money from me under great duress. First and foremost, I would urge you to seek another company immediately. Long Distance Relocation Services (hereinafter “LDRS”) has customer service representatives that are very convincing. My father used to tell me that a dumb person goes through life making mistakes, never gaining any knowledge from it; a smart person goes through life, makes a mistake and gains valuable knowledge so they do not make that mistake again; and a WISE person learns from the mistakes of others. Please be wise if you are considering the use of this company.

    First, please note that the “five star ratings” listed above are repeats. Look at the avatar pictures for the people leaving comments. Several have left two or more ratings and they are the same person (just look at the pics next to the name). The rating is inflated. Trust me. I found out the hard way.

    I researched the cost to move myself via self-move companies (price of the truck, cost to trailer my vehicle, cost to have movers load and unload the truck) and I was looking at approximately $2,500.00 for the move. Plus, I would have the added stress of driving myself, my two dogs and my trailered car ten hours to my new home. Stressful, yes. However, it was feasible.

    On July 3, 2018, I was contacted by “Angelo” with LDRS for a quote on my move from Indiana to Virginia. I was provided a quote for $4,580.00. However, because he knew I was on a budget, he was going to give me a discount on the Tariff percentage “to help me out.” The quote he provided to me, after going through a list of furnishings I had, was $3,426.00. It was $1,000.00 more than the DIY route. However, he assured me all my belongings would be wrapped, well cared for, LDRS was not a brokerage company that would hand off my belongings to another carrier, they were rated as an “Elite Member” with the Better Business Bureau, and it would alleviate the stress and worry of having to trailer my car, move, drive, and deal with dogs. For $1,000.00, I considered what my time was worth, the stress of the travel, I researched the BBB site he provide to me (fake) etc., and decided I would proceed with LDRS. On this date, I provided a deposit of $1,269.00; leaving a balance of $2,157.00. It was explained that one-half of the balance was due at pick up and the remaining balance was due at drop off.

    The estimate states:


    In reading this, you would believe that the quote was binding. You would be incorrect.

    On July 13, 2018, I received a call from “Quality Assurance” to go over my list of property again. Based upon the conversation with the QA representative, I was sent a second quote, which increased my move to $5,171.00 with and additional deposit of $348.00 due immediately to book the truck. When I asked about the quote increase, I was told it was better to overestimate because I could count on money back from the company if I didn’t use all the space. When I asked her how I would know what space I used, the QA rep indicated it would be “clearly marked” on the truck so there was no question as to the cubic feet my property utilized.

    At this point, I had serious alarm bells going off. I was provided an initial quote and now, it was being changed. I should have listened to my inner voice and pulled out of the deal. However, because my move was scheduled for less than seven days out, if I had cancelled at that time, I was informed I would not get my deposit back. I had no choice but to proceed. Now my quote (with a courtesy discount) was for $4,098.00 and I had paid a deposit to date of $1,617.00; leaving me a balance of $2,481.00 (half due at pick up; half due at drop off).

    I was informed my scheduled pick up would be July 19, 2018 between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. The truck did not arrive until 2:00 p.m. When the movers came in, I was greeted by “George,” who was going to go over the contract with me in detail and get further information from me. He asked me to show him what was being moved. I took him room by room and pointed out everything that had to be moved (primarily furniture) and I told him that the boxes I had packed could wait if needed. He explained to me that if I exceeded the cubic feet in the quote, they would have to charge me more for the space. I very clearly told him that I did not want to exceed the quoted space as I could not afford a higher move cost. I instructed him to load all the large furniture onto the truck first and that the boxes should go on last.

    He and his partner (it was a two man crew) began taking out my larger furniture. Some boxes were taken out to “make room to wrap my furniture” so it was not damaged during the move. The quote tells you that furniture pads are included. However, it does not tell you clearly that if the movers use tape to secure the pad, they charge you $4.00 per roll to do so…and they use a lot of tape. Additionally, you will be charged for labor costs while they are wrapping your furniture in “free” padding.

    I was unaware that the movers were taking all of my big furniture out to the driveway and not loading it on the truck. I was inside, finishing the boxes that were coming with me separately as I would be without my belongings for up to ten days. After an hour or so, I went out to look at the truck and what was in it. Imagine my surprise when I walked out and saw all my large furniture wrapped and sitting in my driveway. When I asked where all the boxes had gone, I was informed they were loaded on the truck already. I was then told by George, that all of my furniture in the driveway would not fit within the quoted cubic feet as the boxes had already taken up over 400 cubic feet of space in the truck. He informed me that I had a decision to make. He could take a couple of my bigger items and fill it to the quoted 773 cubic feet. Or, I could enter into another contract for 1100 cubic feet of space, which would accommodate all of my furnishings and boxes, however, it would be considerably more. He then sat on the back of the truck and said: “I’ll give you a couple minutes to talk. You have a decision to make.”

    As I walked past all of my large furniture, I realized there was no way to get that much furniture in the back of the truck my boyfriend had brought to help with the move. I was furious. I called the Customer Service line of LDRS and I spoke with “Michael” as Angelo was unavailable. I told him of the situation and that I felt I was being extorted. I had instructed the movers NOT to put the boxes on until the end as I needed my large furniture moved. Michael told me he was going to see what was going on and put me on hold. During my hold, I was disconnected. Try as I might, I could not get a live human being back on the phone to discuss this with me. I left several urgent messages to please have someone call me immediately. No phone calls were returned to me.

    After approximately five minutes, George sauntered back into my home and informed me that he could not stay all night. He needed a decision from me. I asked him to remove the boxes from the truck and put my furniture on as previously discussed. He refused to do so. He stated that he was “paid to put things in the truck but to take them off would be another job you will have to pay me for.” He then produced another contract for the 1100 cubic feet of space on the truck and told me I needed to make a decision. He could take a couple more of my belongings and leave me to deal with the rest (which they also would not move back inside). Or, I could enter into a contract for $5,610.00 to complete my move. With my deposit of $1,617.00 already paid, I would have a balance of $4,000.00; $2,000.00 payable immediately and $2,000.00 payable upon delivery. The final cost was over double what I was originally quoted in my “binding quote.”

    At this point, I had no other choice but to agree to the increased cost. I was due in Virginia to begin a new job on July 25, 2018; I had no way to get my large furniture to my new residence without incurring large costs; and I had no way to get my property already loaded onto the truck off. I truly felt like I was being robbed in my own home. It was presented as: “Pay extra or else…”

    On the morning of July 21, 2018, I received a call from “Brandy” in customer service who was returning my call regarding the move. I told her of the situation and she stated she would look at the paperwork when she got it on Monday (my belongings were scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday) to see if they could not discount the final bill due. She provided me with a direct telephone number and email so I didn’t have to go through dispatch…neither of them work now.

    Conveniently, on that same evening at approximately 8:00 p.m. I got a call from George to let me know they were ready to deliver my belongings the following morning and that I would need to have cash for the balance due or money orders from the United States Post Office. July 22, 2018 was a Sunday. I had no way to go to a bank or post office on Sunday. I asked if the furniture could be delivered on Monday to allow me the ability to go to the bank. I was informed if I did not accept the property on Sunday, I would be charged for the hotel room and time of the workers having to “stay overnight to accommodate my request,” as well as a $600.00 preferred delivery date charge. George said he would accept money orders if they were issued by Walmart and if I would agree to accept deliver Sunday morning. I reluctantly agreed.

    My property was delivered on July 22, 2018. When the movers arrived, it was not in a LDRS truck. Instead, it was a truck belonging to RUSS Express Company, bearing the USDOT# 2919710, which is not a registered vehicle of LDRS per the US Department of Transportation. A totally different crew of movers were present and I discovered that “George,” who I had spoken with the night before was not George. I showed him the money orders and told him that once my property was off the truck, I would give him the money orders. This was refused. Until I handed them the money orders, my property was not coming off the truck. I offered to leave the money orders in a neutral location where he could see them until my belongings were unloaded. This again was refused. With no other choice, I gave him the money orders and prayed my belongings were actually in that truck.

    The movers got to work and began bringing in my belongings. Not surprisingly, the boxes came in first. Why? Because LDRS had my belongings taken to a warehouse, where it was staged, and reloaded onto a broker’s truck for delivery…something Angelo said they did not do.

    My washer, dryer and refrigerator would not fit through the main door of the house I was renting and needed to go through the garage. At this time, “George/Not George” reminded his worker, in Russian that the contract called for a “long carry fee of $75.00.” Unfortunately for him, I understand Russian and told him he would NOT be charging me anything additional. I helped his mover with bringing in the washer, dryer and refrigerator. I was helping his employee with the trip through the garage and getting them in place. Additionally, I was already overcharged and I had no additional cash or money orders to give him. He backed down at this point and agreed not to charge the additional $75.00.

    Finally, the movers completely destroyed my $1,500.00 dining room table and my $250.00 entertainment center in the move. When I say destroyed, I mean the wood was completely shattered and cannot be fixed.

    In total, this move cost me $5,600.00, which was $2,200.00 more than I was initially quoted; and I had over $1,750.00 in furniture completed ruined (with a reimbursement cost of .60 per lb…you going to come weigh the table??). LDRS gave me no choice but to pay the additional monies or leave my furniture behind and pay to move it later. I have yet to hear back from Customer Service regarding the overcharging of this move or reimbursement for any of the damage to my furniture.

    This company quite simply extorted me and they did it with precision. I intend to follow through with a complaint to the Better Business Bureau. Please…do not use the website they provide you. Go to the BBB and look them up yourself. Do research if you are considering using this company. However, I would urge you to be the WISE person here…and learn from my mistake. This company practices in legal extortion. Don’t be a victim like me. Walk away from this company as quickly as you can.

  14. Thank you!

    Thank you for making our complicated move so simple and effortless (for us!). Your movers were very hardworking and very professional. They definitely deserve a 5-star rating and we are happy to recommend you to our circle of friends and family. Thanks again.

  15. Great company.

    My family and I are very happy with the moving experience we had with this company. The entire affair was very orderly and managed very well by their office. We were updated on the movement and possible changes in schedule (which never eventuated). Great work from everyone involved.

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